$last) { $pagenum = $last; } $limit = 'LIMIT ' .($pagenum - 1) * $page_rows .',' .$page_rows; $sqlxrr = "SELECT `ID`, `artist`, `title`, `duration`, `date_played`, `artist_played` FROM `songs` WHERE `enabled`='1' AND `song_type`='0' ORDER BY `artist` ASC $limit"; $xrrresult = mysqli_query($db_conx, $sqlxrr); $textline1 = "$rows Tracks"; $textline2 = "Page $pagenum of $last"; $paginationCtrls = ''; if($last != 1){ if ($pagenum > 1) { $previous = $pagenum - 1; $paginationCtrls .= ''; for($i = $pagenum-3; $i < $pagenum; $i++){ if($i > 0){ $paginationCtrls .= ''.$i.''; } } } $paginationCtrls .= ''.$pagenum.''; for($i = $pagenum+1; $i <= $last; $i++){ $paginationCtrls .= ''.$i.''; if($i >= $pagenum+3){ break; } } if ($pagenum != $last) { $next = $pagenum + 1; $paginationCtrls .= ''; } } $requestlist = ''; while($xrrrow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($xrrresult)) { $ttsongID = $xrrrow['ID']; $ttartist = mysqli_real_escape_string($db_conx, $xrrrow['artist']); $tttitle = mysqli_real_escape_string($db_conx, $xrrrow['title']); $mmss = convertTime($xrrrow['duration']); $ttartist = stripslashes($ttartist); $tttitle = stripslashes($tttitle); $artistcut = preg_replace('/\s+?(\S+)?$/', '', substr($xrrrow['artist'] . ' ', 0, 42)). ''; $titlecut = preg_replace('/\s+?(\S+)?$/', '', substr($xrrrow['title'] . ' ', 0, 24)). '...'; $PhpDate2 = strtotime($xrrrow["date_played"]); $dplayed = date('d M, Y', $PhpDate2); if (file_exists('pictures/'.$ttartist.'.jpg') && $ttartist != '') { $artist_pic = 'pictures/'.$ttartist.'.jpg'; } else { $artist_pic = 'assets/img/noimg.jpg'; } $reqbtn = ''; if(ALLOWREQS == 'YES'){ $sqlcheckreq = mysqli_query($db_conx, "SELECT * FROM `requests` WHERE `songID`='".$ttsongID."' AND `requested` > NOW() - INTERVAL ".REQINT." HOUR"); if(mysqli_num_rows($sqlcheckreq)) { $reqbtn = '
'; }else{ $reqbtn = ' '; } }elseif(ALLOWREQS == 'NO'){ $reqbtn = '
'; } $likesong = ''; if(ALLOWLIKES == 'YES'){ $sqlchecklikes = mysqli_query($db_conx, "SELECT * FROM `songlikes` WHERE `usrip`='".$reqIP."' AND `likes`='".$ttsongID."' LIMIT 1"); if(mysqli_num_rows($sqlchecklikes)) { $likesong = ''; }else{ $likesong = '
'; } }elseif(ALLOWLIKES == 'NO'){ $likesong = '
'; } $requestlist .= '
'; } $sql_songs = mysqli_query($db_conx, "SELECT `ID` FROM `songs` WHERE `song_type`='0'"); $songs_total = mysqli_num_rows($sql_songs); ?> <?php echo SITE_NAME; ?>
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