kliků:" ; $sas_lang['stats_col5'] = "
vytvořeno:" ; $sas_lang['stats_col6'] = "naposledy
navštíveno:" ; $sas_lang['stats_col7'] = "
aktualizováno:" ; $sas_lang['date_format'] = "Formát data" ; $sas_lang['date_format_tip'] = "Vyplňte formát data pro statistiky jako např.: %d-%m-%Y" ; $sas_lang['editor_rows'] = "Počet řádků v editoru:" ; $sas_lang['editor_rows_tip'] = "Nastaví editor" ; $sas_lang['settings_introduction'] = "Konfigurace CMS Site At School pro správný chod systému." ; $sas_lang['sitetitle'] = "Titulek" ; $sas_lang['sitetitle_tip'] = "Název stránky WWW." ; $sas_lang['sessioncode'] = "Bezpečnostní kod" ; $sas_lang['sessioncode_tip'] = "This code is for better securing the CMS (you can choose a code)" ; $sas_lang['serverpath'] = "Cesta k serveru." ; $sas_lang['serverpath_tip'] = "Fill in the location on the webserver, like /home/httpd/htdocs starnet or c:/program files/apache/htdocs/ starnet" ; $sas_lang['URL_location'] = "URL location of Site@School" ; $sas_lang['URL_location_tip'] = "Fill in the URL to Site@School, like: http://www.yoursite.com" ; $sas_lang['environment'] = "Working environment" ; $sas_lang['environment_introduction'] = "Here you can set-up the Site@School environment." ; $sas_lang['language'] = "Language" ; $sas_lang['language_tip'] = "Choose a language for the Site@School Environment" ; $sas_lang['securitymethod'] = "Securitymethod" ; $sas_lang['securitymethod_tip'] = "Choose a security method" ; $sas_lang['editor'] = "Page Editor" ; $sas_lang['editor_tip'] = "Choose an editor for page editing" ; $sas_lang['high_visibility'] = "High-visibility mode" ; $sas_lang['high_visibility_tip'] = "Turn this on for larger fonts and higher contrast" ; $sas_lang['users'] = "Uživatelé" ; $sas_lang['users_introduction'] = "Vloží nové uživatele a určí přístupová práva." ; $sas_lang['modifyuser_introduction'] = "Vlastnosti uživatelů" ; $sas_lang['newuser'] = "Nový uživatel" ; $sas_lang['newuser_introduction'] = "Zřídí nový uživatelský účet" ; $sas_lang['accessrights'] = "Přístupová práva" ; $sas_lang['fullname'] = "Celé jméno" ; $sas_lang['fullname_tip'] = "Prosím jméno a příjmení" ; $sas_lang['username'] = "Uživatelské jméno" ; $sas_lang['username_tip'] = "Toto jméno je použito k přihlášení do systému." ; $sas_lang['password'] = "Heslo" ; $sas_lang['password_tip'] = "Toto heslo je použito k přihlášení do systému." ; $sas_lang['email'] = "E-mailová adresa" ; $sas_lang['email_tip'] = "Uživatelská e-mailová adresa" ; $sas_lang['email_tip1'] = "Pro potřeby mail-modulů." ; $sas_lang['deleteuser_confirmation'] = "Jste si jisti, že chcete tohoto uživatele smazat ?" ; $sas_lang['location'] = "Lokace ?" ; $sas_lang['personalsettings'] = "Osobní nastavení" ; $sas_lang['teachers'] = "Učitelé" ; $sas_lang['teachers_introduction'] = "Učitelské účty." ; $sas_lang['students'] = "Žáci" ; $sas_lang['student_pages'] = "Žákovské stránky" ; $sas_lang['class_page'] = "Třídní stránky" ; $sas_lang['student_pages_intro'] = "Vytváření, prohlížení třídních a žákovských stránek." ; $sas_lang['student_view'] = "Prohlédnout stránku" ; $sas_lang['student_update'] = "Ohodnotit stránku" ; $sas_lang['student_create_page'] = "Vytvořit stránku" ; $sas_lang['student_create_delete'] = "Smazat stránku" ; $sas_lang['student_delete_confirm'] = "Opravdu chcete smazat tohoto žáka ?" ; $sas_lang['students_move_to'] = "Přeložit do třídy " ; $sas_lang['students_have_moved'] = "ŽÁCI byli přeloženi do: " ; $sas_lang['class_delete_confirm'] = "Chcete smazat tuto třídu?" ; $sas_lang['page_delete_confirm'] = "Chcete smazat tuto stránku?" ; $sas_lang['class_delete_error'] = "Nejprve vymažte všechny žáky ve třídě !" ; $sas_lang['student_header'] = "Toto je stránka: " ; $sas_lang['student_no_page'] = "Žákovská stránka nebyla vytvořena !" ; $sas_lang['student_directory'] = "Název složky pro žáky:" ; $sas_lang['student_page_check'] = "Zkontrolovat žákovskou stránku:" ; $sas_lang['student_page_email'] = "Poslat e-mail ?:" ; $sas_lang['student_page_save'] = "Stránka byla uložena!" ; $sas_lang['student_email_message1'] = "Vážený (á) pane (paní), vytvořil jsem (upravil jsem) svou osobní stránku. Mohl (a) byste se na to podívat ? Váš " ; $sas_lang['student_email_message2'] = "Vážený (á) pane (paní), vytvořil jsem osobní stránku. Váš " ; $sas_lang['newstudent'] = "Nový žák" ; $sas_lang['students_introduction'] = "Zde vytvoříte nové žáky ve třídě." ; $sas_lang['class'] = "Třída" ; $sas_lang['class_tip'] = "Vyberte třídu pro učitele" ; $sas_lang['student_class_tip'] = "Vyberte třídu pro žáka" ; $sas_lang['newclass'] = "Nová třída" ; $sas_lang['newteacher'] = "Nový učitel" ; $sas_lang['student_name_exists'] = "Toto jméno již existuje!" ; $sas_lang['intranet'] = "Jít na interní stránky >>>" ; $sas_lang['sourcecode'] = "Zdrojový kod" ; $sas_lang['login'] = "Přihlášení" ; $sas_lang['login_text'] = "Vyplňte uživatelské jméno a heslo." ; $sas_lang['page_edit'] = "Editovat vaší stránku" ; $sas_lang['font_type'] = "Font" ; $sas_lang['font_size'] = "Velikost" ; $sas_lang['click_picture'] = "Klikněte na obrázek" ; $sas_lang['file'] = "Soubor:" ; $sas_lang['picture'] = "Obrázek" ; $sas_lang['outline'] = "Zarovnání:" ; $sas_lang['left'] = "Vlevo" ; $sas_lang['right'] = "Vpravo" ; $sas_lang['middle'] = "Doprostřed" ; $sas_lang['standard'] = "Standard" ; $sas_lang['border'] = "Ohraničení:" ; $sas_lang['nothing_selected'] = "Nic nevybráno" ; $sas_lang['html_code'] = "HTML code:" ; $sas_lang['link_text'] = "Text k odkazu:" ; $sas_lang['insert_picture'] = "Vložit obrázek" ; $sas_lang['insert_table'] = "Vložit tabulku" ; $sas_lang['insert_rule'] = "Vložit horizontální linku" ; $sas_lang['internal_link'] = "Vložit interní link" ; $sas_lang['directory'] = "Složka:" ; $sas_lang['load_images'] = "Nahrát obrázky" ; $sas_lang['up_images'] = "Nahrát obrázky na server" ; $sas_lang['width'] = "Šířka:" ; $sas_lang['height'] = "Výška:" ; $sas_lang['table_cols'] = "Řádky:" ; $sas_lang['table_rows'] = "Sloupce:" ; $sas_lang['shade'] = "Výplň:" ; $sas_lang['tools'] = "Pomůcky" ; $sas_lang['tools_introduction'] = "Here you can change the translation of your S@S and you can make a backup of your database." ; $sas_lang['language_file'] = "Language file to translate:" ; $sas_lang['language_file_new'] = "Specify language code (DE, DA, FR, etc.):" ; $sas_lang['language_file_saved'] = "Language file has been saved." ; $sas_lang['database_backup'] = "Database backup" ; $sas_lang['translation'] = "S@S TRANSLATE TOOL" ; $sas_lang['translation_introduction'] = "Please read the Translate Manual for detailed instruction on the use and posibilities of this tool ." ; $sas_lang['make_template'] = "Jak dělat Templates" ; $sas_lang['take_tour'] = "V rychlosti vysvětlit" ; $sas_lang['general_info'] = "Základní info" ; $sas_lang['tips'] = "Tipy a triky" ; $sas_lang['url_online'] = "When your schoolsite is up and running, we would appreciate receiving an email with the URL.
By pressing clicking here you send this email. Many thanks on behalf of the Site@School team." ; $sas_lang['input_error'] = "Prosím doplňte všechny označené položky !" ; $sas_lang['required_fields'] = "(*) Toto je nutné vyplnit !" ; $sas_lang['alerts'] = "Alerts" ; $sas_lang['alert_add'] = "New alert" ; $sas_lang['alert_intro'] = "Here you can add email addresses to which will be sent an alert when something changes on the site." ; $sas_lang['alert_email_exists'] = "Email address already exists!" ; $sas_lang['alert_sections'] = "Section (eg.: 1,2)" ; $sas_lang['alerts_send'] = "Send alerts? (Y/N)" ; $sas_lang['alerts_per_section'] = "Alerts per section? (Y/N)" ; $sas_lang['alert_message'] = "Alert for a change on site " ; $sas_lang['student_is_user'] = "Is pupil also a S@S user?" ; $sas_lang['teacher_is_user'] = "Is teacher also a S@S user?" ; $sas_lang['alert_change'] = "Change alert" ; $sas_lang['number_of_pages'] = "Number of pupil pages" ; $sas_lang['number_of_pages_tip'] = "Maximum number of pupil pages a pupil can have." ; $sas_lang['replace_tool'] = "String replacement tool" ; $sas_lang['replace_tool_intro'] = "With this tool you can replace text or links in the site content. The replacement is done throughout the whole site. Caution: make a database backup first !" ; $sas_lang['replace_from'] = "Replace string" ; $sas_lang['replace_to'] = "By" ; $sas_lang['copyuser'] = "Copy user" ; $sas_lang['copyuser_introduction'] = "Here you can create a new user with a copy of the preferences of an existing user" ; $sas_lang['class_no_linkpage'] = "There is no S@S page which corresponds with the name of this class" ; $sas_lang['other_pupilpages'] = "Other pages by" ; $sas_lang['public_area'] = "Veřejné stránky" ; $sas_lang['text'] = "Text" ; $sas_lang['replaced_by'] = "has been replaced by" ; $sas_lang['doc_index'] = "Documentation index" ; $sas_lang['clear_stats'] = "Clear statistics" ; $sas_lang['teacher_pages'] = "Teacher pages" ; $sas_lang['page_on'] = "Page on:" ; $sas_lang['both'] = "both" ; $sas_lang['site_email'] = "Site email address" ; $sas_lang['sitemap_welcome_text'] = "Welcome text (html)" ; $sas_lang['sections_tip'] = "Here you can specify which sections (sparate with comma) a user can edit, blank means all sections." ; $sas_lang['sections_not_found'] = "The given section(s) is not in the system:" ; $sas_lang['student_project_edit'] = "This page was created and is maintained by " ; $sas_lang['student_project_empty'] = "This page is empty : " ; $sas_lang['student_project_noedit'] = "The page of a pupil / teacher is not created : " ; $sas_lang['student_project_nostudent'] = "No pupil entered in the project " ; $sas_lang['student_project_boss'] = "Person in charge for the project : " ; $sas_lang['student_project_down'] = "Page down" ; $sas_lang['student_project_up'] = "Page up" ; $sas_lang['student_project_index'] = "Index" ; $sas_lang['student_project'] = "Project" ; $sas_lang['newteacher_prev_user'] = "New teacher already user" ; $sas_lang['userasteacher'] = "Create a new teacher from an existing user" ; $sas_lang['no_userasteacher'] = "The list of the users likely to become teacher is empty" ; $sas_lang['class_is_project'] = "Is class a project class?" ; $sas_lang['change_template_page'] = "Change the page's characteristics" ; $sas_lang['page_in_use'] = "This page is in use by %pupil_name%,
Please contact him/her to release the page!
The page is released when it is saved or when the user logs out." ; $sas_lang['student_project_tip'] = "You can register a pupil / teacher with a project" ; $sas_lang['student_projects'] = "Projects" ; $sas_lang['projects_introduction'] = "Here you can create / change project groups. A project is a special group with pages which can be assigned to one or more pupils." ; $sas_lang['project_new'] = "New project" ; $sas_lang['no_email'] = "You have to give valid email address!" ; $sas_lang['number_of_project_pages'] = "Give the number of project pages you want to create" ; $sas_lang['stats_cleared'] = "Stats has been cleared." ; $sas_lang['stats_clear_info'] = "Use with extreme care,
Please indicate which statistics you want to clear:" ; $sas_lang['student_project_members'] = "Project members" ; $sas_lang['student_project_page_names'] = "Project pages" ; $sas_lang['project_name_exists'] = "A project/class with this name already exists!" ; $sas_lang['file_permissions'] = "Directory permissions" ; $sas_lang['file_permissions_tip'] = "These permissions (linux only eg. 0666) will be used by uploading pictures via S@S (filemanger, allbum etc.)" ; $sas_lang['student_project_warning'] = "Check pupil\'s page and Send email cannot be given YES for both questions." ; $sas_lang['user_delete_error'] = "You cannot delete your own userid!" ; $sas_lang['password_reset'] = "Your password has been reset to:" ; $sas_lang['password_will_be_reset'] = "Your password will be reset if you click on the link below:

%link% Click here" ; $sas_lang['password_twice'] = "Specify your new password twice:" ; $sas_lang['password_need_change'] = "You have to change your password!" ; $sas_lang['password_change_problem'] = "There was a problem with your new password, please change your password again!" ; $sas_lang['password_has_changed'] = "Your password has been changed!" ; $sas_lang['password_new'] = "New password (2x)" ; $sas_lang['student'] = "pupil" ; $sas_lang['directory_not_empty'] = "is not empty, you will have to delete the files/directory by hand." ; $sas_lang['template'] = "Template" ; $sas_lang['choose_one'] = "choose one" ; $sas_lang['import_import'] = "Import pupils" ; $sas_lang['classes'] = "Groups" ; $sas_lang['fixed_record_length'] = "Fixed Record Length" ; $sas_lang['CVS_format1'] = "CSV (dateformat = YY/MM/DD)" ; $sas_lang['CVS_format2'] = "CSV (dateformat = MM/DD/YY)" ; $sas_lang['CVS_format3'] = "CSV (dateformat = DD/MM/YY)" ; $sas_lang['field_definitions'] = "Field definitions" ; $sas_lang['fixed_start'] = "Fixed start" ; $sas_lang['fixed_length'] = "Fixed length" ; $sas_lang['CSV_index'] = "CSV index" ; $sas_lang['fileformat'] = "Fileformat:" ; $sas_lang['unique_key'] = "Unique key" ; $sas_lang['first_name'] = "First name" ; $sas_lang['infix'] = "Infix" ; $sas_lang['last_name'] = "Last name" ; $sas_lang['birthday'] = "Birthday" ; $sas_lang['birthday_year'] = "Birthday (year)" ; $sas_lang['birthday_month'] = "Birthday (month)" ; $sas_lang['birthday_day'] = "Birthday (day)" ; $sas_lang['comments'] = "Comments" ; $sas_lang['more_editing'] = "More editing required" ; $sas_lang['recalculate'] = " Recalculate " ; $sas_lang['generate'] = " Generate " ; $sas_lang['everything_looks_OK'] = "Everything looks OK" ; $sas_lang['results_written'] = " : results written to the users table" ; $sas_lang['existing_name_used'] = "Existing name in system database will be reused" ; $sas_lang['name_used_more_once'] = "Name is used more than once" ; $sas_lang['multiple_upload'] = "Multiple upload" ; $sas_lang['return_to_editor'] = "Return to editor?" ; $sas_lang['teacher_delete_confirm'] = "Are you sure you want to delete this teacher and his/her personal directory and files?" ; $sas_lang['project_delete_confirm'] = "Are you sure you want to delete this project and its directory and files?" ; $sas_lang['page_in_use2'] = "This page is in use by user: " ; $sas_lang['user_revoked'] = "Your userid has been revoked, please request a new password." ; $sas_lang['file_check'] = "Following files might be suspicious because they are server executable:" ; ?>