check_captcha($_POST['captcha'], $_POST['captcha_hash'])) $fehler[] = "The security code was wrong!"; if(!$name) $fehler[] = "You have to enter your name."; if(!$subject) $fehler[] = "You have to enter a subject."; if(!$text) $fehler[] = "Whats you message?"; if(!$from) $fehler[] = "Please enter your mail adress."; if(!count($fehler)) { $header="From:$from\n"; $header .= "Reply-To: $from\n"; $header.="Content-Type: text/html"; mail($admin_email, $subject, 'This mail was send over your webSPELL - Website (IP '.$ip.'): '.$hpurl.'

'.clearfromtags($text), $header); redirect('index.php?site=contact','Your message was send successfully.'); unset($name); unset($from); unset($text); unset($subject); } else { echo '
  • Contact
There are some problems:

  • '.implode('
  • ',$fehler).'

[ back to formular ]

'; } } else{ $bg1 = BG_1; $CAPCLASS = new Captcha; $captcha = $CAPCLASS->create_captcha(); $hash = $CAPCLASS->get_hash(); $CAPCLASS->clear_oldcaptcha(); eval ("\$contact = \"".gettemplate("contact")."\";"); echo $contact; } ?>