" ; } $RecordCount = 0 ; $query = "SELECT config_value FROM $table_configuration where config_key='email_text'" ; // getting the email welcome text $result = mysql_query($query) or die_script(mysql_error()); $RecordCount = mysql_num_rows($result); if($RecordCount == 1) { Print "Welcome text already exists, " ; } else { mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('email_text', 'Here comes youre welcome text, see mail module configuration.', '')"); if (mysql_errno() != 0) { echo mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error(). "\n"; } else { Print "Welcome text added in configuration!" ; } } unset($query); unset($result); $RecordCount = 0 ; $query = "SELECT config_value FROM $table_configuration where config_key='email_thankyou_text'" ; // getting the email welcome text $result = mysql_query($query) or die_script(mysql_error()); $RecordCount = mysql_num_rows($result); if($RecordCount == 1) { Print "Thankyou text already exists! " ; } else { mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table_configuration VALUES ('email_thankyou_text', '
Your message has been send,Thank you very much.