OpenTrivia 2.0 Installatie
Welkom bij de installatie van OpenTrivia 2.0 !

Na het doorlopen van deze korte installatieprocedure zal u een werkende weblog hebben.
Voordat het zo ver is dient er eerst een kleine aanpassing gedaan te worden in het bestand db.class.php, dat u kan terugvinden in de map classes.

Bovenaan vindt u de volgende regels:

'); ?>

Gelieve hier tussen de aanhalingstekens de juiste databasegegevens in te geven.
Vervolgens kunnen we verder gaan met de installatie !

OpenTrivia 2.0 » Installatie
OpenTrivia 2.0 Installatie
Nu is het tijd om gegevens te verzamelen voor uw weblog.
Deze informatie is noodzakelijk voor het functioneren van OpenTrivia. U kan deze later altijd aanpassen.

Gelieve onderstaand formulier volledig in te vullen.

Weblog naam

Hoofdadres (http://)

Uw naam

Uw nickname



connectDB(); // Make new connection // Create tables in DB $DB->query_execDB(" CREATE TABLE ot_categories ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, category_name varchar(128) NOT NULL default '', category_description text NOT NULL, category_url text NOT NULL, category_status enum('yes','no') NOT NULL default 'yes', PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY category_name (category_name) ); "); // Categories $DB->query_execDB(" CREATE TABLE ot_comments ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, comment_author_name varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', comment_author_email varchar(128) NOT NULL default '', comment_author_url varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', comment_author_ip varchar(15) NOT NULL default '', comment_content longtext NOT NULL, comment_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', comment_post int(11) NOT NULL default '0', comment_status enum('yes','no','spam') NOT NULL default 'yes', PRIMARY KEY (id) ); "); // Comments $DB->query_execDB(" CREATE TABLE ot_config ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, config_name varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', config_value text NOT NULL, config_description text NOT NULL, autoload enum('yes','no') NOT NULL default 'no', PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY config_name (config_name) ); "); // Configuration $DB->query_execDB(" CREATE TABLE ot_files ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, file_author int(11) NOT NULL default '0', file_name varchar(128) NOT NULL default '', file_size int(11) NOT NULL default '0', file_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY file_name (file_name) ); "); // Files $DB->query_execDB(" CREATE TABLE ot_links ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, link_author int(11) NOT NULL default '0', link_name varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', link_url varchar(128) NOT NULL default '', link_status enum('yes','no') NOT NULL default 'yes', PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY link_name (link_name,link_url) ); "); // Links $DB->query_execDB(" CREATE TABLE ot_post2category ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, post_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', category_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id) ); "); // Post 2 cats $DB->query_execDB(" CREATE TABLE ot_posts ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, post_title text NOT NULL, post_content longtext NOT NULL, post_author int(11) NOT NULL default '0', post_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', post_modified datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', post_url varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', post_type enum('post','page') NOT NULL default 'post', post_parent int(11) NOT NULL default '0', post_status enum('gepubliceerd','klad','privé','toekomst','goedkeuring') NOT NULL default 'gepubliceerd', post_comment_status enum('open','gesloten','leden') NOT NULL default 'open', post_comments int(11) NOT NULL default '0', post_views int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id) ); "); // Posts $DB->query_execDB(" CREATE TABLE ot_users ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, user_login varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', user_password varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', user_realname varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', user_email varchar(128) NOT NULL default '', user_url varchar(128) NOT NULL default '', user_registered datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', user_code varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', user_status enum('active','deleted','activation') NOT NULL default 'activation', PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY user_login (user_login,user_realname,user_email,user_code) ); "); // Users $DB->query_execDB(" CREATE TABLE ot_users_info ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, user_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', user_ip varchar(15) NOT NULL default '', user_browser varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', user_os varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', user_location varchar(128) NOT NULL default '', user_referer text NOT NULL, user_in text NOT NULL, user_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', user_views int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id) ); "); // Visitors / users info $DB->query_execDB(" CREATE TABLE ot_users_level ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, user_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', level_key varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', level_value text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); "); // User rights // Create configuration in DB $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_config SET id = 'NULL', config_name = 'name', config_value = '" . addslashes($_POST['setup_page3_name']) . "', config_description = 'The name of this weblog.', autoload = 'yes' "); // Name $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_config SET id = 'NULL', config_name = 'url', config_value = '" . addslashes(str_replace("http://", "", $_POST['setup_page3_url'])) . "', config_description = 'The URL that links to the main page.', autoload = 'yes' "); // URL $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_config SET id = 'NULL', config_name = 'administrator', config_value = '" . addslashes($_POST['setup_page3_admin_name']) . "', config_description = 'The user that registered this website.', autoload = 'yes' "); // Administrator $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_config SET id = 'NULL', config_name = 'email', config_value = '" . addslashes($_POST['setup_page3_email']) . "', config_description = 'The e-mail mails should be sent to.', autoload = 'yes' "); // E-mail $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_config SET id = 'NULL', config_name = 'tagline', config_value = 'Hoezee !', config_description = 'The tagline for the weblog.', autoload = 'yes' "); // Tagline $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_config SET id = 'NULL', config_name = 'smilies', config_value = '1', config_description = 'Convert :-) to graphics on display.', autoload = 'yes' "); // Smilies $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_config SET id = 'NULL', config_name = 'comment', config_value = '1', config_description = 'Can users make comments?', autoload = 'yes' "); // Comments $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_config SET id = 'NULL', config_name = 'comment_html', config_value = '1', config_description = 'Users can use HTML in comments.', autoload = 'yes' "); // Comments html $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_config SET id = 'NULL', config_name = 'comment_email', config_value = '0', config_description = 'Send administrator an e-mail when a comment is posted.', autoload = 'yes' "); // Comment email $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_config SET id = 'NULL', config_name = 'comment_email_moderation', config_value = '1', config_description = 'Send administrator an e-mail when a comment is holded for moderation.', autoload = 'yes' "); // Comment email moderation $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_config SET id = 'NULL', config_name = 'moderation', config_value = '0', config_description = 'A comment must always be moderated before appearance.', autoload = 'yes' "); // Moderation $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_config SET id = 'NULL', config_name = 'moderation_previous', config_value = '1', config_description = 'Authors who previously posted comments are always allowed.', autoload = 'yes' "); // Moderation previous $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_config SET id = 'NULL', config_name = 'permalinks', config_value = 'default', config_description = 'How should the links be displayed?', autoload = 'yes' "); // Permalinks $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_config SET id = 'NULL', config_name = 'visible', config_value = 'everyone', config_description = 'For who is this weblog visible?', autoload = 'yes' "); // Visible $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_config SET id = 'NULL', config_name = 'upload_folder', config_value = 'content/uploads', config_description = 'Folder in which files should be stored.', autoload = 'yes' "); // Upload month $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_config SET id = 'NULL', config_name = 'upload_month', config_value = '1', config_description = 'Create folder for every new month?', autoload = 'yes' "); // Upload month $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_config SET id = 'NULL', config_name = 'homepage', config_value = '0', config_description = 'We want to use a homepage in stead of showing latest posts.', autoload = 'yes' "); // Homepage $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_config SET id = 'NULL', config_name = 'posts_page', config_value = '3', config_description = 'Number of posts on each page.', autoload = 'yes' "); // Post page $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_config SET id = 'NULL', config_name = 'about', config_value = 'Over mij...', config_description = 'A description about yourself / this weblog.', autoload = 'no' "); // About $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_config SET id = 'NULL', config_name = 'theme', config_value = 'standard', config_description = 'Which theme is used?', autoload = 'yes' "); // Theme // Create user $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_users SET id = 'NULL', user_login = '" . addslashes($_POST['setup_page3_admin_nickname']) . "', user_password = '" . md5(addslashes($_POST['setup_page3_admin_password'])) . "', user_realname = '" . addslashes($_POST['setup_page3_admin_name']) . "', user_email = '" . addslashes($_POST['setup_page3_email']) . "', user_url = '" . addslashes(str_replace("http://", "", $_POST['setup_page3_url'])) . "', user_registered = NOW(), user_code = 'admin', user_status = 'active' "); // Create user $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_users_level SET id = 'NULL', user_id = '1', level_key = 'panel', level_value = 'true' "); // Panel? $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_users_level SET id = 'NULL', user_id = '1', level_key = 'administrator', level_value = 'true' "); // Set admin // Create test category, link and post $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_categories SET id = 'NULL', category_name = 'Installatie', category_description = 'Een categorie aangemaakt om de installatie te testen. Mag worden verwijderd.', category_url = 'installatie', category_status = 'yes' "); // Category $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_links SET id = 'NULL', link_author = '1', link_name = 'Thomas\' blog', link_url = '', link_status = 'yes' "); // Link 1 $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_posts SET id = 'NULL', post_title = 'Succes !', post_content = 'Hoezee !

De installatie is gelukt. Dit bericht is daar een levend bewijs van.
Pas het aan, verwijder het of bewaar het voor het nageslacht en start met bloggen !

Veel plezier.', post_author = '1', post_date = NOW(), post_modified = '', post_url = 'succes', post_type = 'post', post_parent = '0', post_status = 'gepubliceerd', post_comment_status = 'open', post_comments = '0', post_views = '0' "); // Insert post $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT ot_post2category SET id = 'NULL', post_id = '1', category_id = '1' "); // Link post to category // Done with DB ?> OpenTrivia 2.0 » Installatie
OpenTrivia 2.0 Installatie
Hoezee !

De database is succesvol aangemaakt.

Gelieve de map setup te verwijderen alvorens verder te gaan.
Bij sommige webservers is het nodig dat u de map content/uploads CHMOD naar '0777', anders kan het zijn dat het uploaden van bestanden niet functioneert.

Het is mogelijk dat de upload-functie niet werkt op uw weblog doordat uw server Safe mode restriction heeft ingeschakeld.
Na het aanmelden kan u zich begeven naar admin/file-safemode.php om dit probleem op te lossen.

"; } ?> Dat was alles.
Nu kan u zich aanmelden en beginnen met bloggen. Veel plezier !