Please read any error message carefully; if you do not understand one of the error messages, please aks your system administrator for help." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_database_error'] = "An error occured using the database." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_file_copy_error'] = "An error occured copying a file." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_file_copy_error_media'] = "An error occured copying a file. Maybe an object with the same file-name already exists in the (sub-)album, or there is no free space available." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_error0'] = "No error." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_error1'] = "Error: The file you tried to upload is too large." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_error3'] = "Error: The file you tried to upload has been uploaded partially." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_error4'] = "Error: No file has been uploaded." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_error9'] = "Error: An object with the same file-name does already exist in the (sub-)album." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_error'] = "Error: There was an unknown error." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_allbum_thumbsize_x'] = "Horizontalní velikost miniatur (px)" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_allbum_picsize_x'] = "Horizontal velikost obrázků (px)" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_allbum_max_objects_per_page'] = "Maximální počet objektů na stránce" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_allbum_num_files'] = "Maximální počet objektů, které mohou být na stránce hned" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_allbum_num_objects_per_row'] = "Počet objektů v řadě" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_save_configuration'] = "Uložit nastavení" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_configuration_saved'] = "Nastavení uloženo" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_configuration_saved_text'] = "V pořádku uloženo." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_please_select'] = "Vyberte jeden nebo více objektů." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_description_1000'] = "The description you entered has more than 1000 characters. Please correct and try again." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_title_like_dir'] = "You have used \".\" or \"..\" as a title. Those titles are not allowed. Please choose a different title name." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_object_with_title'] = "The object with new title " ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_is_or'] = " is . or .. " ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_contains_illegal'] = " contains an illegal character " ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_has_description'] = " has a description consisting of more than 1000 characters " ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_which_is_not'] = "which is not allowed. Please correct and try to save the changes again." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_move_selected'] = "Move sel. items" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_move_heading'] = "Move objects" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_move_text'] = "The following objects will be moved (albums can not be moved):" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_move_text2'] = "Please select their destination:" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_move'] = "Move" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_move_error'] = "ERROR" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_move_error_text'] = "An error occured while moving the selected objects. All objects processed before the object that caused the error have been processed succesfully. When the error occured, no more actions have been taken. Please read the following error message:" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_move_file_error'] = "An error occured while moving a file." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_move_file_error_exists'] = "An error occured while moving a file. An object with the same file-name already exists in the destination album." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_move_dir_error'] = "An error occured while moving a directory." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_move_not_main'] = "It is not allowed to move objects to a main page. Please first create a main album and move the desired objects to this main album." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_move_empty'] = "You have selected (sub-)albums only. (Sub-)albums can not be moved." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_toggle'] = "(Ne)vybírat všechny" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_select_all'] = "Vybrat vše" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_deselect_all'] = "Nevybírat vše" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_order_album'] = "Order sub-album" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_order_album_text'] = "Please select the desired order below" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_order'] = "Srovnat" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_order_objects'] = "Srovnat položky" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_order_invalid'] = "The order you have entered is invalid. Be sure every object has a unique number." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_next_page'] = "Next page" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_previous_page'] = "Previous page" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_next_object'] = "Next object" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_previous_object'] = "Previous object" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_empty_album'] = "This (sub-)album does not contain any objects." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_album'] = "Album" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_gallery_main_page'] = "Hlavní stránka" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_no_main_albums_avail'] = "No main albums available." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_return_to'] = "Return to: " ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_download_file'] = "Download file" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_sub_add_media_error'] = "An error occured while adding a sub-album." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_album_with_title'] = "Album with title" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_not_nor'] = "already exists. Will not add this directory nor its contents." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_dir_exists'] = "The following directories have not been processed because an allbum with the same title already exists here." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_enter_both'] = "Please enter both a title and a description." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_category_is_page'] = "Connected to page?" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_home_picture'] = "Main picture:" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_alt_click'] = "Click on the picture to enlarge" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_no_linkpage'] = "There is no S@S page which corresponds with the name of an album." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_category_is_public'] = "Is album for protected area?" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_on_protected'] = "(*) Allbum on protected site." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_allbum_welcome'] = "Allbum welcome text " ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_allbum_max_allbums_per_page'] = "Maximal number of albums shown per page" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_stop'] = "[Stop]" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_play'] = "[Play]" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_forward'] = "[Forward]" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_backward'] = "[Backward]" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_continue'] = "Continue" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_status_running'] = "The slideshow is running" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_status_stopped'] = "The slideshow has stopped, Click on [Play] to continue." ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_seconds_1'] = " 1 second" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_seconds_2'] = " 2 seconds" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_seconds_3'] = " 3 seconds" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_seconds_4'] = " 4 seconds" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_seconds_5'] = " 5 seconds" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_seconds_10'] = " 10 seconds" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_seconds_15'] = " 15 seconds" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_seconds_30'] = " 30 seconds" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_seconds_45'] = " 45 seconds" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_seconds_60'] = " 60 seconds" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_last2first'] = "Last -> First" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_show_slideshow'] = "Show slideshow" ; $sas_lang['multiple_upload'] = "Multiple file upload" ; $sas_lang['sn_allbum_allbum_reverse_order'] = "Show last added album first?" ; ?>