>>" ; $sas_lang['forum_previous_page'] = "<<< previous page" ; $sas_lang['forum_msg1'] = "You didn't supply a user ID." ; $sas_lang['forum_msg2'] = "Your user ID must be at least 4 characters long." ; $sas_lang['forum_msg3'] = "You didn't supply a password." ; $sas_lang['forum_msg4'] = "Your user password must be at least 5 characters long." ; $sas_lang['forum_msg5'] = "The two passwords you supplied do not match." ; $sas_lang['forum_msg6'] = "Your password may not be the same as your user ID." ; $sas_lang['forum_msg7'] = "You didn't supply your first name." ; $sas_lang['forum_msg8'] = "You didn't supply your last name." ; $sas_lang['forum_msg9'] = "You didn't supply your email address." ; $sas_lang['forum_msg10'] = "Your forum account was created with the following information: -" ; $sas_lang['forum_msg11'] = "already exists, Please supply a different user ID." ; $sas_lang['forum_msg12'] = "Login failed, User ID not found!" ; $sas_lang['forum_msg13'] = "Login failed, Password incorrect." ; $sas_lang['forum_post_topic_email'] = "New topic in: " ; $sas_lang['forum_post_reply_email'] = "New answer in: " ; $sas_lang['forum_link'] = "Link to " ; $sas_lang['forum_keep_posted'] = "Keep me posted via email?" ; $sas_lang['forum_no_users'] = "Sorry, there are currently no users for this forum." ; $sas_lang['forum_no_topics'] = "Sorry, there are currently no topics in the forum." ; $sas_lang['forum_head_text'] = "Welcome text (HTML code)" ; ?>