New insights week 2

Last week I wrote an essay about reflection on my new insights and now I will write about my insights, my new ones. Maybe they are silly maybe not, but for me these are important and I try to motivate myself to respect them and to try to not screw up. To talk about my new insights, well this will be tough but one of my first insights and the most important one in my opinion is not to throw this opportunity that InHolland offered me and to finish this program. I looked for a program like this for a long time and I finally found it and the motive that I like this programme is because in high school I had a same subject and I really enjoyed it but it was only for one year so I needed to focus to my backup plan( math, informatics, physics).

The test that we had to do was the Myers Briggs test. This consisted of questions that were directed to show what kind of person you are. I have actually learned a lot from this test. I did not really know a lot about my own personality but by doing the test I have discovered a lot about myself. I think that the results were actually really accurate. This has shown me not only my strengths and weaknesses but also pointed out what my career paths and workplace habits. After the test we had to form groups with the people who had the same results of the test. We then had to share ideas and thought about the outcome. I learned actually a lot about my classmates from having a discussion about their personality. This was very helpful to me because they came up with ideas that can help in the future as well, for instance the personality actually reflects on being very helpful and thoughtful towards others and my classmates shared their ideas on how to put this into your career later on which I was not so much aware of.

The insight that I am working now and I am getting used to it is to get out of my comfort zone. For now I did it and I am very proud but I need to continue with this and not to go back being lazy and indifferent from assignment or projects, and just go to school and do other things and don’t listen to the teacher or the guest speaker. This is a tough insight for me but I managed to control myself and to auto discipline and I am on the right track. The videos about born to learn really got to me. I learned actually the truth behind what really motivates people to learn and work. The most important thing said during those videos was on my opinion the sentence ‘learn something what is meaningful to you’. When engaging in something challenging and of choice, such as IBIS, you learn a lot more because it means a lot to you.

As a conclusion this week with the personality test and with the little chat with our class mates and with the movies I discovered my personality my strengths and weaknesses. I got confirmed that the IBIS course is really for me.