Migration of 2.1 to 2.2

This wizard will perform the migration of version 2.1 to 2.2 .

Before you continue , please make sure you have made a backup of you MYSQL database.
This can be done with PHPMYADMIN or via backup tool from S@S.

  Step 1
S@S Database migration.

This migration consists of 2 steps:

1. Provide an email address for the newsletter module
2. Newletter module tables will be created and some S@S tables will be altered

Click on continue.


  Step 2
Please give the E-mail address of the administrator for the new newsletter module

Explanation: The newsletter module (which is a new module) needs a valid email address of a S@S user, this user will become the owner of the newsletter module.

You might have to go into S@S admin and change/add a user of your choice and give him a valid email address and use this email address here.

In the next step the Newsletter module tables will be created and other S@S tables will be altered..

  Step 3
0) { echo "Start migration .....

" ; print "Create newsletter tables."; $table_newsletter_content = $dbprefix ."m_newsletters"; $table_newsletters = $dbprefix ."m_newsletter_cat"; $table_email_adresses = $dbprefix ."m_newsletter_emails"; mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('newsletter_admin_email', '$email', 'Email address of administrator')"); mysql_query("CREATE TABLE $table_email_adresses (id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,name varchar(100) not null, email varchar(80),remarks varchar(100),newsletter_id varchar(30), date date, enable tinyint(4), surename varchar(35) not null, code varchar(12), PRIMARY KEY (id))"); mysql_query("CREATE TABLE $table_newsletter_content (id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, title text, archive tinyint(4) default 0, content text, newsletter_id tinyint(4), date date, published tinyint(4) not null default 0, sent tinyint(4) not null default 0, header text, footer text, PRIMARY KEY (id))"); mysql_query("CREATE TABLE $table_newsletters (id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, name varchar(50) , title text,link tinyint(4),email varchar(80) not null, confirm tinyint(4) not null, register_text text ,decline_text text , contribute_text text, contribute tinyint(4), extra_info varchar(40),contribute_thanks text , PRIMARY KEY (id))") ; mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_modules VALUES (NULL, 'Newsletter', 'sn_newsletter', 'newsletter.php, Add Newsletter', 'admin.php', '$table_newsletter_content,$table_newsletters,$table_email_adresses')"); print "

Start pupil pages migration."; mysql_query("UPDATE $table_modules SET options='user_login.php,Teacher/Pupils\'s login,viewpage.php,View pupil pages,viewpage2.php,View pupil pages per class' WHERE location = 'sn_studentpages'"); if (mysql_errno() != 0) { echo mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error(). "\n"; } mysql_query("UPDATE $table_pages SET module = 'sn_studentpages/user_login.php' WHERE module = 'sn_studentpages/student.php'"); if (mysql_errno() != 0) { echo mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error(). "\n"; } mysql_query("UPDATE $table_pages SET module = 'sn_studentpages/user_login.php' WHERE module = 'sn_studentpages/teacher.php'"); if (mysql_errno() != 0) { echo mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error(). "\n"; } print "

pupil pages migration finished."; print "

Start statistics migration."; $table_stats = $dbprefix."stats" ; $table_stats_new = $dbprefix."stats_new" ; $table_stats_old = $dbprefix."stats_old" ; mysql_query("CREATE TABLE $table_stats_new ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, ip varchar(15) NOT NULL default '', received date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00', pageid varchar(10) NOT NULL default '', sectionid varchar(10) NOT NULL default '', count int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id) )"); if (mysql_errno() != 0) { echo mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error(). "\n"; } mysql_query("UPDATE $table_stats_new SET count=1 WHERE id>0"); if (mysql_errno() != 0) { echo mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error(). "\n"; } mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_stats_new SELECT id,ip,received,pageid,sectionid, count(ip) as count FROM $table_stats group by ip,pageid"); if (mysql_errno() != 0) { echo mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error(). "\n"; } mysql_query("RENAME TABLE $table_stats TO $table_stats_old"); if (mysql_errno() != 0) { echo mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error(). "\n"; } mysql_query("RENAME TABLE $table_stats_new TO $table_stats"); if (mysql_errno() != 0) { echo mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error(). "\n"; } print "

Stats migration finished."; $query = "SELECT dbtables FROM " .$table_modules. " WHERE location='sn_form'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error().$query); if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { print "

Start forms module migration."; $table_forms = $dbprefix."m_forms" ; mysql_query("ALTER TABLE $table_forms ADD required tinyint(4) NOT NULL default 0"); if (mysql_errno() != 0) { echo mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error(). "\n"; } mysql_query("UPDATE $table_forms SET required = 0 WHERE id > 0"); if (mysql_errno() != 0) { echo mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error(). "\n"; } print "

Forms module migration finished."; } else { print "

Warning: Forms module not installed!, please run install_forms.php if you need this module."; } print "

Start search module migration."; mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_welcome', '

Search our site

Give a search argument:

', NULL)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_results', '10', NULL)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_name1', 'sn_news,m_news_articles,0', NULL)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_name2', 'sn_newsletter,m_newsletters,0', NULL)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_searchfield1', 'title, content', NULL)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_searchfield2', 'title, content', NULL)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_returnfield1', 'id, title, content', NULL)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_returnfield2', 'id, title, content', NULL)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_url1', '&article=@0@', NULL)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_url2', '&option=view&newsletter_id=@0@', NULL)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_pageid1', '2,43', NULL)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_pageid2', '9,94', NULL)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_name3', 'sn_studentpages,m_studentpages,0', NULL)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_searchfield3', 'content,title', NULL)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_returnfield3', 'studentid,content,title', NULL)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_pageid3', '3,44', NULL)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_url3', '&student=@0@', NULL)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_name4', 'sn_allbum,m_allbum,0', NULL)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_searchfield4', 'title,description', NULL)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_returnfield4', 'id,title,description', NULL)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_pageid4', '9,77', NULL)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_url4', '&ID=@0@&gallerypage=1', NULL)"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_extra_select1', '', ' ')"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_extra_select2', 'AND published=1', 'Only search in published newsletters')"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_extra_select3', '', ' ')"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('search_module_extra_select4', '', ' ')"); print "

Search module options inserted."; print "

Start allbum module migration."; $query = "SELECT dbtables FROM " .$table_modules. " WHERE location='sn_allbum'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error().$query); if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $moduletables = mysql_result($result,0); $moduletables = explode(",", $moduletables); $allbum_table = $moduletables[0]; mysql_query("ALTER TABLE $allbum_table drop object_file") ; mysql_query("ALTER TABLE $allbum_table drop original_file") ; mysql_query("ALTER TABLE $allbum_table drop used_space") ; mysql_query("ALTER TABLE $allbum_table change parents parent longtext") ; mysql_query("ALTER TABLE $allbum_table change thumb_file thumb longtext") ; mysql_query("ALTER TABLE $allbum_table add ispage tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0") ; mysql_query("UPDATE $allbum_table SET ispage = 0 WHERE id > 0"); $query = "SELECT path,title,id FROM $allbum_table WHERE type = 'picture'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error().$query); while ($allbum_list = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { mysql_query("UPDATE $allbum_table SET thumb = '$allbum_list[1]' WHERE id = '$allbum_list[2]'") ; } mysql_query("UPDATE $table_modules SET admin = 'admin.php' WHERE location = 'sn_allbum'") ; mysql_query("UPDATE $table_modules SET options = 'sas_index.php,View ALbums,sas_index2.php,View Album per page' WHERE location = 'sn_allbum'") ; print "

Allbum module migration finished."; } else { print "

Warning: Allbum module not installed!, please run install_allbum.php if you need this module."; } mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('media_dir', 'media', '')"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('studentpages_dir', 'studentpages', '')"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_editors VALUES (NULL, 'Plain text Editor', 'sn_plain/editor.php', '')"); $agenda_table = $dbprefix . "m_agenda_names"; mysql_query("ALTER TABLE $agenda_table ADD username varchar(20)"); print "

Migration is finished for version 2.3
You can now continue normal operation on your site.

Please don't forget to delete the starnet/install directory when you are finished!" ; ?>

The S@S team.


The email address: is not found in the Site@school users table!

Explanation: The newsletter module (which is a new module) needs an a valid email address of a S@S user, this user will become the owner of the newsletter module.
Please click the Return button and provide a valid email address.

You might have to go into S@S admin and change/add a user of your choice and give him a valid email address and use this email address here.