$enddate) { $temp=$date; $date=$enddate; $enddate=$temp; unset($temp); } safe_query("INSERT INTO ".PREFIX."upcoming ( date, type, enddate, short, title, country, location, locationhp, dateinfo ) values( '$date', 'd', '".$enddate."', '".$_POST['short']."', '".$_POST['title']."', '".$_POST['country']."', '".$_POST['location']."', '".$_POST['locationhp']."', '".$_POST['dateinfo']."' ) "); redirect("index.php?site=calendar&tag=".$_POST['day']."&month=".$_POST['month']."&year=".$_POST['year'],"",0); } elseif($_GET['action']=="saveeditwar") { include("_mysql.php"); include("_settings.php"); include("_functions.php"); if(!isclanwaradmin($userID)) die('No access!'); $upID = $_POST['upID']; $hour = $_POST['hour']; $minute = $_POST['minute']; $day = $_POST['day']; $month = $_POST['month']; $year = $_POST['year']; $squad = $_POST['squad']; $opponent = $_POST['opponent']; $opptag = $_POST['opptag']; $opphp = $_POST['opphp']; $oppcountry = $_POST['oppcountry']; $maps = $_POST['maps']; $server = $_POST['server']; $league = $_POST['league']; $leaguehp = $_POST['laeguehp']; $warinfo = $_POST['warinfo']; $date=mktime($hour,$minute,0,$month,$day,$year); safe_query("UPDATE ".PREFIX."upcoming SET date='$date', type='c', squad='$squad', opponent='$opponent', opptag='$opptag', opphp='$opphp', oppcountry='$oppcountry', maps='$maps', server='$server', league='$league', leaguehp='$leaguehp', warinfo='$warinfo' WHERE upID='$upID' "); header("Location: index.php?site=calendar&tag=$day&month=$month&year=$year"); } $month = $_GET['month']; $year = $_GET['year']; $tag = $_GET['tag']; eval ("\$title_calendar = \"".gettemplate("title_calendar")."\";"); echo $title_calendar; if(isclanwaradmin($userID)) echo'

'; function print_calendar($mon,$year) { global $dates, $first_day, $start_day; $pagebg=PAGEBG; $border=BORDER; $bghead=BGHEAD; $bgcat=BGCAT; $first_day = mktime(0,0,0,$mon,1,$year); $start_day = date("w",$first_day); $res = getdate($first_day); $month_name = $res["month"]; $no_days_in_month = date("t",$first_day); //If month's first day does not start with first Sunday, fill table cell with a space for ($i = 1; $i <= $start_day;$i++) $dates[1][$i] = " "; $row = 1; $col = $start_day+1; $num = 1; while($num<=31) { if ($num > $no_days_in_month) break; else { $dates[$row][$col] = $num; if (($col + 1) > 7) { $row++; $col = 1; } else $col++; $num++; } } $mon_num = date("n",$first_day); $temp_yr = $next_yr = $prev_yr = $year; $prev = $mon_num - 1; if ($prev<10) $prev="0".$prev; $next = $mon_num + 1; if ($next<10) $next="0".$next; //If January is currently displayed, month previous is December of previous year if ($mon_num == 1){ $prev_yr = $year - 1; $prev = 12; } //If December is currently displayed, month next is January of next year if ($mon_num == 12) { $next_yr = $year + 1; $next = 1; } echo'
jan feb mar apr may jun
jul aug sep oct nov dec

'; echo' '; $end = ($start_day > 4)? 6:5; for ($row=1;$row<=$end;$row++) { for ($col=1;$col<=7;$col++) { if ($dates[$row][$col] == "") $dates[$row][$col] = " "; if (!strcmp($dates[$row][$col]," ")) $count++; $t = $dates[$row][$col]; if($t < 10) $tag = "0$t"; else $tag = $t; // DATENBANK ABRUF $start_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $mon, $t, $year); $end_date = mktime(23, 59, 59, $mon, $t, $year); unset($termin); $ergebnis = safe_query("SELECT * FROM ".PREFIX."upcoming"); $anz = mysql_num_rows($ergebnis); if($anz) { while ($ds = mysql_fetch_array($ergebnis)) { if($ds[type]=="d") { if(($start_date<=$ds[date] && $end_date>=$ds[date]) || ($start_date>=$ds[date] && $end_date<=$ds[enddate]) || ($start_date<=$ds[enddate] && $end_date>=$ds[enddate])) $termin.=''.$ds[short].'
'; } else { if($ds[date]>=$start_date && $ds[date]<=$end_date) { $begin = date("H:i", $ds[date]); $termin.=''.$begin.' '.$ds[opptag].'
'; } } } } else $termin="

"; // DB ABRUF ENDE //If date is today, highlight it if (($t == date("j")) && ($mon == date("n")) && ($year == date("Y"))) echo''; // If the date is absent ie after 31, print space else { if($t==' ') echo''; else echo''; } } if (($row + 1) != ($end+1)) echo''; else echo''; } echo'
« prev '.date("F",$first_day).' '.$temp_yr.' next »
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
show today\'s events

'; } function print_termine($tag,$month,$year) { global $wincolor; global $loosecolor; global $drawcolor; global $userID; $pagebg=PAGEBG; $border=BORDER; $bghead=BGHEAD; $bgcat=BGCAT; $start_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $tag, $year); $end_date = mktime(23, 59, 59, $month, $tag, $year); unset($termin); $ergebnis = safe_query("SELECT * FROM ".PREFIX."upcoming"); $anz = mysql_num_rows($ergebnis); if($anz) { while ($ds=mysql_fetch_array($ergebnis)) { if($ds[type]=="c") { if($ds[date]>=$start_date && $ds[date]<=$end_date) { $date = date("d.m.Y", $ds[date]); $time = date("H:i", $ds[date]); $squad=getsquadname($ds[squad]); $oppcountry="[flag]".$ds[oppcountry]."[/flag]"; $oppcountry=flags($oppcountry); $opponent=$oppcountry.' '.$ds[opptag].' / '.$ds[opponent].''; $maps=$ds[maps]; $server=$ds[server]; $league=''.$ds[league].''; if(isclanmember($userID)) $warinfo=cleartext($ds[warinfo]); else $warinfo='You have to be a clanmmeber to see this.'; unset($players); if(isclanmember($userID) or isanyadmin($userID)) { $anmeldung=safe_query("SELECT * FROM ".PREFIX."upcoming_announce WHERE upID='".$ds[upID]."'"); if(mysql_num_rows($anmeldung)) { $i=1; while ($da = mysql_fetch_array($anmeldung)) { if ($da[status] == "y") $fontcolor = $wincolor; elseif ($da[status] == "n") $fontcolor = $loosecolor; else $fontcolor = $drawcolor; if($i>1) $players.=', '.getnickname($da[userID]).''; else $players.=''.getnickname($da[userID]).''; $i++; } } else $players='no players announced'; if(issquadmember($userID, $ds[squad])) $announce='• announce here'; if(isclanwaradmin($userID)) $adminaction='
'; } else $players = 'You have to be a clanmember to see this.'; $bg1=BG_1; $bg2=BG_2; $bg3=BG_3; $bg4=BG_4; eval ("\$upcoming_war_details = \"".gettemplate("upcoming_war_details")."\";"); echo $upcoming_war_details; } } else { if(($start_date<=$ds[date] && $end_date>=$ds[date]) || ($start_date>=$ds[date] && $end_date<=$ds[enddate]) || ($start_date<=$ds[enddate] && $end_date>=$ds[enddate])) { $date = date("d.m.Y", $ds[date]); $time = date("H:i", $ds[date]); $enddate = date("d.m.Y", $ds[enddate]); $endtime = date("H:i", $ds[enddate]); $title=$ds[title]; $location=''.$ds[location].''; $dateinfo=cleartext($ds[dateinfo]); $dateinfo = toggle($dateinfo, $ds[upID]); $country="[flag]".$ds[country]."[/flag]"; $country=flags($country); unset($players); if(isclanmember($userID)) { $anmeldung=safe_query("SELECT * FROM ".PREFIX."upcoming_announce WHERE upID='$ds[upID]' "); if(mysql_num_rows($anmeldung)) { $i=1; while ($da = mysql_fetch_array($anmeldung)) { if ($da[status] == "y") $fontcolor = $wincolor; elseif ($da[status] == "n") $fontcolor = $loosecolor; else $fontcolor = $drawcolor; if($i>1) $players.=', '.getnickname($da[userID]).''; else $players.=''.getnickname($da[userID]).''; $i++; } } else $players='no players announced.'; $announce='• announce here'; if(isclanwaradmin($userID)) $adminaction='
'; } else $players = 'You have to be a clanmember to see this.'; $bg1=BG_1; $bg2=BG_2; $bg3=BG_3; $bg4=BG_4; eval ("\$upcoming_date_details = \"".gettemplate("upcoming_date_details")."\";"); echo $upcoming_date_details; } } } } else echo 'no entries for today'; } if($_GET['action']=="addwar") { if(isclanwaradmin($userID)) { $chID=$_GET['chID']; for($i=1; $i<32; $i++) { if($i==date("d", time())) $day.=''; else $day.=''; } for($i=1; $i<13; $i++) { if($i==date("n", time())) $month.=''; else $month.=''; } for($i=2000; $i<2010; $i++) { if($i==date("Y", time())) $year.=''; else $year.=''; } $squads=getgamesquads(); $hours="20"; $minutes="00"; $opphp="http://"; if($chID) { $ergebnis=safe_query("SELECT * FROM ".PREFIX."challenge WHERE chID='$chID'"); $ds=mysql_fetch_array($ergebnis); $day=str_replace("", "", $day); $month=str_replace(" selected", "", $month); $month=str_replace(' value="'.date("n", $ds[cwdate]).'"', ' value="'.date("n", $ds[cwdate]).'" selected', $month); $year=str_replace(" selected", "", $year); $year=str_replace(' value="'.date("Y", $ds[cwdate]).'"', ' value="'.date("Y", $ds[cwdate]).'" selected', $year); $hours=date("H", $ds[cwdate]); $minutes=date("i", $ds[cwdate]); $squads=str_replace(" selected", "", $squads); $squads=str_replace(''; else $day.=''; } for($i=1; $i<13; $i++) { if($i==date("n", $ds[date])) $month.=''; else $month.=''; } for($i=2000; $i<2010; $i++) { if($i==date("Y", $ds[date])) $year.=''; else $year.=''; } $squads=getgamesquads(); $squads=str_replace('value="'.$ds[squad].'"', 'value="'.$ds[squad].'" selected', $squads); $league=$ds[league]; $leaguehp=$ds[leaguehp]; $opponent=$ds[opponent]; $opptag=$ds[opptag]; $opphp=$ds[opphp]; $maps=$ds[maps]; $server=$ds[server]; $warinfo=$ds[warinfo]; $countries=str_replace('value="at" selected', 'value="at"', $countries); $countries=str_replace('value="'.$ds[oppcountry].'"', 'value="'.$ds[oppcountry].'" selected', $countries); $hour=date("H", $ds[date]); $minutes=date("i", $ds[date]); $bg1=BG_1; eval ("\$upcoming_war_edit = \"".gettemplate("upcoming_war_edit")."\";"); echo $upcoming_war_edit; } else redirect('index.php?site=calendar', 'no access!'); } elseif($_GET['action']=="adddate") { if(isclanwaradmin($userID)) { for($i=1; $i<32; $i++) { if($i==date("d", time())) $day.=''; else $day.=''; } for($i=1; $i<13; $i++) { if($i==date("n", time())) $month.=''; else $month.=''; } for($i=2000; $i<2010; $i++) { if($i==date("Y", time())) $year.=''; else $year.=''; } $squads=getgamesquads(); $bg1=BG_1; eval ("\$upcoming_date_new = \"".gettemplate("upcoming_date_new")."\";"); echo $upcoming_date_new; } else redirect('index.php?site=calendar', 'no access!'); } elseif($_GET['action']=="editdate") { if(isclanwaradmin($userID)) { $upID = $_GET['upID']; $ds=mysql_fetch_array(safe_query("SELECT * FROM ".PREFIX."upcoming WHERE upID='$upID'")); for($i=1; $i<32; $i++) { if($i==date("d", $ds[date])) $day.=''; else $day.=''; } for($i=1; $i<13; $i++) { if($i==date("n", $ds[date])) $month.=''; else $month.=''; } for($i=2000; $i<2010; $i++) { if($i==date("Y", $ds[date])) $year.=''; else $year.=''; } for($i=1; $i<32; $i++) { if($i==date("d", $ds[enddate])) $endday.=''; else $endday.=''; } for($i=1; $i<13; $i++) { if($i==date("n", $ds[enddate])) $endmonth.=''; else $endmonth.=''; } for($i=2000; $i<2010; $i++) { if($i==date("Y", $ds[enddate])) $endyear.=''; else $endyear.=''; } $countries=str_replace(' selected', '', $countries); $countries=str_replace('value="'.$ds[country].'"', 'value="'.$ds[country].'" selected', $countries); $hour=date("H", $ds[date]); $endhour=date("H", $ds[enddate]); $minute=date("i", $ds[date]); $endminute=date("i", $ds[enddate]); $short=$ds[short]; $title=$ds[title]; $location=$ds[location]; $locationhp=$ds[locationhp]; $dateinfo=cleartext($ds[dateinfo]); $dateinfo = toggle($dateinfo, $upID); $bg1=BG_1; eval ("\$upcoming_date_edit = \"".gettemplate("upcoming_date_edit")."\";"); echo $upcoming_date_edit; } else redirect('index.php?site=calendar', 'no access!'); } elseif($_GET['action']=="announce") { echo'
Announce to this Clanwar/Date:
'; } else { // If $month is not present, set it to current month. $month = $_GET['month']; $month = (empty($month)) ? date("m") : $month; // If $year is not present, set it to current year. $year = $_GET['year']; $year = (empty($year)) ? date("Y") : $year; // If $year is not present, set it to current year. $tag = $_GET['tag']; $tag = (empty($tag)) ? date("d") : $tag; print_calendar($month,$year); print_termine($tag, $month, $year); } ?>