Migration of 1.2 to 1.2.1
This wizard will perform the migration of version 1.2 to 1.2.1 .
Before you continue , please make sure you have made a
of you MYSQL database.
This can be done with
or a simular tool.
Step 1
Database migration.
Tables will be altered during the next step..
Click on continue.
Step 2
" ; include("../configuration/database.inc.php"); mysql_connect("$db_server", "$db_username", "$db_password"); mysql_select_db("$db_name"); echo "Alter the pages table with extra field category.
" ; mysql_query("ALTER TABLE $table_pages ADD category CHAR(20)"); echo "Alter the pages table with extra field last update date.
" ; mysql_query("ALTER TABLE $table_pages ADD lastupdate DATE") ; mysql_query("UPDATE $table_pages SET lastupdate = '2003-09-01' WHERE id > 0 ") ; mysql_query("UPDATE $table_pages SET category = ' ' WHERE id > 0 ") ; echo "Insert some configuration data in the configuration table.
" ; mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('htmlarea_editor_rows', '20', '')"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('ads_email', '', '')"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('gbook_email', '', '')"); mysql_query("UPDATE $table_modules SET admin = 'admin.php' WHERE admin = 'starnet.php'") ; echo "migration is finished for version 1.2.1
You can now continue normal operation on your site." ; ?>
The S@S team.