Atari iratA News Section


This website is now kindly hosted by I have updated old links on the pages where I could.


The free VDI, fVDI, is under heavy development lately, and now supports vector fonts. This opens the way for a complete modern open-source OS FreeMiNT/fVDI/XaAES/TeraDesk. (Amazingly, this all fits in less than 4MB of memory!)


Latest XaAES snapshot available from the freshly revamped website supports background textures for window elements and better printing support, together with many other improvements. Try it out!


Updated GEM and FreeMiNT-pages.


A new AES that supports themes and universal desktop background is presented here. My impression is that this MyAES, although it is work in progress, graphically looks really nice.


Some fine new applications like zView, an image browser, and zWeather can be downloaded from the homepage of Zorro.


FreeMiNT version 1.16.x is out for some time now and has lots of enhancements. XaAES is now part of the FreeMiNT distribution, and much work has been put in improving the speed of this AES in combination with MiNT. Download the kernel at SpareMiNT homepage.
Note: It seems that you need more than a standard Atari ST with 4MB to run the new XaAES kernel module. For 4MB Atari ST, I would recommend kernel 1.15.12 with the last non-modular XaAES 0.970a of 2004-03-01, and TeraDesk desktop.


Nature started development of the EtherNAT card for the CT60. It will be finished before the Supervidel card. The card will offer an Ethernet and USB connection. More info here: Nature.


Nature are developing a graphics card for the CT60 called SuperVidel. See the Nature homepage.


Since version 3.0, the excellent free desktop TeraDesk is maintained by Djordje Vukovic. Go to the TeraDesk homepage and try it out!


Many things about the beta testing of the CT60 are discussed on the DHS CT60 forum.


Rodolphe Czuba has finished his ultimate accelerator CT60 for the Atari Falcon! It is an expansion board with an MC68060 CPU and the possibility of adding lots (e.g. 512 MB) of RAM. See the Czuba Tech website for specifications!


The Error In Line (EIL) 2003 party has yielded amazing demo's and sounds for your stock Atari ST or Falcon! Have a look on the official EIL webpage, downloads also possible from Dead Hackers Society (DHS) website.


Atari Inc. resurrection ... forever Atari.


Added IP-masquerading text in the MiNTNet section. Check out the nice compact free desktop Teradesk v2 on the Homepage of Henk Robbers.


Revision of all texts. Restyling. Added TOS 2.06 user guide, by Hallvard Tangeraas.


PLIP information inserted. Code clean-up.


Inserted pictures on "Hardware" page.


Uploaded new "Download" and "Hardware" pages.


New versions available of FalcAmp and SND Player! See the Apps page on this site for the URLs.


Get some great musicx and demo's from the Error In Line 2001 party (Dresden). Also available at Dead Hackers Society


Graphical facelift :-).


Visit the XGEM homepage! XGEM is a X-server for GEM. It enables you to let X-programs put their output on your (GEM-managed) screen, which is really cool. Take a look at these snapshots of xeyes and oclock. You need at least a MC68030 CPU in order to run XGEM, unfortunately.


Uploaded a first version of the "TOS" page.


Updated "MiNT" page and inserted first version of "VDI" page.


Opening of the Atari iratA website.