', $pk)
. ' LIMIT 1;';
$res = PMA_DBI_query($local_query);
$row = PMA_DBI_fetch_row($res);
$meta = PMA_DBI_get_fields_meta($res);
// must find a unique condition based on unique key,
// not a combination of all fields
if ($tmp = PMA_getUniqueCondition($res, count($meta), $meta, $row, true)) {
$_SESSION['edit_next'] = $tmp;
} elseif (! empty($GLOBALS['goto'])) {
if (! preg_match('@^[a-z_]+\.php$@', $GLOBALS['goto'])) {
// this should NOT happen
//$GLOBALS['goto'] = false;
$goto_include = false;
} else {
$goto_include = $GLOBALS['goto'];
if ($GLOBALS['goto'] == 'db_sql.php' && strlen($GLOBALS['table'])) {
$GLOBALS['table'] = '';
if (! $goto_include) {
if (! strlen($GLOBALS['table'])) {
$goto_include = 'db_sql.php';
} else {
$goto_include = 'tbl_sql.php';
// Defines the url to return in case of failure of the query
if (isset($_REQUEST['err_url'])) {
$err_url = $_REQUEST['err_url'];
} else {
$err_url = 'tbl_change.php' . PMA_generate_common_url($url_params);
* Prepares the update/insert of a row
if (isset($_REQUEST['primary_key'])) {
// we were editing something => use primary key
$loop_array = (is_array($_REQUEST['primary_key']) ? $_REQUEST['primary_key'] : array($_REQUEST['primary_key']));
$using_key = true;
$is_insert = ($_REQUEST['submit_type'] == $GLOBALS['strInsertAsNewRow']);
} else {
// new row => use indexes
$loop_array = array();
foreach ($_REQUEST['fields']['multi_edit'] as $key => $dummy) {
$loop_array[] = $key;
$using_key = false;
$is_insert = true;
$query = array();
$value_sets = array();
$func_no_param = array(
foreach ($loop_array as $rowcount => $primary_key) {
// skip fields to be ignored
if (! $using_key && isset($_REQUEST['insert_ignore_' . $primary_key])) {
// Defines the SET part of the sql query
$query_values = array();
// Map multi-edit keys to single-level arrays, dependent on how we got the fields
$me_fields =
? $_REQUEST['fields']['multi_edit'][$rowcount]
: array();
$me_fields_prev =
? $_REQUEST['fields_prev']['multi_edit'][$rowcount]
: null;
$me_funcs =
? $_REQUEST['funcs']['multi_edit'][$rowcount]
: null;
$me_fields_type =
? $_REQUEST['fields_type']['multi_edit'][$rowcount]
: null;
$me_fields_null =
? $_REQUEST['fields_null']['multi_edit'][$rowcount]
: null;
$me_fields_null_prev =
? $_REQUEST['fields_null_prev']['multi_edit'][$rowcount]
: null;
$me_auto_increment =
? $_REQUEST['auto_increment']['multi_edit'][$rowcount]
: null;
$primary_field = PMA_BS_GetPrimaryField($GLOBALS['db'], $GLOBALS['table']);
// Fetch the current values of a row to use in case we have a protected field
// @todo possibly move to ./libraries/tbl_replace_fields.inc.php
if ($is_insert && $using_key && isset($me_fields_type) &&
is_array($me_fields_type) && isset($primary_key)) {
$prot_result = PMA_DBI_query('SELECT * FROM ' .
PMA_backquote($table) . ' WHERE ' . $primary_key . ';');
$prot_row = PMA_DBI_fetch_assoc($prot_result);
foreach ($me_fields as $key => $val) {
require './libraries/tbl_replace_fields.inc.php';
// rajk - for blobstreaming
if (NULL != $primary_field || strlen($primary_field) > 0)
$remove_blob_repo = isset($_REQUEST['remove_blob_repo_' . $key]) ? $_REQUEST['remove_blob_repo_' . $key] : NULL;
$upload_blob_repo = isset($_REQUEST['upload_blob_repo_' . $key]) ? $_REQUEST['upload_blob_repo_' . $key] : NULL;
// checks if an existing blob repository reference should be removed
if (isset($remove_blob_repo) && !isset($upload_blob_repo))
$remove_blob_reference = $_REQUEST['remove_blob_ref_' . $key];
if (isset($remove_blob_reference))
$val = "''";
// checks if this field requires a bs reference attached to it
$requires_bs_reference = isset($upload_blob_repo);
if ($requires_bs_reference)
// get the most recent BLOB reference
$bs_reference = PMA_File::getRecentBLOBReference();
// if the most recent BLOB reference exists, set it as a field value
if (!is_null($bs_reference))
$val = "'" . PMA_sqlAddslashes($bs_reference) . "'";
if (empty($me_funcs[$key])) {
$cur_value = $val;
} elseif ('UNIX_TIMESTAMP' === $me_funcs[$key] && $val != "''") {
$cur_value = $me_funcs[$key] . '(' . $val . ')';
} elseif (in_array($me_funcs[$key], $func_no_param)) {
$cur_value = $me_funcs[$key] . '()';
} else {
$cur_value = $me_funcs[$key] . '(' . $val . ')';
// i n s e r t
if ($is_insert) {
// no need to add column into the valuelist
if (strlen($cur_value)) {
$query_values[] = $cur_value;
// first inserted row so prepare the list of fields
if (empty($value_sets)) {
$query_fields[] = PMA_backquote($key);
// u p d a t e
} elseif (!empty($me_fields_null_prev[$key])
&& !isset($me_fields_null[$key])) {
// field had the null checkbox before the update
// field no longer has the null checkbox
$query_values[] = PMA_backquote($key) . ' = ' . $cur_value;
} elseif (empty($me_funcs[$key])
&& isset($me_fields_prev[$key])
&& ("'" . PMA_sqlAddslashes($me_fields_prev[$key]) . "'" == $val)) {
// No change for this column and no MySQL function is used -> next column
} elseif (! empty($val)) {
// avoid setting a field to NULL when it's already NULL
// (field had the null checkbox before the update
// field still has the null checkbox)
if (!(! empty($me_fields_null_prev[$key])
&& isset($me_fields_null[$key]))) {
$query_values[] = PMA_backquote($key) . ' = ' . $cur_value;
} // end foreach ($me_fields as $key => $val)
if (count($query_values) > 0) {
if ($is_insert) {
$value_sets[] = implode(', ', $query_values);
} else {
// build update query
$query[] = 'UPDATE ' . PMA_backquote($GLOBALS['db']) . '.' . PMA_backquote($GLOBALS['table'])
. ' SET ' . implode(', ', $query_values) . ' WHERE ' . str_replace(']', ']', $primary_key) . ' LIMIT 1';
} // end foreach ($loop_array as $primary_key)
unset($me_fields_prev, $me_funcs, $me_fields_type, $me_fields_null, $me_fields_null_prev,
$me_auto_increment, $cur_value, $key, $val, $loop_array, $primary_key, $using_key,
// Builds the sql query
if ($is_insert && count($value_sets) > 0) {
$query[] = 'INSERT INTO ' . PMA_backquote($GLOBALS['db']) . '.' . PMA_backquote($GLOBALS['table'])
. ' (' . implode(', ', $query_fields) . ') VALUES (' . implode('), (', $value_sets) . ')';
unset($query_fields, $value_sets);
$message = PMA_Message::success('strRowsInserted');
} elseif (! empty($query)) {
$message = PMA_Message::success('strRowsAffected');
} else {
// No change -> move back to the calling script
$message = PMA_Message::success('strNoModification');
$GLOBALS['js_include'][] = 'functions.js';
$active_page = $goto_include;
require_once './libraries/header.inc.php';
require './' . PMA_securePath($goto_include);
unset($me_fields, $is_insert);
* Executes the sql query and get the result, then move back to the calling
* page
if (! empty($GLOBALS['sql_query'])) {
$url_params['sql_query'] = $GLOBALS['sql_query'];
$return_to_sql_query = $GLOBALS['sql_query'];
$GLOBALS['sql_query'] = implode('; ', $query) . ';';
$total_affected_rows = 0;
$last_messages = array();
$warning_messages = array();
$error_messages = array();
foreach ($query as $single_query) {
if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['IgnoreMultiSubmitErrors']) {
$result = PMA_DBI_try_query($single_query);
} else {
$result = PMA_DBI_query($single_query);
if (! $result) {
$error_messages[] = PMA_DBI_getError();
} else {
if (@PMA_DBI_affected_rows()) {
$total_affected_rows += @PMA_DBI_affected_rows();
$insert_id = PMA_DBI_insert_id();
if ($insert_id != 0) {
// insert_id is id of FIRST record inserted in one insert, so if we
// inserted multiple rows, we had to increment this
if ($total_affected_rows > 0) {
$insert_id = $insert_id + $total_affected_rows - 1;
$last_message = PMA_Message::notice('strInsertedRowId');
$last_messages[] = $last_message;
} // end if
foreach (PMA_DBI_get_warnings() as $warning) {
$warning_messages[] = $warning['Level'] . ': #' . $warning['Code']
. ' ' . $warning['Message'];
unset($single_query, $query);
$message->addMessages($last_messages, '
if (! empty($warning_messages)) {
* @todo use a