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My notecard! -- Instant message logging enabled -- [10:21] alehx Mayo: ??? [10:35] alehx Mayo: you give a note card [10:36] Bonke35 Button: Give it back to me if you don't want it;-) [11:32] alehx Mayo: ??? [11:32] Bonke35 Button: Now give me the notecard back please! [11:32] alehx Mayo: why? [11:33] alehx Mayo: first, why you gave it to me? [11:33] Bonke35 Button: I will report you if you don't give it back, I did'nt gave you anything so you must have stolen it from me! [11:35] alehx Mayo: hahaha I don't stolen anything, I can't do it but if you don't wanna explain me it's ok I don't care but you are so ridiculos, to the next time be careful with your things patetic [11:36] Bonke35 Button: hehehe asswipe [11:37] alehx Mayo: hehehe I had a copy, who is asswipe now? [11:37] Bonke35 Button: The one who explains it to the other one and thinks he's smart,..fuckin noob! [11:38] alehx Mayo: bye bye . . . [11:38] Bonke35 Button: Thanks for the laugh hehehe