hasDisplayErrors()) { echo '
'; $GLOBALS['error_handler']->dispErrors(); echo '
'; } if (count($GLOBALS['footnotes'])) { echo '
'; foreach ($GLOBALS['footnotes'] as $footnote) { echo '' . $footnote['nr'] . ' ' . $footnote['note'] . '
'; } echo '
'; } if (! empty($_SESSION['debug'])) { $sum_time = 0; $sum_exec = 0; foreach ($_SESSION['debug']['queries'] as $query) { $sum_time += $query['count'] * $query['time']; $sum_exec += $query['count']; } echo '
'; echo count($_SESSION['debug']['queries']) . ' queries executed' . $sum_exec . ' times in ' . $sum_time . ' seconds'; echo '
    echo '
'; echo '
'; $_SESSION['debug'] = array(); } ?> ' . "\n"; $url_params['target'] = basename(PMA_getenv('SCRIPT_NAME')); echo ''; /* echo ''; */ if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['NavigationBarIconic']) { echo '' . $GLOBALS['strOpenNewWindow'] . ''; } if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['NavigationBarIconic'] !== true) { echo $GLOBALS['strOpenNewWindow']; } echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; } // Include possible custom footers if (file_exists('./config.footer.inc.php')) { require './config.footer.inc.php'; } /** * Generates profiling data if requested */ // profiling deactivated due to licensing issues if (! empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['DBG']['php']) && ! empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['DBG']['profile']['enable'])) { //run the basic setup code first require_once './libraries/dbg/setup.php'; //if the setup ran fine, then do the profiling /* if (! empty($GLOBALS['DBG'])) { require_once './libraries/dbg/profiling.php'; dbg_dump_profiling_results(); } */ } ?>