Elly was born April 19, 1987, after a normal pregnancy.

    It was immediately obvious something was wrong, Elly's skin was very

    yellow and covered with red dots.

    We were allowed to hold Elly for a few minutes until she had to be 

    examined by the doctor.

    After the examination she had to go in the incubator.

    Elly was infected by a virus. Until they knew what virus it was

    we were not allowed to hold her or touch her.

    After a few days it appeared that Elly was infected by the 


    At that time there wasn't much knowledge about this virus, we had to wait

    and see how Elly would develop. There was no treatment for this virus,

    but they knew the virus could damage the liver and the brain.

    This uncertainty was very difficult for us.


    After two months Elly was released from the hospital.

    Elly was eating very bad and what she got in was used by the fight

    against the virus.

    After nine months we took Elly back to the hospital, she had diarrhea

    and was becoming dehydrated.

    It might sound strange, but we were glad Elly went back to the hospital.

    We were exhausted, we were trying to get Elly something to eat, 

    but we hardly succeeded, it was a struggle every day.

    When Elly was one year old, she only weighted eight pounds.


    Back in the hospital Elly's hearing was tested.

    It turned out Elly didn't hear almost anything at all.

    She also was behind in development, the doctor said she might never be

    able to walk or talk.

    This was a very big shock for us, we hadn't expected this at all.

    The worst thing for us was that we couldn't get any contact with Elly,

    she just looked pass us.

    After three months in the hospital Elly went back home again.

    She got different food so that she would gain weight faster.


    When Elly was one and a half year old, we went to the

    rehabilitation center once a week.

    This was not a success, every time we were there, Elly started crying

    until we went home.

    Their job consisted mainly of giving advises which we could practice

    at home.

    Elly was very shy and timid, so we hardly couldn't visit anybody,

    or couldn't get someone to baby-sit.

    The reactions from other peoples were very different, with some people

    we could talk about the problems with Elly, others just didn't talk about it

    and  hushed up our problems.


    Our social worker put us in contact with Kentalis,

    a remedial teaching and education center for deaf children with mental 


    First we got a half day per week support at home.

    Elly didn't like this, she never enjoyed it when we wanted to do

    something with her.

    Elly's hands were, due to her disease, very sensitive, so she did do

    almost everything  with her feet.

    When Elly was two and a half year old, she went two days every two

    weeks to the education center.

    It was, especially in the beginning, hard for us, but at the other side

    it was good to get some rest and have no worries for a few days.

    Elly was still very much behind in development, mentally and physically,

    the tests they did showed that clearly.

    Elly had serious mental retardation, she only lied down, was very

    absent-minded and just floundered a bit.

    She also had much problems with her defecation.


    It has been uncertain for a long time if Elly could stay on the 

    education center. Not until Elly was five years old, the decision was

    made Elly could stay.

    This was a difficult and uncertain time for us, we were worrying 

    where else to go.


    As Elly grew older, she made slowly progress.

    When Elly was four years old, she was able to walk by herself.

    We and other people were able to get in contact with her more and more.

    At first Elly had a fit of temper very often, she got very mad then and was

    very difficult to calm down.

    Now Elly knows more gestures, we are able to communicate more

    with Elly. She now can  make clear to us what she likes or doesn't like.

    In 2009 Elly moved to severinus, an education center in Veldhoven, where we live.
    Now we can visit Elly easier and more often if we like.


    Nowadays Elly is a cheerful, 36 year old lady, she is healthy,

    weights 54 kilo, what is good for her length, and feels happy most 

    of the time.

    She stays at the education center weekdays and home in the weekends.

    She learns more and more gestures and many other things, for instance

    she recently got here swimming certificate.


    In spite of the difficulties in the beginning we are very happy with Elly now.

    We can't imagine a life without her.



