1. Copyright and disclaimer
This application is opensource software released under the GPL. Please
see source code and the LICENSE file
2. Changelog
This is a non-exhaustive (but still near complete) changelog for
Joomla! 1.5, including beta and release candidate versions.
Our thanks to all those people who've contributed bug reports and
code fixes.
* -> Security Fix
# -> Bug Fix
$ -> Language fix or change
+ -> Addition
^ -> Change
- -> Removed
! -> Note
-------------------- 1.5.3 Stable Release [22-April-2008] ---------------------
19-Apr-2008 Anthony Ferrara
# [#10009] Search Function yields warning
# [#10150] Installation minimum password length doesn't work
# [#10725] Installation not xhtml compliant
# [#10739] Spelling error in com_installer.ini
# [#10092] Switcher hides nested divs
# Fix for fatal error related to [#10638]
19-Apr-2008 Andrew Eddie
! Trailing white-space cleanup
# [#9725] JFilterInput Infinite Loop
18-Apr-2008 Ian MacLennan
# [#10732] Help screen updates for Menu Manager
18-Apr-2008 Sam Moffatt
# [#10724] Custom user groups fail to display
# [#10707] update link to forum in Sample content
# [#10638] mod_newsflash renders article separator after last article
17-Apr-2008 Anthony Ferrara
# [#9858] Flash Uploader not loading properly
# [#10511] Print button showing Array Print Array
# [#9775] Cache directory not writable causes warning
# [#10588] QueryBatch executing empty queries
# [#10675] Code Cleanup
# [#10702] JURI::clean fix (not properly stripping out /'s) - Thanks Alex Stylianos
# [#10308] Installer rejects valid DB names
# [#10323] Wrong param count for class_exists in TCPDF
14-Apr-2008 Mati Kochen
+ Offline validation
+ Legacy-Marker - a marker to show (admin) extensions requiring Legacy-Mode ON
13-Apr-2008 Sam Moffatt
# [#10639] mod_newsflash renders bad "read more" link text
# [#10574] Problem with template rhuk_milkyway in white color variation.
# [#10540] com_login not w3c valid
# [#10539] Contacts string repeat twice in com_contacts language file
# [#10510] /templates/beez/com_content/section/default.php
# [#10302] Milky Way and Beez lack editor.css files
# [#9984] Plugin parameters with pipes still not working perfectly
# [#10402] Mainmenu Module issues
# [#9977] Search module changing '-' to ':' in keywords
# [#10097] Various XHTML fixes
10-Apr-2008 Anthony Ferrara
# [#10508] Caching pathway and breadcrumbs fix
# [#10329] Debug fails with version of Zend Optimizer
10-Apr-2008 Mati Kochen
# [#10299] Added 'Use Global' as default value to weblink.xml
09-Apr-2008 Mati Kochen
# [#10253] Better PDF coding
09-Apr-2008 Mati Kochen
# [#10297] Fixed RTL in Offline message
04-Apr-2008 Toby Patterson
# Fixed [#10307] "Select Article" breaks on change category refresh ( Thanks Michael )
03-Apr-2008 Toby Patterson
# Fixed [#10197] component install error fails to reference left over folder in administrator/components folder
# Fixed [#10200] jdoc:include type="module" not usable
# Fixed [#10012] $task is not properly passed to extensions
# Fixed [#10345] emailcloak is not removed if the article does not contain @
29-Mar-2008 Ian MacLennan
# Fixed [#9335] Extra/Random table class (sectionentrytable0)
29-Mar-2008 Sam Moffatt
! Removed old TODO notice in installer
28-Mar-2008 Wilco Jansen
# Fixed [9118] Uncaught Error message in Extension Manager when uninstalling deleted component
! Thanks Ian for the patch
26-Mar-2008 Toby Patterson
# Fixed [9015] No .blank class in system general.css
-------------------- 1.5.2 Stable Release [22-March-2008] ---------------------
22-Mar-2008 Sam Moffatt
$ Added ko-KR installation language files
21-Mar-2008 Sam Moffatt
$ Added lt-LT, pl-PL and ca-ES installation language files
20-Mar-2008 Ian MacLennan
$ Added bn-IN and th-TH installation language files
20-Mar-2008 Andrew Eddie
# Fixed double-quoting bug in gacl_api::del_object
15-Mar-2008 Ian MacLennan
# [#9816] Fixed openid toggle link doesn't appear on component. Also fixes duplicate ids for com and mod.
# [#9816] Fixed username cannot contain + or - characters
# [#9816] Fixed css resulting from first patch above
15-Mar-2008 Sam Moffatt
^ Updated language XML files version to 1.5.2 and date to 2008-03-15 (pour JM)
12-Mar-2008 Ian MacLennan
# [#10156] Param for disabling the Flash Uploader
11-Mar-2008 Anthony Ferrara
# [#10077] Edit links for frontpage layout broken when not default menu item.
11-Mar-2008 Wilco Jansen
# [10129] front-end message when article submitted not translated
10-Mar-2008 Wilco Jansen
# [9971] Default parameter (global configuration) not stored in table
# [9976] Invalid behavior after switching list length
# [10112] Strings and tips added for 10019 editing options
# [10124] Notice layout in milkyway is not right due to missing some css
# [10071] Email alert for private message is confusing
09-Mar-2008 Mati Kochen
# [#10083] Upgraded TCPDF Library to v2.6
# [#10102] Removed unneeded IF clause for ICONV usage
08-Mar-2008 Andrew Eddie
# [#10103] Additional Content Filtering
07-Mar-2008 Ian MacLennan
# [#9808] JHTMLSelect::Options dies if empty array passed
# [#10027] When bulit a menu with catalog list which catalog has no articles, error comes out when click this menu
# [#10055] Administrator login not possible due to unmasked querys.
07-Mar-2008 Andrew Eddie
# [#10032] JView::get() does not defer properly to JObject::get()
# [#9641] Extra
added by mod_mainmenu in access restricted menus
# [#10047] Size correction for some parameters pop-ups (patch)
^ Massmail BCC checkbox checked by default
05-Mar-2008 Ian MacLennan
# [#9817] TableUser has sendEmail set to 1 by default instead of 0, while JUser has it set to 0 by default
04-Mar-2008 Anthony Ferrara
# [#9964] lost password sends a bad link when Joomla is in a directory (Thanks Tomasz Dobrzynski)
# [#10011] 2 Bugs in com_newsfeed
# [#9828] Broken Links to blog items
# [#8679] Incorrect anchors in pagination for admin template
01-Mar-2008 Alan Langford
^ Conditional load of JLoader to support unit test.
+ Add jexit() global exit function, also for unit test.
^ Replace all non-environment calls to die() and exit() with jexit() (except external libs).
^ Make die message on no _JEXEC defined consistent throughout.
29-Feb-2008 Toby Patterson
# [#8775] Administration Toolbar translation issues
29-Feb-2008 Anthony Ferrara
# Error Log Library overwriting $date var (fatal error)
# [#9673] Media Manager + Global paths issues
# [#9978] Alias URLs don't work when SEF enabled
* Sanitization of image and media paths in global config
# Fix for date in com_messages (Thanks Jens)
28-Feb-2008 Anthony Ferrara
+ JFactory::getDate
+ Support for locale based JDate override (for support of non-gregorian calendars)
^ Changed all calls from $date = new JDate() to $date =& JFactory::getDate();
^ JDate now does the translations on its own (it does not rely on setlocale()) for thread safe function.
$ Added support for xx-XX.date.php in frontend language directories (to be used for non-gregorian calendars).
! all instances of JDate should now be retrieved via JFactory::getDate(); (to allow for overrides)
# Notice with JTable::isCheckedOut when called statically
# [#9832] [#9696] Invalid Itemid causes router to choke
# [#7860] Cache Callback ID not reliable if callback is object
# [#9715] Development info cached (also fixes tpl=1 case)
# [#9421] Fix for INI parsing with | in the content
$ [#9848] DESCNEWITEMSFIRST & LAST added to many places.
# [#9377] Easier translation and localization
# Upgrade TCPDF to 2.2.002 (Removes GD, libjpeg and libpng dependancies)
# [#9968] Fix for router using default menu item vars if non-sef url passed when sef is enabled
# [#9288] Title not escaped in link for section blog view
28-Feb-2008 Wilco Jansen
# [9946] Page title issue for contents
28-Feb-2008 Sam Moffatt
^ Changed incorrect and misleading text in LDAP Authentication plugin
28-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan
# [#9402] Alternative read more
# [#9909] Newsflash Module returns incorrect SEF URL
# [#9847] JTable::isCheckedOut() can throw an undefined method error
# [#9912] Error in sample data
$ [#9967] 2 missing strings in admin
# [#7960] JFilterInput
27-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan
# [#9648] Cache folder disapearing with legacy mode enabled
# [#9805] bad url element for content pdf links]
26-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan
# [#9845] com_user Login form does not offer OpenId login option
# [#9844] created date on openid created users is invalid
# [#8676] OpenID related untranslated strings [js]
26-Feb-2008 Hannes Papenberg
# [#9916] Saving Article Layout menu does not work
25-Feb-2008 Ian MacLennan
# [#9932] Typo in file
# [#9907] Code cleanup com_weblinks,