Per Category

This shipping method is used to give shipping cost per category. With this enabled it will be possible to add/edit these costs in the categories section of admin.

Configuration Settings
National Countries:
(List comma separated ISO codes)
International Countries:
(List comma separated ISO codes)
Excluded Countries:
(List comma separated ISO codes)
Tax Class: select("SELECT * FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_taxes"); ?>

Please select which countries to apply international shipping charges to:

How is shipping calculated?
Shipping is calculated by category:

Category Per Shipment Per Item Per Shipment (International) Per Item (International)
Gloves 1.20 0.50 6.50 3.45
Shoes 1.95 0.95 8.25 6.30

If a combination of items are being purchased the higher shipping rate shall apply:
e.g. 1 Pair of shoes + 1 Pair of gloves = 1.95 + 0.95 + 0.50 = 3.40
e.g. 1 Pair of shoes + 1 Pair of gloves = 8.25 + 6.30 + 3.45 = 18.00 (International)
