___.inc.php * * The function name has to be the like above filename: * * -- function PMA_transformation____.inc.php * * Please use short and expressive names. For now, special characters which aren't allowed in * filenames or functions should not be used. * * Please provide a comment for your function, what it does and what parameters are available. * * @version $Id: global.inc.php 10142 2007-03-20 10:32:13Z cybot_tm $ */ /** * */ function PMA_transformation_global_plain($buffer, $options = array(), $meta = '') { return htmlspecialchars($buffer); } function PMA_transformation_global_html($buffer, $options = array(), $meta = '') { return $buffer; } function PMA_transformation_global_html_replace($buffer, $options = array(), $meta = '') { if (!isset($options['string'])) { $options['string'] = ''; } if (isset($options['regex']) && isset($options['regex_replace'])) { $buffer = preg_replace('@' . str_replace('@', '\@', $options['regex']) . '@si', $options['regex_replace'], $buffer); } // Replace occurences of [__BUFFER__] with actual text $return = str_replace("[__BUFFER__]", $buffer, $options['string']); return $return; } ?>