/* * This file is part of nzbget * * Copyright (C) 2005 Bo Cordes Petersen * Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Andrey Prygunkov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $Revision: 1245 $ * $Date: 2015-03-26 18:28:30 -0400 (Thu, 26 Mar 2015) $ * */ #ifndef MESSAGEBASE_H #define MESSAGEBASE_H static const int32_t NZBMESSAGE_SIGNATURE = 0x6E7A6228; // = "nzb-XX" (protocol version) static const int NZBREQUESTFILENAMESIZE = 512; static const int NZBREQUESTPASSWORDSIZE = 32; /** * NZBGet communication protocol uses only two basic data types: integer and char. * Integer values are passed using network byte order (Big-Endian). * Use function "htonl" and "ntohl" to convert integers to/from machine * (host) byte order. * All char-strings ends with NULL-char. * * NOTE: * NZBGet communication protocol is intended for usage only by NZBGet itself. * The communication works only if server and client has the same version. * The compatibility with previous program versions is not provided. * Third-party programs should use JSON-RPC or XML-RPC to communicate with NZBGet. */ // Possible values for field "m_iType" of struct "SNZBRequestBase": enum eRemoteRequest { eRemoteRequestDownload = 1, eRemoteRequestPauseUnpause, eRemoteRequestList, eRemoteRequestSetDownloadRate, eRemoteRequestDumpDebug, eRemoteRequestEditQueue, eRemoteRequestLog, eRemoteRequestShutdown, eRemoteRequestReload, eRemoteRequestVersion, eRemoteRequestPostQueue, eRemoteRequestWriteLog, eRemoteRequestScan, eRemoteRequestHistory }; // Possible values for field "m_iAction" of struct "SNZBPauseUnpauseRequest": enum eRemotePauseUnpauseAction { eRemotePauseUnpauseActionDownload = 1, // pause/unpause download queue eRemotePauseUnpauseActionPostProcess, // pause/unpause post-processor queue eRemotePauseUnpauseActionScan // pause/unpause scan of incoming nzb-directory }; // Possible values for field "m_iMatchMode" of struct "SNZBEditQueueRequest": enum eRemoteMatchMode { eRemoteMatchModeID = 1, // ID eRemoteMatchModeName, // Name eRemoteMatchModeRegEx, // RegEx }; // The basic SNZBRequestBase struct, used in all requests struct SNZBRequestBase { int32_t m_iSignature; // Signature must be NZBMESSAGE_SIGNATURE in integer-value int32_t m_iStructSize; // Size of the entire struct int32_t m_iType; // Message type, see enum in NZBMessageRequest-namespace char m_szUsername[NZBREQUESTPASSWORDSIZE]; // User name char m_szPassword[NZBREQUESTPASSWORDSIZE]; // Password }; // The basic SNZBResposneBase struct, used in all responses struct SNZBResponseBase { int32_t m_iSignature; // Signature must be NZBMESSAGE_SIGNATURE in integer-value int32_t m_iStructSize; // Size of the entire struct }; // A download request struct SNZBDownloadRequest { SNZBRequestBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct char m_szNZBFilename[NZBREQUESTFILENAMESIZE];// Name of nzb-file. For URLs can be empty, then the filename is read from URL download response char m_szCategory[NZBREQUESTFILENAMESIZE]; // Category, can be empty int32_t m_bAddFirst; // 1 - add file to the top of download queue int32_t m_bAddPaused; // 1 - pause added files int32_t m_iPriority; // Priority for files (0 - default) int32_t m_iDupeScore; // Duplicate score int32_t m_iDupeMode; // Duplicate mode (EDupeMode) char m_szDupeKey[NZBREQUESTFILENAMESIZE]; // Duplicate key int32_t m_iTrailingDataLength; // Length of nzb-file in bytes //char m_szContent[m_iTrailingDataLength]; // variable sized }; // A download response struct SNZBDownloadResponse { SNZBResponseBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct int32_t m_bSuccess; // 0 - command failed, 1 - command executed successfully int32_t m_iTrailingDataLength; // Length of Text-string (m_szText), following to this record //char m_szText[m_iTrailingDataLength]; // variable sized }; // A list and status request struct SNZBListRequest { SNZBRequestBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct int32_t m_bFileList; // 1 - return file list int32_t m_bServerState; // 1 - return server state int32_t m_iMatchMode; // File/Group match mode, see enum eRemoteMatchMode (only values eRemoteMatchModeID (no filter) and eRemoteMatchModeRegEx are allowed) int32_t m_bMatchGroup; // 0 - match files; 1 - match nzbs (when m_iMatchMode == eRemoteMatchModeRegEx) char m_szPattern[NZBREQUESTFILENAMESIZE]; // RegEx Pattern (when m_iMatchMode == eRemoteMatchModeRegEx) }; // A list response struct SNZBListResponse { SNZBResponseBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct int32_t m_iEntrySize; // Size of the SNZBListResponseEntry-struct int32_t m_iRemainingSizeLo; // Remaining size in bytes, Low 32-bits of 64-bit value int32_t m_iRemainingSizeHi; // Remaining size in bytes, High 32-bits of 64-bit value int32_t m_iDownloadRate; // Current download speed, in Bytes pro Second int32_t m_iDownloadLimit; // Current download limit, in Bytes pro Second int32_t m_bDownloadPaused; // 1 - download queue is currently in paused-state int32_t m_bDownload2Paused; // 1 - download queue is currently in paused-state (second pause-register) int32_t m_bDownloadStandBy; // 0 - there are currently downloads running, 1 - no downloads in progress (download queue paused or all download jobs completed) int32_t m_bPostPaused; // 1 - post-processor queue is currently in paused-state int32_t m_bScanPaused; // 1 - scaning of incoming directory is currently in paused-state int32_t m_iThreadCount; // Number of threads running int32_t m_iPostJobCount; // Number of jobs in post-processor queue (including current job) int32_t m_iUpTimeSec; // Server up time in seconds int32_t m_iDownloadTimeSec; // Server download time in seconds (up_time - standby_time) int32_t m_iDownloadedBytesLo; // Amount of data downloaded since server start, Low 32-bits of 64-bit value int32_t m_iDownloadedBytesHi; // Amount of data downloaded since server start, High 32-bits of 64-bit value int32_t m_bRegExValid; // 0 - error in RegEx-pattern, 1 - RegEx-pattern is valid (only when Request has eRemoteMatchModeRegEx) int32_t m_iNrTrailingNZBEntries; // Number of List-NZB-entries, following to this structure int32_t m_iNrTrailingPPPEntries; // Number of List-PPP-entries, following to this structure int32_t m_iNrTrailingFileEntries; // Number of List-File-entries, following to this structure int32_t m_iTrailingDataLength; // Length of all List-entries, following to this structure // SNZBListResponseEntry m_NZBEntries[m_iNrTrailingNZBEntries] // variable sized // SNZBListResponseEntry m_PPPEntries[m_iNrTrailingPPPEntries] // variable sized // SNZBListResponseEntry m_FileEntries[m_iNrTrailingFileEntries] // variable sized }; // A list response nzb entry struct SNZBListResponseNZBEntry { int32_t m_iID; // NZB-ID int32_t m_iKind; // Item Kind (see NZBInfo::Kind) int32_t m_iSizeLo; // Size of all files in bytes, Low 32-bits of 64-bit value int32_t m_iSizeHi; // Size of all files in bytes, High 32-bits of 64-bit value int32_t m_iRemainingSizeLo; // Size of remaining (unpaused) files in bytes, Low 32-bits of 64-bit value int32_t m_iRemainingSizeHi; // Size of remaining (unpaused) files in bytes, High 32-bits of 64-bit value int32_t m_iPausedSizeLo; // Size of npaused files in bytes, Low 32-bits of 64-bit value int32_t m_iPausedSizeHi; // Size of paused files in bytes, High 32-bits of 64-bit value int32_t m_iPausedCount; // Number of paused files int32_t m_iRemainingParCount; // Number of remaining par-files int32_t m_iPriority; // Download priority int32_t m_bMatch; // 1 - group matches the pattern (only when Request has eRemoteMatchModeRegEx) int32_t m_iFilenameLen; // Length of Filename-string (m_szFilename), following to this record int32_t m_iNameLen; // Length of Name-string (m_szName), following to this record int32_t m_iDestDirLen; // Length of DestDir-string (m_szDestDir), following to this record int32_t m_iCategoryLen; // Length of Category-string (m_szCategory), following to this record int32_t m_iQueuedFilenameLen; // Length of queued file name (m_szQueuedFilename), following to this record //char m_szFilename[m_iFilenameLen]; // variable sized //char m_szName[m_iNameLen]; // variable sized //char m_szDestDir[m_iDestDirLen]; // variable sized //char m_szCategory[m_iCategoryLen]; // variable sized //char m_szQueuedFilename[m_iQueuedFilenameLen]; // variable sized }; // A list response pp-parameter entry struct SNZBListResponsePPPEntry { int32_t m_iNZBIndex; // Index of NZB-Entry in m_NZBEntries-list int32_t m_iNameLen; // Length of Name-string (m_szName), following to this record int32_t m_iValueLen; // Length of Value-string (m_szValue), following to this record //char m_szName[m_iNameLen]; // variable sized //char m_szValue[m_iValueLen]; // variable sized }; // A list response file entry struct SNZBListResponseFileEntry { int32_t m_iID; // Entry-ID int32_t m_iNZBIndex; // Index of NZB-Entry in m_NZBEntries-list int32_t m_iFileSizeLo; // Filesize in bytes, Low 32-bits of 64-bit value int32_t m_iFileSizeHi; // Filesize in bytes, High 32-bits of 64-bit value int32_t m_iRemainingSizeLo; // Remaining size in bytes, Low 32-bits of 64-bit value int32_t m_iRemainingSizeHi; // Remaining size in bytes, High 32-bits of 64-bit value int32_t m_bPaused; // 1 - file is paused int32_t m_bFilenameConfirmed; // 1 - Filename confirmed (read from article body), 0 - Filename parsed from subject (can be changed after reading of article) int32_t m_iActiveDownloads; // Number of active downloads for this file int32_t m_bMatch; // 1 - file matches the pattern (only when Request has eRemoteMatchModeRegEx) int32_t m_iSubjectLen; // Length of Subject-string (m_szSubject), following to this record int32_t m_iFilenameLen; // Length of Filename-string (m_szFilename), following to this record //char m_szSubject[m_iSubjectLen]; // variable sized //char m_szFilename[m_iFilenameLen]; // variable sized }; // A log request struct SNZBLogRequest { SNZBRequestBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct int32_t m_iIDFrom; // Only one of these two parameters int32_t m_iLines; // can be set. The another one must be set to "0". }; // A log response struct SNZBLogResponse { SNZBResponseBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct int32_t m_iEntrySize; // Size of the SNZBLogResponseEntry-struct int32_t m_iNrTrailingEntries; // Number of Log-entries, following to this structure int32_t m_iTrailingDataLength; // Length of all Log-entries, following to this structure // SNZBLogResponseEntry m_Entries[m_iNrTrailingEntries] // variable sized }; // A log response entry struct SNZBLogResponseEntry { int32_t m_iID; // ID of Log-entry int32_t m_iKind; // see Message::Kind in "Log.h" int32_t m_tTime; // time since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970), measured in seconds. int32_t m_iTextLen; // Length of Text-string (m_szText), following to this record //char m_szText[m_iTextLen]; // variable sized }; // A Pause/Unpause request struct SNZBPauseUnpauseRequest { SNZBRequestBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct int32_t m_bPause; // 1 - server must be paused, 0 - server must be unpaused int32_t m_iAction; // Action to be executed, see enum eRemotePauseUnpauseAction }; // A Pause/Unpause response struct SNZBPauseUnpauseResponse { SNZBResponseBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct int32_t m_bSuccess; // 0 - command failed, 1 - command executed successfully int32_t m_iTrailingDataLength; // Length of Text-string (m_szText), following to this record //char m_szText[m_iTrailingDataLength]; // variable sized }; // Request setting the download rate struct SNZBSetDownloadRateRequest { SNZBRequestBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct int32_t m_iDownloadRate; // Speed limit, in Bytes pro Second }; // A setting download rate response struct SNZBSetDownloadRateResponse { SNZBResponseBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct int32_t m_bSuccess; // 0 - command failed, 1 - command executed successfully int32_t m_iTrailingDataLength; // Length of Text-string (m_szText), following to this record //char m_szText[m_iTrailingDataLength]; // variable sized }; // edit queue request struct SNZBEditQueueRequest { SNZBRequestBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct int32_t m_iAction; // Action to be executed, see enum DownloadQueue::EEditAction int32_t m_iOffset; // Offset to move (for m_iAction = 0) int32_t m_iMatchMode; // File/Group match mode, see enum eRemoteMatchMode int32_t m_iNrTrailingIDEntries; // Number of ID-entries, following to this structure int32_t m_iNrTrailingNameEntries; // Number of Name-entries, following to this structure int32_t m_iTrailingNameEntriesLen; // Length of all Name-entries, following to this structure int32_t m_iTextLen; // Length of Text-string (m_szText), following to this record int32_t m_iTrailingDataLength; // Length of Text-string and all ID-entries, following to this structure //char m_szText[m_iTextLen]; // variable sized //int32_t m_iIDs[m_iNrTrailingIDEntries]; // variable sized array of IDs. For File-Actions - ID of file, for Group-Actions - ID of any file belonging to group //char* m_szNames[m_iNrTrailingNameEntries]; // variable sized array of strings. For File-Actions - name of file incl. nzb-name as path, for Group-Actions - name of group }; // An edit queue response struct SNZBEditQueueResponse { SNZBResponseBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct int32_t m_bSuccess; // 0 - command failed, 1 - command executed successfully int32_t m_iTrailingDataLength; // Length of Text-string (m_szText), following to this record //char m_szText[m_iTrailingDataLength]; // variable sized }; // Request dumping of debug info struct SNZBDumpDebugRequest { SNZBRequestBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct }; // Dumping of debug response struct SNZBDumpDebugResponse { SNZBResponseBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct int32_t m_bSuccess; // 0 - command failed, 1 - command executed successfully int32_t m_iTrailingDataLength; // Length of Text-string (m_szText), following to this record //char m_szText[m_iTrailingDataLength]; // variable sized }; // Shutdown server request struct SNZBShutdownRequest { SNZBRequestBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct }; // Shutdown server response struct SNZBShutdownResponse { SNZBResponseBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct int32_t m_bSuccess; // 0 - command failed, 1 - command executed successfully int32_t m_iTrailingDataLength; // Length of Text-string (m_szText), following to this record //char m_szText[m_iTrailingDataLength]; // variable sized }; // Reload server request struct SNZBReloadRequest { SNZBRequestBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct }; // Reload server response struct SNZBReloadResponse { SNZBResponseBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct int32_t m_bSuccess; // 0 - command failed, 1 - command executed successfully int32_t m_iTrailingDataLength; // Length of Text-string (m_szText), following to this record //char m_szText[m_iTrailingDataLength]; // variable sized }; // Server version request struct SNZBVersionRequest { SNZBRequestBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct }; // Server version response struct SNZBVersionResponse { SNZBResponseBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct int32_t m_bSuccess; // 0 - command failed, 1 - command executed successfully int32_t m_iTrailingDataLength; // Length of Text-string (m_szText), following to this record //char m_szText[m_iTrailingDataLength]; // variable sized }; // PostQueue request struct SNZBPostQueueRequest { SNZBRequestBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct }; // A PostQueue response struct SNZBPostQueueResponse { SNZBResponseBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct int32_t m_iEntrySize; // Size of the SNZBPostQueueResponseEntry-struct int32_t m_iNrTrailingEntries; // Number of PostQueue-entries, following to this structure int32_t m_iTrailingDataLength; // Length of all PostQueue-entries, following to this structure // SNZBPostQueueResponseEntry m_Entries[m_iNrTrailingEntries] // variable sized }; // A PostQueue response entry struct SNZBPostQueueResponseEntry { int32_t m_iID; // ID of Post-entry int32_t m_iStage; // See PrePostProcessor::EPostJobStage int32_t m_iStageProgress; // Progress of current stage, value in range 0..1000 int32_t m_iFileProgress; // Progress of current file, value in range 0..1000 int32_t m_iTotalTimeSec; // Number of seconds this post-job is beeing processed (after it first changed the state from QUEUED). int32_t m_iStageTimeSec; // Number of seconds the current stage is beeing processed. int32_t m_iNZBFilenameLen; // Length of NZBFileName-string (m_szNZBFilename), following to this record int32_t m_iInfoNameLen; // Length of Filename-string (m_szFilename), following to this record int32_t m_iDestDirLen; // Length of DestDir-string (m_szDestDir), following to this record int32_t m_iProgressLabelLen; // Length of ProgressLabel-string (m_szProgressLabel), following to this record //char m_szNZBFilename[m_iNZBFilenameLen]; // variable sized, may contain full path (local path on client) or only filename //char m_szInfoName[m_iInfoNameLen]; // variable sized //char m_szDestDir[m_iDestDirLen]; // variable sized //char m_szProgressLabel[m_iProgressLabelLen]; // variable sized }; // Write log request struct SNZBWriteLogRequest { SNZBRequestBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct int32_t m_iKind; // see Message::Kind in "Log.h" int32_t m_iTrailingDataLength; // Length of nzb-file in bytes //char m_szText[m_iTrailingDataLength]; // variable sized }; // Write log response struct SNZBWriteLogResponse { SNZBResponseBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct int32_t m_bSuccess; // 0 - command failed, 1 - command executed successfully int32_t m_iTrailingDataLength; // Length of Text-string (m_szText), following to this record //char m_szText[m_iTrailingDataLength]; // variable sized }; // Scan nzb directory request struct SNZBScanRequest { SNZBRequestBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct int32_t m_bSyncMode; // 0 - asynchronous Scan (the command returns immediately), 1 - synchronous Scan (the command returns when the scan is completed) }; // Scan nzb directory response struct SNZBScanResponse { SNZBResponseBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct int32_t m_bSuccess; // 0 - command failed, 1 - command executed successfully int32_t m_iTrailingDataLength; // Length of Text-string (m_szText), following to this record //char m_szText[m_iTrailingDataLength]; // variable sized }; // A history request struct SNZBHistoryRequest { SNZBRequestBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct int32_t m_bHidden; // 0 - only return visible records, 1 - also return hidden records }; // history response struct SNZBHistoryResponse { SNZBResponseBase m_MessageBase; // Must be the first in the struct int32_t m_iEntrySize; // Size of the SNZBHistoryResponseEntry-struct int32_t m_iNrTrailingEntries; // Number of History-entries, following to this structure int32_t m_iTrailingDataLength; // Length of all History-entries, following to this structure // SNZBHistoryResponseEntry m_Entries[m_iNrTrailingEntries] // variable sized }; // history entry struct SNZBHistoryResponseEntry { int32_t m_iID; // History-ID int32_t m_iKind; // Kind of Item: 1 - Collection (NZB), 2 - URL, 3 - DUP (hidden record) int32_t m_tTime; // When the item was added to history. time since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970), measured in seconds. int32_t m_iNicenameLen; // Length of Nicename-string (m_szNicename), following to this record // for Collection and Dup items (m_iKind = 1 or 2) int32_t m_iSizeLo; // Size of all files in bytes, Low 32-bits of 64-bit value int32_t m_iSizeHi; // Size of all files in bytes, High 32-bits of 64-bit value // for Collection items (m_iKind = 1) int32_t m_iFileCount; // Initial number of files included in NZB-file int32_t m_iParStatus; // See NZBInfo::EParStatus int32_t m_iScriptStatus; // See NZBInfo::EScriptStatus // for URL items (m_iKind = 2) int32_t m_iUrlStatus; // See NZBInfo::EUrlStatus // trailing data //char m_szNicename[m_iNicenameLen]; // variable sized }; #endif