@echo off rem rem Batch file to update nzbget from web-interface rem rem Copyright (C) 2015 Andrey Prygunkov rem rem This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify rem it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by rem the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or rem (at your option) any later version. rem rem This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, rem but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of rem MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the rem GNU General Public License for more details. rem rem You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License rem along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software rem Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. rem title Updating NZBGet rem make sure the commands "tasklist", "find" and "ping" use default system programs set PATH=%SystemRoot%\system32;%PATH% if "%1"=="/step2" goto STEP2 if "%1"=="/step3" goto STEP3 set BASE_URL=http://nzbget.net/download if x%NZBUP_BRANCH%==x ( echo This script is executed by NZBGet during update and is not supposed to be started manually by user. echo. echo.To update NZBGet go to Web-interface - Settings - System - Check for updates. echo. pause exit ) @setlocal enabledelayedexpansion rem extracting link to update-info-URL from "webui\package-info.json" set UPDATE_INFO_LINK= for /f "delims=" %%a in ('type "%NZBOP_WEBDIR%\package-info.json"') do ( set line=%%a set line=!line:update-info-link=! if not %%a==!line! ( set UPDATE_INFO_LINK=!line! rem deleting tabs, spaces, quotation marks and commas set UPDATE_INFO_LINK=!UPDATE_INFO_LINK: =! set UPDATE_INFO_LINK=!UPDATE_INFO_LINK: =! set UPDATE_INFO_LINK=!UPDATE_INFO_LINK:"=! set UPDATE_INFO_LINK=!UPDATE_INFO_LINK:,=! rem deleting the leading colon set UPDATE_INFO_LINK=!UPDATE_INFO_LINK:~1%! ) ) rem "%~dp0" means the location of the current batch file set NZBGET_DIR=%~dp0 cd %NZBGET_DIR% rem Determine if NZBGet is running as a service set NZBGET_SERVICE=no for /F "tokens=3 delims=: " %%H in ('sc query "NZBGet" ^| findstr " STATE"') do ( if /I "%%H" EQU "RUNNING" ( set NZBGET_SERVICE=yes ) ) echo Downloading version information... rem using special command "-B webget" NZBGet works like a simple wget rem and fetches files from web-servers nzbget.exe -B webget "%TEMP%\NZBGET_UPDATE.txt" "%UPDATE_INFO_LINK%" if errorlevel 1 goto DOWNLOAD_FAILURE if %NZBUP_BRANCH%==TESTING set VER_FIELD=testing-version if %NZBUP_BRANCH%==STABLE set VER_FIELD=stable-version set VER=0 for /f "delims=" %%a in ('type "%TEMP%\NZBGET_UPDATE.txt"') do ( set line=%%a set line=!line:%VER_FIELD%=! if not %%a==!line! ( set VER=!line! rem deleting tabs, spaces, quotation marks, colons and commas set VER=!VER: =! set VER=!VER: =! set VER=!VER:"=! set VER=!VER::=! set VER=!VER:,=! ) ) SET SETUP_EXE=nzbget-%VER%-bin-win32-setup.exe echo Downloading %SETUP_EXE%... nzbget.exe -B webget "%TEMP%\%SETUP_EXE%" "%BASE_URL%/%SETUP_EXE%" if errorlevel 1 goto DOWNLOAD_FAILURE echo Downloaded successfully rem using ping as wait-command, the third parameter (2) causes ping to wait 1 (one) second ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul echo Stopping NZBGet and installing update... ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul rem After NZBGet is stopped the script cannot pring any messages to web-interface rem In order for user to see any error messages we start another instance of the rem script with its own a console window. rem We need to do that because of another reeson too. When the update is installed rem it is possible that the script "install-update.bat" will be updated too. rem In that case the command interpreter will go grazy because it doesn't like the rem batch files being replaced during execution. copy install-update.bat "%TEMP%\nzbget-update.bat" > nul if errorlevel 1 goto COPYSCRIPT_FAILURE start "Updating NZBGet" /I /MIN CALL "%TEMP%\nzbget-update.bat" /step2 "%NZBGET_DIR%" %SETUP_EXE% %NZBGET_SERVICE% echo [NZB] QUIT exit :STEP3 echo Third stage goto UPDATE :STEP2 echo Second stage :UPDATE rem init from command line params set NZBGET_DIR=%2 set NZBGET_DIR=%NZBGET_DIR:"=% cd "%NZBGET_DIR%" set SETUP_EXE=%3 set NZBGET_SERVICE=%4 rem in service mode redirecting the output into install-update.log if "%1"=="/step2" ( if "%NZBGET_SERVICE%"=="yes" ( "%TEMP%\nzbget-update.bat" /step3 "%NZBGET_DIR%" %SETUP_EXE% %NZBGET_SERVICE% > "%NZBGET_DIR%\install-update.log" 2>&1 ) ) rem check if nzbget.exe is running echo Stopping NZBGet... echo. tasklist 2> nul > nul if errorlevel 1 goto WINXPHOME set WAIT_SECONDS=30 :CHECK_RUNNING if "%WAIT_SECONDS%"=="0" goto QUIT_FAILURE tasklist 2> nul | find /I /N "nzbget.exe" > nul if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" ( ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul set /a "WAIT_SECONDS=%WAIT_SECONDS%-1" goto CHECK_RUNNING ) goto INSTALL :WINXPHOME rem Alternative solution when command "tasklist" isn't available: rem just wait 30 seconds ping -n 31 -w 1000 > nul :INSTALL echo Installing new version... echo. "%TEMP%\%SETUP_EXE%" /S del "%TEMP%\%SETUP_EXE%" echo Starting NZBGet... if "%NZBGET_SERVICE%"=="yes" ( net start NZBGet ) else ( start /MIN nzbget.exe -app -auto -s ) if errorlevel 1 goto START_FAILURE ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul exit :DOWNLOAD_FAILURE rem This is in the first instance, the error is printed to web-interface echo. echo [ERROR] *********************************************** echo [ERROR] Download failed, please try again later echo [ERROR] *********************************************** echo. exit :COPYSCRIPT_FAILURE rem This is in the first instance, the error is printed to web-interface echo. echo [ERROR] *********************************************** echo [ERROR] Failed to copy the update script echo [ERROR] *********************************************** echo. exit :QUIT_FAILURE rem This is in the second instance, the error is printed to console window start "Error during update" CMD /c "echo ERROR: Failed to stop NZBGet && pause" ping -n 11 -w 1000 > nul exit :START_FAILURE rem This is in the second instance, the error is printed to console window start "Error during update" CMD /c "echo ERROR: Failed to start NZBGet && pause" ping -n 11 -w 1000 > nul exit