check_captcha($_POST['captcha'], $_POST['captcha_hash'])) { $error="The security code was wrong!"; die('ERROR: '.$error.'

'); } if(!(strlen(trim($nick)))) { $error="you forgot to enter your nickname!"; die('ERROR: '.$error.'

'); } if(!(strlen(trim($name)))) { $error="you forgot to enter your realname!"; die('ERROR: '.$error.'

'); } if(!(strlen(trim($messenger)))) { $error="you have no icq, msn, aim etc?"; die('ERROR: '.$error.'

'); } if(!(strlen(trim($age)))) { $error="you forgot to enter your age!"; die('ERROR: '.$error.'

'); } if(!(strlen(trim($city)))) { $error="you forgot to enter your city!"; die('ERROR: '.$error.'

'); } if(!(strlen(trim($clanhistory)))) { $error="you forgot to enter your clanhistory!"; die('ERROR: '.$error.'

'); } $sem = '^[a-z0-9_\.-]+@[a-z0-9_-]+\.[a-z0-9_\.-]+$'; if(!(eregi($sem, $email))) { $error="your e-mail is not valid!"; die('ERROR: '.$error.'

'); } $ergebnis=safe_query("SELECT userID FROM ".PREFIX."squads_members WHERE joinmember='1' AND squadID='".$squad."'"); while($ds=mysql_fetch_array($ergebnis)) { $touser[]=$ds[userID]; } if($touser[0] != "") { $message = '[b]Someone want do join your Squad ('.$squad.')![/b] His/her nickname: '.$nick.' Name: '.$name.' Age: '.$age.' Mail: [URL]mailto:'.$email.'[/url] Messenger: '.$messenger.' City: '.$city.' Clanhistory: '.$clanhistory.' Information: '.$info.' '; foreach($touser as $id) { sendmessage($id,'Join us',$message); } } redirect('index.php?site=joinus', 'thank you for your entry, you will got mail.'); } else { echo'

Join us

'; if($showonlygamingsquads) $squads=getgamesquads(); else $squads=getsquads(); $CAPCLASS = new Captcha; $captcha = $CAPCLASS->create_captcha(); $hash = $CAPCLASS->get_hash(); $CAPCLASS->clear_oldcaptcha(); $bg1 = BG_1; eval ("\$joinus = \"".gettemplate("joinus")."\";"); echo $joinus; } ?>