At this moment we have 4 raid leaders being:

Beherith                        Lann                             Loralas                         Nightdream


The following raids are being set-up:


Naxxramas (10)
Obsidium Sanctum (10 and 25)
Trial of the Crusader (10)
Ulduar (10)
Vault of Archevon (10 and 25)


The following addons / programs are used in raids:

  Recuired Strongly suggested  


 Grid (for healers)  
  Deadly boss mods Decursive  
  Omen (threathmeter) Clique  


General rules for Raids:

  Loot rules

Main and Offspec
These days lots of members have 2 specs,
In order to make looting as fair as possible main spec rolls in general have priority over offspec rolls.
However, if you have been asked by the raid leader to join the raid using your offspec, you will be asked what you want to roll for as main spec at the beginning of a raid.

note: This choise will aplly troughtout the entire raid!

A druid has dual-spec. His mainspec is healing and his offspec is tanking.
This druid has been confirmed to the raid but is being asked to tank. Now he can choose to roll for tanking as mainspec. However if a boss drops nice healing gear this will now count as his offspec.

How much can you loot?
To make looting as honest as possible you can win 2 challenged rolls.
This means that if you have rolled against someone else for loot and you have won twice, you cannot roll on another item that is allready being rolled for. (unless the person rolling has also won 2 items allready)

Note: If someone rolls on an item you want to roll for too, it is considered social to check the other persons gear first. If he still has a green item and you allready have an epic one it is much more usefull to that person.
This is however not always neccecery and done by personal judgement


  Behaviour during raids

Begin in time
Everyone that has joined a raid knows how annoying it can be to wait for other players that are late.
Therefore try to be online in time or let the raid leader know you are going to be late.
If a member does not show up within 10 minits after the raid is supposed to start without informing the raid leader, the member will be replaced.

While the raid leader explains the boss-tactics, please do not speak in TS or raid chat. This is disctracting for both the raid leader and the raiders and will cost times needlesly.
If you have a question or advice you can tell the raid leader when he is pausing his explanation or is asking of members have questions. Also if there are several raid leaders in a raid you can send them a whisper.

Raiding should be a combination of having fun and making the progress you had in mind. So by all means have fun in raids and just follow up pointers from the raid leader(s)


Raid details:

  Naxxramas (10)

Naxxramas is on farm mode. Most of the players have pretty much all the gear they need. However this raid is still being organised for members that have just turned 80 and need to get some better gear in order to be able to join harder raids as Ulduar

Who can join?
Everyone with prority to lower geared people and as long as we can finish the raid with the group

When is this raid organised?
This raid is normaly occurs on wednesday-evening



Obsidium Sanctum (10 and 25)

Obsidian Sanctum (10 and 25) is on farm mode, and  is usualy organised for badges / fun

Who can join?
Everyone as long as we can finish the raid with the group

When is this raid organised?
Usualy during a weekday or friday


  Trial of the Crusader (10)

We have just started this instance and have cleared up to the third boss

Who can join?
To provide the best chance of succes we take the best geared people

When is this raid organised?
During the weekends


  Ulduar (10)

We have the gear and skill to finish this instance just not the experience.
Cleared up to Hodir so far.

Who can join?
Everyone with at least some naxx / conquest badges gear, and as long as we are able to kill the bosses.

When is this raid organised?
During the weekends


  Vault of Archevon (10 and 25)

This raid has been organised once and cleared it.

Who can join?
Everyone with at least some naxx / conquest badges gear, and as long as we are able to kill the bosses.

When is this raid organised?
During the weekends