Magnus Carlsen – Vishy Anand, 2012

Vishy Anand from India was the undisputed World Champion from 2007 to 2013.

He defended his title against various challengers such as Vladimir Kramnik, Boris Gelfand, and Veselin Topalov.

In 2013, however, the young Magnus Carlsen defeated the reigning World Champion Vishy Anand in a match of twelve games. Carlsen even ended the match after 10 games and became the new World Chess Champion. In the following year, Magnus Carlsen was able to defend his title in another match against Vishy Anand.

One of the most famous chess games between Magnus Carlsen and Vishy Anand took place one year before their first World Championship match, however. Back in 2012, both players participated in the Sao Paulo-Bilbao Master tournament.