'the file uploaded with success', 1=>'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini', 2=>'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form', 3=>'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded', 4=>'No file was uploaded.', 6=>'Missing a temporary folder', 7=>'Failed to write file to disk', 8=>'File upload stopped by extension', 999=>'No error code avaiable', ); function Upload() { //doing nothing } function isFileUploaded($indexInPost="file") { $this->errCode = isset($_FILES[$indexInPost]['error'])?$_FILES[$indexInPost]['error']:999; if ((isset($_FILES[$indexInPost]['error']) && $_FILES[$indexInPost] == 0) || (!empty($_FILES[$indexInPost]['tmp_name']) && $_FILES[$indexInPost]['tmp_name'] != 'none') ) { $this->_value = $_FILES[$indexInPost]; $this->fileSize = @filesize($this->_value['tmp_name']); $this->originalFileName = $this->_value['name']; $this->fileType = $this->_value['type']; return true; }else { array_push($this->errors, 'Unable to upload file'); return false; } } function getErrorCodeMsg() { return (isset($this->errorCodes[$this->errCode])?$this->errorCodes[$this->errCode]:""); } /** * check if the uploaded file extension is allowed against the validFile Extension * or against the invalid extension list when the list of valid file extension is not set * * @param array $validFileExt * @return boolean */ function isPermittedFileExt($validFileExt = array()) { $tem = array(); if (sizeof($validFileExt)) { foreach($validFileExt as $k=>$v) { $tem[$k] = strtolower(trim($v)); } } $validFileExt = $tem; if (sizeof($validFileExt) && sizeof($this->invalidFileExt)) { foreach($validFileExt as $k=>$ext) { if (array_search(strtolower($ext), $this->invalidFileExt) !== false) { unset($validFileExt[$k]); } } } if (sizeof($validFileExt)) { if (array_search(strtolower($this->getFileExt()), $validFileExt) !== false) { return true; } }elseif (array_search(strtolower($this->getFileExt()), $this->invalidFileExt) === false) { return true; } $this->deleteUploadedFile(); return false; } /** * check if the uploaded file size is too big * * @param integer $maxSize */ function isSizeTooBig($maxSize="") { if ($this->fileSize > $maxSize) { $this->deleteUploadedFile(); return true; }else { return false; } } /** * set the invali file extensions * * @param array $invalidFileExt */ function setInvalidFileExt($invalidFileExt=array()) { $tem = array(); if (sizeof($invalidFileExt)) { foreach($invalidFileExt as $k=>$v) { $tem[$k]= strtolower(trim($v)); } } $this->invalidFileExt = $tem; } /** * get file type * * @return string */ function getFileType() { return $this->fileType; } /** * get a file extension * * @param string $fileName the path to a file or just the file name */ function getFileExt() { //return strtolower(substr(strrchr($this->fileName, "."), 1)); return substr(strrchr($this->originalFileName, "."), 1); } /** * move the uploaded file to a specific location * * @param string $dest the path to the directory which the uploaded file will be moved to * @param string $fileBaseName the base name which the uploaded file will be renamed to * @param unknown_type $overwrite * @return unknown */ function moveUploadedFile($dest, $fileBaseName = '', $overwrite=false) { //ensure the directory path ending with / if ($dest != '' && substr($dest, -1) != '/') { $dest .= '/'; } $this->dirPath = $dest; $fileName = basename($this->_value['name']); $dotIndex = strrpos($fileName, '.'); $this->fileExtension = ''; if (is_int($dotIndex)) { $this->fileExtension = substr($fileName, $dotIndex); $this->fileBaseName = substr($fileName, 0, $dotIndex); } if (!empty($fileBaseName)) { $this->fileBaseName = $fileBaseName; } $fileName = $this->fileBaseName . $this->fileExtension; $filePath = $dest . $fileName; if (!$overwrite && file_exists($filePath) && is_file($filePath)) {//rename $counter = 0; while (file_exists($dest.$fileName) && is_file($dest .$fileName)) { $counter++; $fileName = $this->fileBaseName.'_'.$counter.$this->fileExtension; } $this->fileBaseName .= "_" . $counter; } if (@move_uploaded_file($this->_value['tmp_name'], $dest . $fileName)) { @chmod($dest . $fileName, $this->uploadFileMode); $this->fileName = $fileName; $this->filePath = $dest . $fileName; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * check if the uploaded is permitted to upload * * @param mixed $invalidImageExts invalid image extension * @param bool $delete force to delete the uploaded file */ function isImage($invalidImageExts = array(), $delete = true) { if (!is_array($invalidImageExts) && !empty($invalidImageExts)) { $invalidImageExts = explode(",", $invalidImageExts); } foreach ($invalidImageExts as $k=>$v) { $invalidImageExts[$k] = strtolower(trim($v)); } foreach ($this->validImageExts as $k=>$v) { $ValidImageExts[$k] = strtolower(trim($v)); } if (sizeof($invalidImageExts)) { foreach ($ValidImageExts as $k=>$v) { if (array_search(strtolower($v), $invalidImageExts) !== false) { unset($ValidImageExts[$k]); } } } if (array_search(strtolower($this->getFileExt()), $ValidImageExts)!==false) { $this->_get_image_details($this->filePath); if (!empty($this->fileType)) { return true; } }else { if ($delete) { $this->deleteUploadedFile(); } } array($this->errors, "This file is not a image type file."); return false; } /** * Resize the Image in the X and/or Y direction * If either is 0 it will be scaled proportionally * * @access public * * @param mixed $new_x * @param mixed $new_y * @param string $thumb_suffix * * @return mixed none or PEAR_error */ function resize($filePath, $thumb_suffix="", $new_x = 0, $new_y = 0) { if (empty($filePath)) { $filePath = $this->dirPath . $this->fileBaseName . $thumb_suffix . $this->fileExtension; } // 0 means keep original size if ($this->img_x > $this->img_y) $new_y = (int)($new_y/$this->img_x*$this->img_y); elseif ($this->img_y > $this->img_x) $new_x = (int)($new_x/$this->img_y*$this->img_x); // Now do the library specific resizing. return $this->_resize($filePath,$new_x, $new_y); } // End resize /** * resize the image and return the thumbnail image details array("width"=>, "height"=>, "name") * * @param string $fileName * @param int $new_x the thumbnail width * @param int $new_y the thumbnail height * @return unknown */ function _resize($fileName, $new_x, $new_y) { $functionName = 'ImageCreateFrom' . $this->fileType; if (function_exists($functionName)) { $this->imgHandler = $functionName($this->filePath); }else { array_push($this->errors, $functionName . " function is unavailable"); return false; } if (function_exists('ImageCreateTrueColor')){ $new_img =ImageCreateTrueColor($new_x,$new_y); } else { $new_img =ImageCreate($new_x,$new_y); } if (function_exists('ImageCopyResampled')){ ImageCopyResampled($new_img, $this->imgHandler, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_x, $new_y, $this->img_x, $this->img_y); } else { ImageCopyResized($new_img, $this->imgHandler, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_x, $new_y, $this->img_x, $this->img_y); } if ($this->_imageSave($new_img, $fileName, 80)) { return array("width"=>$new_x, "height"=>$new_y, "name"=>basename($fileName)); }else { array_push($this->errors, "Unable to resize the image"); return false; } } /** * save the thumbnail file and destroy the opened image * * @param resource $newImageHandler * @param string $fileName * @param int $quality * @return boolean */ function _imageSave($newImageHandler, $fileName, $quality = 90) { $functionName = 'image' . $this->fileType; if ($functionName($newImageHandler, $fileName, $quality)) { imagedestroy($newImageHandler); return true; }else { imagedestroy($newImageHandler); array_push($this->errors, "Unable to save the thumbnail file."); return false; } } /** * * @access public * @return void */ function _get_image_details($image) { //echo $image; $data = @GetImageSize($image); #1 = GIF, 2 = JPG, 3 = PNG, 4 = SWF, 5 = PSD, 6 = BMP, 7 = TIFF(intel byte order), 8 = TIFF(motorola byte order, # 9 = JPC, 10 = JP2, 11 = JPX, 12 = JB2, 13 = SWC if (is_array($data)){ switch($data[2]){ case 1: $type = 'gif'; break; case 2: $type = 'jpeg'; break; case 3: $type = 'png'; break; case 4: $type = 'swf'; break; case 5: $type = 'psd'; case 6: $type = 'bmp'; case 7: case 8: $type = 'tiff'; default: array_push($this->errors, "We do not recognize this image format"); } $this->img_x = $data[0]; $this->img_y = $data[1]; $this->fileType = $type; return true; } else { array_push($this->errors, "Cannot fetch image or images details."); return null; } } /** * caculate the thumbnail details from the original image file * * @param string $originalImageName * @param int $originaleImageWidth * @param int $originalImageHeight * @param string $thumbnailSuffix * @param int $thumbnailWidth * @param int $thumbnailHeight * @return array array("name"=>"image name", "width"=>"image width", "height"=>"image height") */ function getThumbInfo($originalImageName, $originaleImageWidth, $originalImageHeight, $thumbnailSuffix, $thumbnailWidth, $thumbnailHeight) { $outputs = array("name"=>"", "width"=>0, "height"=>0); $thumbnailWidth = (int)($thumbnailWidth); $thumbnailHeight = (int)($thumbnailHeight); if (!empty($originalImageName) && !empty($originaleImageWidth) && !empty($originalImageHeight)) { $dotIndex = strrpos($originalImageName, '.'); //begin to get the thumbnail image name $fileExtension = ''; $fileBaseName = ''; if (is_int($dotIndex)) { $fileExtension = substr($originalImageName, $dotIndex); $fileBaseName = substr($originalImageName, 0, $dotIndex); } $outputs['name'] = $fileBaseName . $thumbnailSuffix . $fileExtension; //start to get the thumbnail width & height if ($thumbnailWidth < 1 && $thumbnailHeight < 1) { $thumbnailWidth =$originaleImageWidth; $thumbnailHeight = $originalImageHeight; }elseif ($thumbnailWidth < 1) { $thumbnailWidth = floor($thumbnailHeight / $originalImageHeight * $originaleImageWidth); }elseif ($thumbnailHeight < 1) { $thumbnailHeight = floor($thumbnailWidth / $originaleImageWidth * $originalImageHeight); }else { $scale = min($thumbnailWidth/$originaleImageWidth, $thumbnailHeight/$originalImageHeight); $thumbnailWidth = floor($scale*$originaleImageWidth); $thumbnailHeight = floor($scale*$originalImageHeight); } $outputs['width'] = $thumbnailWidth; $outputs['height'] = $thumbnailHeight; } return $outputs; } /** * get the uploaded file */ function deleteUploadedFile() { @unlink($this->filePath); } /** * destroy the tmp file * */ function finish() { @unlink($this->_value['tmp_name']); } function displayError() { if (sizeof($this->errors)) { echo "
			echo "
"; } } /** * get the path which the file uploaded to * */ function getFilePath() { return $this->filePath; } /** * return the directory path witch the file uploaded to * * @return unknown */ function getDirPath() { return $this->dirPath; } function getFileBaseName() { return $this->fileBaseName; } function getFileName() { return $this->fileName; } /** * get image width * * @return integer */ function getImageWidth() { return $this->img_x; } /** * get image height * * @return integer */ function getImageHeight() { return $this->img_y; } /** * get uploaded file size * * @return string */ function getFileSize() { return $this->fileSize; } /** * delete the uploaded image file & associated thumnails * * @param string $dirPath * @param string $originalImageName * @param string $arrayThumbnailSuffix */ function deleteFileAndThumbs($dirPath, $originalImageName, $arrayThumbnailSuffix) { //ensure the directory path ending with / if ($dirPath != '' && substr($dirPath, -1) != '/') { $dirPath .= '/'; } if (!empty($originalImageName) && file_exists($dirPath . $originalImageName) && is_file($dirPath . $originalImageName)) { @unlink($dirPath . $originalImageName); foreach($arrayThumbnailSuffix as $v) { $dotIndex = strrpos($originalImageName, '.'); //begin to get the thumbnail image name $fileExtension = ''; $fileBaseName = ''; if (is_int($dotIndex)) { $fileExtension = substr($originalImageName, $dotIndex); $fileBaseName = substr($originalImageName, 0, $dotIndex); } @unlink($dirPath . $fileBaseName . $v . $fileExtension); } } } } ?>