############################################################################### # Site@School Content Management System for Primary School Sites # version: 2.4.10 ############################################################################## Important: - The manual HTML files are overwritten with the default files which say that the manual needs to be downloaded. You will need to reinstall/upload the manual belonging to version 2.4. - If you made changes to the language files via the translate tool, you need to rename the corresponding files (in starnet/languages/XX) to XX_user.php where XX is the language code eg. EN, DE , NL etc. You have to do this before you unzip or upload the new version , otherwise your changes will be lost. After the 2.4 upgrade you will need to load the every changed language files in the translate tool and press save. By pressing save the newly introduced language items will be added to your XX_user.php file. - in 2.4.xx user passwords can be stored encrypted in the mysql users table. to get encryption of passwords a seperate install: starnet/install/install_encryption.php needs to be run. We strongly advise you to use this feature! - in this 2.4.10 you can delete print.php from the root of your site and use index.php?print=yes instead. You need to change your template, see the standard template main.inc.php for example code. Migration: If you have an existing version of Site@School running you need to migrate. Before you migrate make a backup of your database with the backup option or with a tool like PhpMyAdmin. With almost every new version mysql tables are added or altered, below is plan which you should follow step by step depending on the version you have at the moment: version 1.0 to 1.1: run migrate.php version 1.1 to 1.2: run migrate1.1_1.2.php version 1.2 to 1.2.1: run migrate1.2_1.2.1.php version 1.2.1 to 2.0: run migrate1.2.1_2.0.php version 2.0 to 2.1: run migrate2.0_2.1.php version 2.1 to 2.2: run migrate2.1_2.2.php version 2.2 to 2.3: run migrate2.2_2.3.php version 2.3 to 2.4: run migrate2.3_2.4.php version 2.4.0x to 2.4.10: run migrate2.4_2.4.1.php All migration scripts are in the 2.4.10 zip file in the starnet/install directory. * Unpacking: Extract the siteatschool.tar.gz into your webserver directory: tar xzvf starnet.tar.gz When you have a siteatschool.zip file, extract the .zip file. unzip siteatschool.zip If you have a your site hosted at a provider you have to ftp the unziped files to your service provider. After the files have been installed you need to run the appropriate migration file. When migration is finished, all files should be deleted from the starnet/install directory. The S@S Development Team