Information skills by Maretta Ebert

Google is the most the most popular search engine used at the moment, but are we using google too much?. Google is a very helpful search engine when you want to research something but there are so many other resources we can use for information. For example we can use Magazines, Books, Reports, Newspapers, Blogs or Journals etc.

During this course we had to make a mind map about a project called The Ocean Cleanup, I already knew what a mind map was but Mrs. Ebert showed us specifically how to make it using 2 steps.

Step 1: clarify you assignment , what is your information for? for a paper,report,analyses, how many pages? and what is your target audience?

Step 2: Make a digital mind map, using Freeplane, Mimdmeister or Mindmup.

We also learned the Reference List and what to do when referencing publications (InHolland is APA).

Overall the skills I’ve gained during this course helped me while doing research for all my other classes such as The International World of Business and Fundamentals of Business and these skills also helped process loads of information a lot faster and easier.
