"; $ns->tablerender(DBLAN_10, $text); function backup_core() { global $pref, $sql; $tmp = base64_encode((serialize($pref))); if (!$sql->db_Insert("core", "'pref_backup', '{$tmp}' ")) { $sql->db_Update("core", "e107_value='{$tmp}' WHERE e107_name='pref_backup'"); } } function optimizesql($mySQLdefaultdb) { $result = mysql_list_tables($mySQLdefaultdb); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { mysql_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$row[0]); } $str = "
".DBLAN_11." $mySQLdefaultdb ".DBLAN_12.".

"; $ns = new e107table; $ns->tablerender(DBLAN_14, $str); } function plugin_viewscan() { $error_messages = array(0 => DBLAN_31, 1 =>DBLAN_32, 2 =>DBLAN_33, 3 => DBLAN_34); $error_image = array("integrity_pass.png","integrity_fail.png","warning.png","blank.png"); global $sql, $pref, $ns, $tp; require_once(e_HANDLER."plugin_class.php"); $ep = new e107plugin; $ep->update_plugins_table(); // scan for e_xxx changes and save to plugin table. $ep->save_addon_prefs(); // generate global e_xxx_list prefs from plugin table. $ns -> tablerender(DBLAN_22, "

"); $text = "
"; $sql -> db_Select("plugin", "*", "plugin_id !='' order by plugin_path ASC"); // Must order by path to pick up duplicates. (plugin names may change). while($row = $sql-> db_Fetch()) { $text .= ""; $previous = $row['plugin_path']; } // $text .= ""; $text .= "
".DBLAN_24." ".DBLAN_25." ".DBLAN_26."
".$tp->toHtml($row['plugin_name'],FALSE,"defs,emotes_off")." ".$row['plugin_path']." "; if (trim($row['plugin_addons'])) { $nl_code = ''; foreach(explode(',',$row['plugin_addons']) as $this_addon) { $ret_code = 3; // Default to 'not checked if (strpos($this_addon,'e_') === 0) { // echo "Checking: ".$row['plugin_path'].":".$this_addon."
"; $ret_code = $ep->checkAddon($row['plugin_path'],$this_addon); // See whether spaces before opening tag or after closing tag } $text .= "
"; $text .= "\"".$error_messages[$ret_code]."\"\n"; $text .= trim($this_addon); // $ret_code - 0=OK, 1=content error, 2=access error $text .= "
"; } } $text .= "
"; if($previous == $row['plugin_path']) { $delid = $row['plugin_id']; $delname = $row['plugin_name']; $text .= "\n"; } else { $text .= ($row['plugin_installflag'] == 1) ? DBLAN_27 : " "; // "Installed and not installed"; } $text .= "
"; $ns -> tablerender(ADLAN_CL_7, $text); } function pref_editor() { global $pref,$ns,$tp; ksort($pref); $text = "
"; foreach($pref as $key=>$val) { $ptext = (is_array($val)) ? "
" : htmlspecialchars($val); $ptext = $tp -> textclean($ptext, 80); $text .= " "; } $text .= "
".$key." ".$ptext."
"; $text .= "

\n"; $ns -> tablerender(DBLAN_20, $text); return $text; } function del_pref_val(){ global $pref,$ns,$e107cache; $del = array_keys($_POST['delpref']); $delpref = $del[0]; if($delpref) { unset($pref[$delpref]); $deleted_list .= "
  • ".$delpref."
  • "; } if($_POST['delpref2']){ foreach($_POST['delpref2'] as $k=>$v) { $deleted_list .= "
  • ".$k."
  • "; unset($pref[$k]); } } $message = "

    "; save_prefs(); $e107cache->clear(); $ns -> tablerender(LAN_DELETED,$message); } function delete_plugin_entry() { global $sql,$ns; $del = array_keys($_POST['delplug']); $message = ($sql -> db_Delete("plugin", "plugin_id='".intval($del[0])."' LIMIT 1")) ? LAN_DELETED : LAN_DELETED_FAILED; $caption = ($message == LAN_DELETED) ? LAN_DELETED : LAN_ERROR; $ns -> tablerender($caption,$message); } require_once("footer.php"); ?>