toDB($_POST['userip'])); exit; } if (isset($_POST['useraction']) && $_POST['useraction'] == 'usersettings') { header('location:'.e_BASE."usersettings.php?".$tp -> toDB($_POST['userid'])); exit; } if (isset($_POST['useraction']) && $_POST['useraction'] == 'userclass') { header('location:'.e_ADMIN."userclass.php?".$tp -> toDB($_POST['userid'].".".e_QUERY)); exit; } $e_sub_cat = 'users'; $user = new users; require_once("auth.php"); require_once(e_HANDLER."form_handler.php"); require_once(e_HANDLER."userclass_class.php"); $rs = new form; if (e_QUERY) { $tmp = explode(".", e_QUERY); $action = $tmp[0]; $sub_action = $tmp[1]; $id = $tmp[2]; $from = ($tmp[3] ? $tmp[3] : 0); unset($tmp); } $from = (isset($from)) ? $from : 0; $amount = 30; // ------- Check for Bounces -------------- $bounce_act = ''; if (isset($_POST['check_bounces'])) $bounce_act = 'first_check'; if (isset($_POST['delnonbouncesubmit'])) $bounce_act = 'delnonbounce'; if (isset($_POST['clearemailbouncesubmit'])) $bounce_act = 'clearemailbounce'; if (isset($_POST['delcheckedsubmit'])) $bounce_act = 'delchecked'; if (isset($_POST['delallsubmit'])) $bounce_act = 'delall'; if ($bounce_act) { $user->check_bounces($bounce_act, implode(',',$_POST['delete_email'])); require_once("footer.php"); exit; } // ------- Resend Email. -------------- if (isset($_POST['resend_mail'])) { $user->resend($_POST['resend_id'],$_POST['resend_key'],$_POST['resend_name'],$_POST['resend_email']); } // ------- Resend Email. -------------- if(isset($_POST['resend_to_all'])) { $user->resend_to_all(); } // ------- Test Email. -------------- if (isset($_POST['test_mail'])) { require_once(e_HANDLER."mail_validation_class.php"); list($adminuser,$adminhost) = split ("@", SITEADMINEMAIL); $validator = new email_validation_class; $validator->localuser= $adminuser; $validator->localhost= $adminhost; $validator->timeout=5; $validator->debug=1; $validator->html_debug=1; $text = "
"; ob_start(); $email_status = $validator->ValidateEmailBox($_POST['test_email']); $text .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $text .= "
"; $caption = $_POST['test_email']." - "; $caption .= ($email_status == 1)? "Valid": "Invalid"; if($email_status == 1){ $text .= "
\n \n \n
\n"; $text .= "
"; } $ns->tablerender($caption, $text); unset($id, $action, $sub_cation); } // ------- Update Options. -------------- if (isset($_POST['update_options'])) { $pref['avatar_upload'] = (FILE_UPLOADS ? $_POST['avatar_upload'] : 0); $pref['im_width'] = $_POST['im_width']; $pref['im_height'] = $_POST['im_height']; $pref['photo_upload'] = (FILE_UPLOADS ? $_POST['photo_upload'] : 0); $pref['del_unv'] = $_POST['del_unv']; $pref['profile_rate'] = $_POST['profile_rate']; $pref['profile_comments'] = $_POST['profile_comments']; $pref['track_online'] = $_POST['track_online']; $pref['force_userupdate'] = $_POST['force_userupdate']; $pref['memberlist_access'] = $_POST['memberlist_access']; save_prefs(); $user->show_message(USRLAN_1); } // ------- Prune Users. -------------- if (isset($_POST['prune'])) { $e107cache->clear("online_menu_totals"); $text = USRLAN_56." "; $bantype = $_POST['prune_type']; if ($sql->db_Select("user", "user_id, user_name", "user_ban= {$bantype}")) { $uList = $sql->db_getList(); foreach($uList as $u) { $text .= $u['user_name']." "; $sql->db_Delete("user", "user_id='{$u['user_id']}' "); $sql->db_Delete("user_extended", "user_extended_id='{$u['user_id']}' "); } } $ns->tablerender(USRLAN_57, "
"); unset($text); } // ------- Quick Add User -------------- if (isset($_POST['adduser'])) { $e107cache->clear("online_menu_totals"); if (!$_POST['ac'] == md5(ADMINPWCHANGE)) { exit; } require_once(e_HANDLER."message_handler.php"); if (strstr($_POST['name'], "#") || strstr($_POST['name'], "=")) { message_handler("P_ALERT", USRLAN_92); $error = TRUE; } $_POST['name'] = trim(str_replace(" ", "", $_POST['name'])); if ($_POST['name'] == "Anonymous") { message_handler("P_ALERT", USRLAN_65); $error = TRUE; } if ($sql->db_Select("user", "*", "user_name='".$_POST['name']."' ")) { message_handler("P_ALERT", USRLAN_66); $error = TRUE; } if ($_POST['password1'] != $_POST['password2']) { message_handler("P_ALERT", USRLAN_67); $error = TRUE; } if ($_POST['name'] == "" || $_POST['password1'] == "" || $_POST['password2'] = "") { message_handler("P_ALERT", USRLAN_68); $error = TRUE; } if (!preg_match('/^[-!#$%&\'*+\\.\/0-9=?A-Z^_`{|}~]+@([-0-9A-Z]+\.)+([0-9A-Z]){2,4}$/i', $_POST['email'])) { message_handler("P_ALERT", USRLAN_69); $error = TRUE; } if (!$error) { if ($sql->db_Select("user", "*", "user_email='".$_POST['email']."' AND user_ban='1' ")) { exit; } if ($sql->db_Select("banlist", "*", "banlist_ip='".$_POST['email']."'")) { exit; } $username = strip_tags($_POST['name']); $loginname = strip_tags($_POST['loginname']); // extract($_POST); // for($a = 0; $a <= (count($_POST['userclass'])-1); $a++) { // $svar .= $userclass[$a]."."; // } $svar = implode(",", $_POST['userclass']); admin_update($sql -> db_Insert("user", "0, '$username', '$loginname', '', '".md5($_POST['password1'])."', '$key', '".$_POST['email']."', '".$_POST['signature']."', '".$_POST['image']."', '".$_POST['timezone']."', '1', '".time()."', '".time()."', '".time()."', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '', '0', '0', '".$_POST['realname']."', '".$svar."', '', '', '".time()."', ''"), 'insert', USRLAN_70); } } // ------- Bounce --> Unverified -------------- if (isset($_POST['useraction']) && $_POST['useraction'] == "reqverify") { $sql->db_Select("user", "*", "user_id='".$_POST['userid']."'"); $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); extract($row); $sql->db_Update("user", "user_ban='2' WHERE user_id='".$_POST['userid']."' "); $user->show_message("User now has to verify"); $action = "main"; if(!$sub_action) {$sub_action = "user_id"; } } // ------- Ban User. -------------- if (isset($_POST['useraction']) && $_POST['useraction'] == "ban") { // $sub_action = $_POST['userid']; $sql->db_Select("user", "*", "user_id='".$_POST['userid']."'"); $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); if ($row['user_perms'] == "0") { $user->show_message(USRLAN_7); } else { if($sql->db_Update("user", "user_ban='1' WHERE user_id='".$_POST['userid']."' ")) { $user->show_message(USRLAN_8); } if(trim($row['user_ip']) == "") { $user->show_message(USRLAN_135); } else { if($sql->db_Count("user", "(*)", "WHERE user_ip = '{$row['user_ip']}'") > 1) { $user->show_message(str_replace("{IP}", $row['user_ip'], USRLAN_136)); } else { $sql -> db_Insert("banlist", "'".$row['user_ip']."', '".USERID."', '".$row['user_name']."' "); $user->show_message(str_replace("{IP}", $row['user_ip'], USRLAN_137)); } } } $action = "main"; if(!$sub_action){$sub_action = "user_id"; } } // ------- Unban User -------------- if (isset($_POST['useraction']) && $_POST['useraction'] == "unban") { $sql->db_Select("user", "*", "user_id='".$_POST['userid']."'"); $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); extract($row); $sql->db_Update("user", "user_ban='0' WHERE user_id='".$_POST['userid']."' "); $sql -> db_Delete("banlist", " banlist_ip='$user_ip' "); $user->show_message(USRLAN_9); $action = "main"; if(!$sub_action){$sub_action = "user_id"; } } // ------- Resend Email Confirmation. -------------- if (isset($_POST['useraction']) && $_POST['useraction'] == 'resend') { $qry = (e_QUERY) ? "?".e_QUERY : ""; if ($sql->db_Select("user", "*", "user_id='".$_POST['userid']."' ")) { $resend = $sql->db_Fetch(); $text .= "
\n"; $text .= USRLAN_116." ".$resend['user_name']."

\n \n \n \n \n
\n"; $caption = USRLAN_112; $ns->tablerender($caption, $text); require_once("footer.php"); exit; } } // ------- TEst Email confirmation. -------------- if (isset($_POST['useraction']) && $_POST['useraction'] == 'test') { $qry = (e_QUERY) ? "?".e_QUERY : ""; if ($sql->db_Select("user", "*", "user_id='".$_POST['userid']."' ")) { $test = $sql->db_Fetch(); $text .= "
\n"; $text .= USRLAN_117."

\n \n \n
\n"; $caption = USRLAN_118; $ns->tablerender($caption, $text); require_once("footer.php"); exit; } } // ------- Delete User -------------- if (isset($_POST['useraction']) && $_POST['useraction'] == 'deluser') { if ($_POST['confirm']) { if ($sql->db_Delete("user", "user_id='".$_POST['userid']."' AND user_perms != '0' AND user_perms != '0.'")) { $sql->db_Delete("user_extended", "user_extended_id='".$_POST['userid']."' "); $user->show_message(USRLAN_10); } if(!$sub_action){ $sub_action = "user_id"; } if(!$id){ $id = "DESC"; } } else { if ($sql->db_Select("user", "*", "user_id='".$_POST['userid']."' ")) { $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); $qry = (e_QUERY) ? "?".e_QUERY : ""; $text .= "
\n"; $text .= "
". USRLAN_13."

#{$row['user_id']} : {$row['user_name']}

"; $ns->tablerender(USRLAN_16, $text); require_once("footer.php"); exit; } } } // ------- Make Admin.. -------------- if (isset($_POST['useraction']) && $_POST['useraction'] == "admin" && getperms('3')) { $sql->db_Select("user", "*", "user_id='".$_POST['userid']."'"); $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); extract($row); $sql->db_Update("user", "user_admin='1' WHERE user_id='".$_POST['userid']."' "); $user->show_message($user_name." ".USRLAN_3." ".USRLAN_4.""); $action = "main"; if(!$sub_action){ $sub_action = "user_id"; } if(!$id){ $id = "DESC"; } } // ------- Remove Admin -------------- if (isset($_POST['useraction']) && $_POST['useraction'] == "unadmin" && getperms('3')) { $sql->db_Select("user", "*", "user_id='".$_POST['userid']."'"); $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); extract($row); if ($user_perms == "0") { $user->show_message(USRLAN_5); } else { $sql->db_Update("user", "user_admin='0', user_perms='' WHERE user_id='".$_POST['userid']."'"); $user->show_message($user_name." ".USRLAN_6); $action = "main"; if(!$sub_action){ $sub_action = "user_id"; } if(!$id){ $id = "DESC"; } } } // ------- Approve User. -------------- if (isset($_POST['useraction']) && $_POST['useraction'] == "verify") { $uid = intval($_POST['userid']); if ($sql->db_Update("user", "user_ban='0' WHERE user_id='{$uid}' ")) { $user->show_message(USRLAN_86); if(!$action){ $action = "main"; } if(!$sub_action){ $sub_action = "user_id"; } if(!$id){ $id = "DESC"; } if($pref['user_reg_veri'] == 2) { if($sql->db_Select("user", "user_email, user_name", "user_id = '{$uid}'")) { $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); $message = USRLAN_114." ".$row['user_name'].",\n\n".USRLAN_122." ".SITENAME.".\n\n".USRLAN_123."\n\n"; $message .= str_replace("{SITEURL}", SITEURL, USRLAN_139); require_once(e_HANDLER."mail.php"); if(sendemail($row['user_email'], USRLAN_113." ".SITENAME, $message)) { // echo str_replace("\n","
",$message); $user->show_message("Email sent to: ".$row['user_name']); } else { $user->show_message("Failed to send to: ".$row['user_name']); } } } } } if (isset($action) && $action == "uset") { $user->show_message(USRLAN_87); $action = "main"; } if (isset($action) && $action == "cu") { $user->show_message(USRLAN_88); $action = "main"; // $sub_action = "user_id"; } /* echo "action= ".$action."
"; echo "subaction= ".$sub_action."
"; echo "id= ".$id."
"; echo "from= ".$from."
"; echo "amount= ".$amount."
"; */ $unverified = $sql -> db_Count("user", "(*)", "WHERE user_ban = 2"); if (!e_QUERY || ($action == "main")) { $user->show_existing_users($action, $sub_action, $id, $from, $amount); } if (isset($action) && $action == "unverified") { $user->show_existing_users($action, $sub_action, $id, $from, $amount); } if (isset($action) && $action == "options") { $user->show_prefs(); } if (isset($action) && $action == "prune") { $user->show_prune(); } if (isset($action) && $action == "create") { $user->add_user(); } require_once("footer.php"); class users { function show_existing_users($action, $sub_action, $id, $from, $amount) { global $sql, $rs, $ns, $tp, $mySQLdefaultdb,$pref,$unverified; // save the display choices. if(isset($_POST['searchdisp'])) { $pref['admin_user_disp'] = implode("|",$_POST['searchdisp']); save_prefs(); } if(!$pref['admin_user_disp']) { $search_display = array("user_name","user_class"); } else { $search_display = explode("|",$pref['admin_user_disp']); } if ($sql->db_Select("userclass_classes")) { while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $class[$row['userclass_id']] = $tp->toHTML($row['userclass_name'],"","defs,emotes_off, no_make_clickable"); } } $text = "
"; if (isset($_POST['searchquery']) && $_POST['searchquery'] != "") { $_POST['searchquery'] = trim($_POST['searchquery']); $query = "WHERE ". $query .= (strpos($_POST['searchquery'], "@") !== FALSE) ? "user_email REGEXP('".$_POST['searchquery']."') OR ": ""; $query .= (strpos($_POST['searchquery'], ".") !== FALSE) ? "user_ip REGEXP('".$_POST['searchquery']."') OR ": ""; foreach($search_display as $disp) { $query .= "$disp REGEXP('".$_POST['searchquery']."') OR "; } $query .= "user_login REGEXP('".$_POST['searchquery']."') OR "; $query .= "user_name REGEXP('".$_POST['searchquery']."') "; if($action == 'unverified') { $query .= " AND user_ban = 2 "; } $query .= " ORDER BY user_id"; } else { $query = ""; if($action == 'unverified') { $query = "WHERE user_ban = 2 "; } $query .= "ORDER BY ".($sub_action ? $sub_action : "user_id")." ".($id ? $id : "DESC")." LIMIT $from, $amount"; } // $user_total = db_Count($table, $fields = '(*)', $qry_insert = "SELECT u.*, ue.* FROM #user AS u LEFT JOIN #user_extended AS ue ON ue.user_extended_id = u.user_id "; if ($user_total = $sql->db_Select_gen($qry_insert. $query)) { $text .= ""; // Search Display Column header. $display_lan = array('user_id' => DUSRLAN_1, 'user_id' => DUSRLAN_1, 'user_name' => DUSRLAN_2, 'user_loginname' => DUSRLAN_3, 'user_customtitle' => DUSRLAN_4, 'user_password' => DUSRLAN_5, 'user_sess' => DUSRLAN_6, 'user_email' => DUSRLAN_7, 'user_homepage' => DUSRLAN_8, 'user_icq' => DUSRLAN_9, 'user_aim' => DUSRLAN_10, 'user_msn' => DUSRLAN_11, 'user_location' => DUSRLAN_12, 'user_birthday' => DUSRLAN_13, 'user_signature' => DUSRLAN_14, 'user_image' => DUSRLAN_15, 'user_timezone' => DUSRLAN_16, 'user_hideemail' => DUSRLAN_17, 'user_join' => DUSRLAN_18, 'user_lastvisit' => DUSRLAN_19, 'user_currentvisit' => DUSRLAN_20, 'user_lastpost' => DUSRLAN_21, 'user_chats' => DUSRLAN_22, 'user_comments' => DUSRLAN_23, 'user_forums' => DUSRLAN_24, 'user_ip' => DUSRLAN_25, 'user_ban' => DUSRLAN_26, 'user_prefs' => DUSRLAN_27, 'user_new' => DUSRLAN_28, 'user_viewed' => DUSRLAN_29, 'user_visits' => DUSRLAN_30, 'user_admin' => DUSRLAN_31, 'user_login' => DUSRLAN_32, 'user_class' => DUSRLAN_33, 'user_perms' => DUSRLAN_34, 'user_realm' => DUSRLAN_35, 'user_pwchange' => DUSRLAN_36, 'user_xup' => DUSRLAN_37 ); foreach($search_display as $disp){ if (isset($display_lan[$disp])) { $text .= ""; } else { $text .= ""; } } // ------------------------------ $text .= " "; while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { extract($row); $text .= ""; // Display Chosen options ------------------------------------- $datefields = array("user_lastpost","user_lastvisit","user_join","user_currentvisit"); $boleanfields = array("user_admin","user_hideemail","user_ban"); foreach($search_display as $disp) { $text .= ""; $prev[$disp] = $row[$disp]; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- $qry = (e_QUERY) ? "?".e_QUERY : ""; $text .= " "; } $text .= "
ID ".USRLAN_79."".$display_lan[$disp]."".ucwords(str_replace("_"," ",$disp))."".LAN_OPTIONS."
$user_id "; if ($user_perms == "0") { $text .= "
"; } else if($user_admin) { $text .= ""; } else if($user_ban == 1) { $text .= ""; } else if($user_ban == 2) { $text .= "
"; } else if($user_ban == 3) { $text .= "
"; } else { $text .= " "; } $text .= "
"; if($disp == "user_class") { if ($user_class) { $tmp = explode(",", $user_class); while (list($key, $class_id) = each($tmp)) { $text .= ($class[$class_id] ? $class[$class_id]."
\n" : ""); } } else { $text .= " "; } }elseif(in_array($disp,$boleanfields)) { $text .= ($row[$disp]) ? ADMIN_TRUE_ICON : ""; } elseif(in_array($disp,$datefields)) { $text .= ($row[$disp]) ? strftime($pref['shortdate'],$row[$disp])." " : " "; } elseif($disp == "user_name") { $text .= "{$row['user_name']}"; } else { $text .= $row[$disp]." "; } if(!in_array($disp,$boleanfields) && isset($prev[$disp]) && $row[$disp] == $prev[$disp] && $prev[$disp] != "") { // show matches $text .= " *"; } $text .= "
"; $text .= "
"; } if($action == "unverified"){ $text .= "

"; if($pref['mail_bounce_pop3']!=''){ $text .= "\n"; } $text .= " 
"; } $users = (e_QUERY != "unverified") ? $sql->db_Count("user"): $unverified; if ($users > $amount && !$_POST['searchquery']) { $parms = "{$users},{$amount},{$from},".e_SELF."?".(e_QUERY ? "$action.$sub_action.$id." : "main.user_id.desc.")."[FROM]"; $text .= "
".$tp->parseTemplate("{NEXTPREV={$parms}}"); } // Search - display options etc. . $text .= "
\n"; $text .= "

\n\n \n

\n"; $text .= "
"; $text .= "
"; // ====================== $total_cap = (isset($_POST['searchquery'])) ? $user_total : $users; $caption = USRLAN_77 ."   (total: $total_cap)"; $ns->tablerender($caption, $text); } function show_options($action) { global $unverified; // ##### Display options if ($action == "") { $action = "main"; } // ##### Display options $var['main']['text'] = USRLAN_71; $var['main']['link'] = e_SELF; $var['create']['text'] = USRLAN_72; $var['create']['link'] = e_SELF."?create"; $var['prune']['text'] = USRLAN_73; $var['prune']['link'] = e_SELF."?prune"; $var['options']['text'] = LAN_OPTIONS; $var['options']['link'] = e_SELF."?options"; if($unverified) { $var['unveri']['text'] = USRLAN_138." ($unverified)"; $var['unveri']['link'] = e_SELF."?unverified"; } // $var['mailing']['text']= USRLAN_121; // $var['mailing']['link']="mailout.php"; show_admin_menu(USRLAN_76, $action, $var); } function show_prefs() { global $ns, $pref; $pref['memberlist_access'] = varset($pref['memberlist_access'], e_UC_MEMBER); $text = "
".USRLAN_44.": ". ($pref['avatar_upload'] ? "".LAN_YES."  ".LAN_NO : "".LAN_YES."  ".LAN_NO). (!FILE_UPLOADS ? " (".USRLAN_58.")" : "")."
".USRLAN_53.": ". ($pref['photo_upload'] ? "".LAN_YES."  ".LAN_NO : "".LAN_YES."  ".LAN_NO). (!FILE_UPLOADS ? " (".USRLAN_58.")" : "")."
".USRLAN_47.": (".USRLAN_48.")
".USRLAN_49.": (".USRLAN_50.")
".USRLAN_126.": ". ($pref['profile_rate'] ? "".LAN_YES."  ".LAN_NO : "".LAN_YES."  ".LAN_NO)."
".USRLAN_127.": ". ($pref['profile_comments'] ? "".LAN_YES."  ".LAN_NO : "".LAN_YES."  ".LAN_NO)."
". ($pref['force_userupdate'] ? "".LAN_YES."  ".LAN_NO : "".LAN_YES."  ".LAN_NO)."
".USRLAN_146.": ".r_userclass("memberlist_access",$pref['memberlist_access'], "off", "public,member,guest,admin,main,classes,nobody")."
"; $ns->tablerender(USRLAN_52, $text); } function show_message($message) { global $ns; $ns->tablerender("", "
"); } function show_prune() { global $ns, $sql; $unactive = $sql->db_Select("user", "*", "user_ban=2"); $bounced = $sql->db_Select("user", "*", "user_ban=3"); $text = "


"; $ns->tablerender(USRLAN_55, $text); } function add_user() { global $rs, $ns; $text = "
". $rs->form_open("post", e_SELF, "adduserform")." "; if (!is_object($sql)) $sql = new db; if ($sql->db_Select("userclass_classes")) { $text .= ""; $c = 0; while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $class[$c][0] = $row['userclass_id']; $class[$c][1] = $row['userclass_name']; $class[$c][2] = $row['userclass_description']; $c++; } for($a = 0; $a <= (count($class)-1); $a++) { $text .= ""; } } $text .= "
".USRLAN_61." ".$rs->form_text("name", 40, "", 30)."
".USRLAN_128." ".$rs->form_text("loginname", 40, "", 30)."
".USRLAN_62." ".$rs->form_password("password1", 40, "", 20)."
".USRLAN_63." ".$rs->form_password("password2", 40, "", 20)."
".USRLAN_64." ".$rs->form_text("email", 60, "", 100)."
".$class[$a][1]." ".$class[$a][2]."
"; $ns->tablerender(USRLAN_59, $text); } function resend($id,$key,$name,$email,$lfile=''){ global $sql,$mailheader_e107id; // Check for a Language field, and if present, send the email in the user's language. if($lfile == ""){ if($sql -> db_Select("user_extended", "user_language", "user_extended_id = '$id'")){ $row = $sql -> db_Fetch(); $lfile = e_LANGUAGEDIR.$row['user_language']."/lan_signup.php"; } } if(is_readable($lfile)){ require_once($lfile); }else{ $row['user_language'] = e_LANGUAGE; require_once(e_LANGUAGEDIR.e_LANGUAGE."/lan_signup.php"); } $return_address = (substr(SITEURL, -1) == "/") ? SITEURL."signup.php?activate.".$id.".".$key : SITEURL."/signup.php?activate.".$id.".".$key; $message = LAN_EMAIL_01." ".$name."\n\n".LAN_SIGNUP_24." ".SITENAME.".\n".LAN_SIGNUP_21."...\n\n"; $message .= $return_address . "\n\n".SITENAME."\n".SITEURL; $mailheader_e107id = $id; require_once(e_HANDLER."mail.php"); if(sendemail($email, LAN_404." ".SITENAME, $message)) { // echo str_replace("\n","
",$message); $this->show_message(USRLAN_140.": ".$name." (".$row['user_language'].") "); } else { $this->show_message(USRLAN_141.": ".$name); } } function resend_to_all(){ global $sql,$pref,$sql3; $pause_count = 1; $pause_amount = ($pref['mail_pause']) ? $pref['mail_pause'] : 10; $pause_time = ($pref['mail_pausetime']) ? $pref['mail_pausetime'] : 1; if($sql -> db_Select_gen("SELECT user_language FROM #user_extended LIMIT 1")){ $query = "SELECT u.*, ue.* FROM #user AS u LEFT JOIN #user_extended AS ue ON ue.user_extended_id = u.user_id WHERE u.user_ban = 2 ORDER BY u.user_id DESC"; }else{ $query = "SELECT * FROM #user WHERE user_ban='2'"; } if(!is_object($sql3)){ $sql3 = new db; } $sql3 -> db_Select_gen($query); while($row = $sql3-> db_Fetch()){ echo $row['user_id']." ".$row['user_sess']." ".$row['user_name']." ".$row['user_email']."
"; $this->resend($row['user_id'],$row['user_sess'],$row['user_name'],$row['user_email'],$row['user_language']); if($pause_count > $pause_amount){ sleep($pause_time); $pause_count = 1; } sleep(1); $pause_count++; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bounce handling // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // $bounce_act has the task to perform: // 'first_check' - initial read of list of bounces // 'delnonbounce' - delete any emails that aren't bounces // 'clearemailbounce' - delete email address for any user whose emails bounced // 'delchecked' - delete the emails whose comma-separated IDs are in $bounce_arr // 'delall' - delete all bounced emails function check_bounces($bounce_act='first_check', $bounce_arr = '') { global $sql,$pref; include(e_HANDLER."pop3_class.php"); if (!trim($bounce_act)) $bounce_act='first_check'; // echo "Check bounces. Action: {$bounce_act}; Entries: {$bounce_arr}
"; $obj= new receiveMail($pref['mail_bounce_user'],$pref['mail_bounce_pass'],$pref['mail_bounce_email'],$pref['mail_bounce_pop3'],'pop3','110'); $del_count = 0; if ($bounce_act !='first_check') { // Must do some deleting $obj->connect(); $tot=$obj->getTotalMails(); $del_array = explode(',',$bounce_arr); for($i=1;$i<=$tot;$i++) { // Scan all emails; delete current one if meets the criteria $dodel = FALSE; switch ($bounce_act) { case 'delnonbounce' : $head=$obj->getHeaders($i); $dodel = (!$head['bounce']); break; case 'clearemailbounce' : if (!in_array($i, $del_array)) break; $head=$obj->getHeaders($i); if($head['bounce']) { if (preg_match("/[\._a-zA-Z0-9-]+@[\._a-zA-Z0-9-]+/i", $obj->getBody($i), $result)) $usr_email = trim($result[0]); if ($sql->db_Select('user','user_id, user_name, user_email',"user_email='".$usr_email."' ")) { $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); if ($sql->db_Update('user',"`user_email`='' WHERE `user_id` = '".$row['user_id']."' ") !== FALSE) { // echo "Deleting user email {$row['user_email']} for user {$row['user_name']}, id={$row['user_id']}
"; $dodel = TRUE; } } } break; case 'delall' : $dodel = TRUE; break; case 'delchecked' : $dodel = in_array($i, $del_array); break; } if ($dodel) { // echo "Delete email ID {$i}
"; $obj->deleteMails($i); $del_count++; // Keep track of number of emails deleted } } // End - Delete one email $obj->close_mailbox(); // This actually deletes the emails } // End of email deletion // Now list the emails that are left $obj->connect(); $tot=$obj->getTotalMails(); $found = FALSE; $DEL = ($pref['mail_bounce_delete']) ? TRUE : FALSE; $text = "
\n"; for($i=1;$i<=$tot;$i++) { $head=$obj->getHeaders($i); if($head['bounce']) { // Its a 'bounce' email if (ereg('.*X-e107-id:(.*)MIME', $obj->getBody($i), $result)) { if($result[1]) { $id[$i] = intval($result[1]); // This should be a user ID - but not on special mailers! // Try and pull out an email address from body - should be the one that failed if (preg_match("/[\._a-zA-Z0-9-]+@[\._a-zA-Z0-9-]+/i", $obj->getBody($i), $result)) { $emails[$i] = "'".$result[0]."'"; } $found = TRUE; } } elseif (preg_match("/[\._a-zA-Z0-9-]+@[\._a-zA-Z0-9-]+/i", $obj->getBody($i), $result)) { if($result[0] && $result[0] != $pref['mail_bounce_email']) { $emails[$i] = "'".$result[0]."'"; $found = TRUE; } elseif($result[1] && $result[1] != $pref['mail_bounce_email']) { $emails[$i] = "'".$result[1]."'"; $found = TRUE; } } if ($DEL && $found) { // Auto-delete bounced emails once noticed (if option set) $obj->deleteMails($i); $del_count++; } } else { // Its a warning message or similar // $id[$i] = ''; // Don't worry about an ID for now // Try and pull out an email address from body - should be the one that failed if (preg_match("/[\._a-zA-Z0-9-]+@[\._a-zA-Z0-9-]+/i", $obj->getBody($i), $result)) { $wmails[$i] = "'".$result[0]."'"; } } $text .= "\n"; } if ($tot) { // Option to delete emails - only if there are some in the list $text .= "
".$i."".$id[$i]."".(isset($emails[$i]) ? $emails[$i] : $wmails[$i])."".$head['subject']."".($head['bounce'] ? ADMIN_TRUE_ICON : ADMIN_FALSE_ICON); $text .= "
\n \n \n \n "; } $text .= "
"; array_unique($id); array_unique($emails); $all_ids = implode(",",$id); $all_emails = implode(",",$emails); $obj->close_mailbox(); // This will actually delete emails // $tot has total number of emails in the mailbox $found = count($emails); // $found - Number of bounce emails found // $del_count has number of emails deleted // Update bounce status for users $ed = $sql -> db_Update("user", "user_ban=3 WHERE (`user_id` IN (".$all_ids.") OR `user_email` IN (".$all_emails.")) AND user_sess !='' "); if (!$ed) $ed = '0'; $this->show_message(str_replace(array('{TOTAL}','{DELCOUNT}','{DELUSER}','{FOUND}'), array($tot,$del_count,$ed,$found),USRLAN_155).$text); } } // End class users function users_adminmenu() { global $user; global $action; $user->show_options($action); } ?>