posts_recent(); } // Load post: // Load current post function load_post() { global $CT; return $CT->post(); } // Load post ID: // Load ID from requested post function load_post_id() { global $CT; return $CT->Posts[$CT->PostsCount]['id']; } // Load post title: // Load title from requested post function load_post_title() { global $CT; return stripslashes($CT->Posts[$CT->PostsCount]['post_title']); } // Load post content: // Load content from requested post function load_post_content() { global $CT; return stripslashes($CT->Posts[$CT->PostsCount]['post_content']); } // Load post author: // Load author from requested post function load_post_author() { global $CT; return stripslashes($CT->Posts[$CT->PostsCount]['user_login']); } // Load post author ID: // Load author ID from requested post function load_post_author_id() { global $CT; return $CT->Posts[$CT->PostsCount]['post_author']; } // Load post date: // Load date from requested post function load_post_date($Format) { global $CT; return datetime($Format, $CT->Posts[$CT->PostsCount]['post_date']); } // Load post modified: // Load modification date from requested post function load_post_modified($Format) { global $CT; return datetime($Format, $CT->Posts[$CT->PostsCount]['post_modified']); } // Load post URL: // Load URL from requested post function load_post_url() { global $CT; if(CONF_PERMALINKS == "default") { return "http://" . CONF_URL . "/?post=" . $CT->Posts[$CT->PostsCount]['id']; } elseif(CONF_PERMALINKS == "name") { return "http://" . CONF_URL . "/bericht/" . datetime("Y", $CT->Posts[$CT->PostsCount]['post_date']) . "/" . datetime("m", $CT->Posts[$CT->PostsCount]['post_date']) . "/" . stripslashes($CT->Posts[$CT->PostsCount]['post_url']); } elseif(CONF_PERMALINKS == "numeric") { return "http://" . CONF_URL . "/bericht/" . $CT->Posts[$CT->PostsCount]['id']; } } // Load post comment: // Load comment option from requested post function load_post_comment() { if(CONF_COMMENT == 1) { global $CT; if($CT->Posts[$CT->PostsCount]['post_comment_status'] == "open") { return TRUE; } else { if(defined("USER_ID") && ($CT->Posts[$CT->PostsCount]['post_comment_status'] == "leden")) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } if($CT->Posts[$CT->PostsCount]['post_comment_status'] == "gesloten") { return FALSE; } } } else { return FALSE; } } // Load post comments: // Load amount comments from requested post function load_post_comments() { global $CT; return $CT->Posts[$CT->PostsCount]['post_comments']; } // Load post views: // Load views from requested post function load_post_views() { global $CT; return $CT->Posts[$CT->PostsCount]['post_views']; } // Load post categories: // Load categories in which post is present function load_post_categories() { global $DB; global $CT; $Categories = $DB->query_fetchDB(" SELECT, c.category_name, c.category_url FROM ot_categories AS c INNER JOIN ot_post2category AS p WHERE p.post_id = '" . $CT->Posts[$CT->PostsCount]['id'] . "' AND = p.category_id AND c.category_status = 'yes' "); if($Categories) { $Return = ""; for($i = 0; $i < count($Categories); $i++) { if(CONF_PERMALINKS == "default") { $Return .= '' . stripslashes($Categories[$i]['category_name']) . ', '; } elseif(CONF_PERMALINKS == "name") { $Return .= '' . stripslashes($Categories[$i]['category_name']) . ', '; } elseif(CONF_PERMALINKS == "numeric") { $Return .= '' . stripslashes($Categories[$i]['category_name']) . ', '; } } return substr($Return, 0, -2); } else { return "Ongecategoriseerd"; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Page //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Load homepage: // Check if page is set for homepage function load_homepage() { if(CONF_HOMEPAGE != 0) { return load_page(CONF_HOMEPAGE); } else { return FALSE; } } // Load page: // Load requested page function load_page($Page) { global $CT; $CT->page($Page); if($CT->Page) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } // Load page ID: // Load ID from requested page function load_page_id() { global $CT; return $CT->Page['0']['id']; } // Load page title: // Load title from requested page function load_page_title() { global $CT; return stripslashes($CT->Page['0']['post_title']); } // Load page content: // Load content from requested page function load_page_content() { global $CT; return stripslashes($CT->Page['0']['post_content']); } // Load page author: // Load author from requested page function load_page_author() { global $CT; return stripslashes($CT->Page['0']['user_login']); } // Load page author ID: // Load author ID from requested page function load_page_author_id() { global $CT; return $CT->Page['0']['post_author']; } // Load page date: // Load date from requested page function load_page_date($Format) { global $CT; return datetime($Format, $CT->Page['0']['post_date']); } // Load page modified: // Load modification date from requested page function load_page_modified($Format) { global $CT; return datetime($Format, $CT->Page['0']['post_modified']); } // Load page URL: // Load URL from requested page function load_page_url() { global $CT; if(CONF_PERMALINKS == "default") { return "http://" . CONF_URL . "/?page=" . $CT->Page['0']['id']; } elseif(CONF_PERMALINKS == "name") { return "http://" . CONF_URL . "/" . stripslashes($CT->Page['0']['post_url']); } elseif(CONF_PERMALINKS == "numeric") { return "http://" . CONF_URL . "/pagina/" . $CT->Page['0']['id']; } } // Load page comment: // Load comment option from requested page function load_page_comment() { if(CONF_COMMENT == 1) { global $CT; if($CT->Page['0']['post_comment_status'] == "open") { return TRUE; } else { if(defined("USER_ID") && ($CT->Page['0']['post_comment_status'] == "leden")) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } if($CT->Page['0']['post_comment_status'] == "gesloten") { return FALSE; } } } else { return FALSE; } } // Load page comments: // Load amount comments from requested page function load_page_comments() { global $CT; return $CT->Page['0']['post_comments']; } // Load page views: // Load views from requested page function load_page_views() { global $CT; return $CT->Page['0']['post_views']; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Comments //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Load comments: // Load comments for current post function load_comments() { global $CT; if(isset($CT->Posts[$CT->PostsCount]['id'])) { return $CT->comments($CT->Posts[$CT->PostsCount]['id']); } elseif(isset($CT->Page['0']['id'])) { return $CT->comments($CT->Page['0']['id']); } else { return FALSE; } } // Load comment: // Load current comment function load_comment() { global $CT; return $CT->comment(); } // Load comment ID: // Load ID current comment function load_comment_id() { global $CT; return $CT->Comments[$CT->CommentsCount]['id']; } // Load comment author name: // Load name author current comment function load_comment_author_name() { global $CT; return stripslashes($CT->Comments[$CT->CommentsCount]['comment_author_name']); } // Load comment author url: // Load website author current comment function load_comment_author_url() { global $CT; return "http://" . str_replace("http://", "", stripslashes($CT->Comments[$CT->CommentsCount]['comment_author_url'])); } // Load comment content: // Load content of current comment function load_comment_content() { global $CT; $CT->Comments[$CT->CommentsCount]['comment_content'] = stripslashes($CT->Comments[$CT->CommentsCount]['comment_content']); if(CONF_COMMENT_HTML == 1) { $CT->Comments[$CT->CommentsCount]['comment_content'] = strip_tags($CT->Comments[$CT->CommentsCount]['comment_content'], "
"); } else { $CT->Comments[$CT->CommentsCount]['comment_content'] = strip_tags($CT->Comments[$CT->CommentsCount]['comment_content']); } if(CONF_SMILIES == 1) { $CT->Comments[$CT->CommentsCount]['comment_content'] = smilies($CT->Comments[$CT->CommentsCount]['comment_content']); } return nl2br($CT->Comments[$CT->CommentsCount]['comment_content']); } // Load comment date: // Load date of current comment function load_comment_date($Format) { global $CT; return datetime($Format, $CT->Comments[$CT->CommentsCount]['comment_date']); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add comment //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function add_comment() { if(CONF_COMMENT == 1) { if(load_post_comment() OR load_page_comment()) { if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { if( ! empty($_POST['comment_spam']) && ! empty($_POST['comment_author_name']) && ! empty($_POST['comment_author_email']) && isset($_POST['comment_author_url']) && ! empty($_POST['comment_content'])) { if($_POST['comment_spam'] == $_SESSION['antispam']) { if(load_post_comment()) { $Id = load_post_id(); } elseif(load_page_comment()) { $Id = load_page_id(); } else { header("Location: http://" . CONF_URL . "/?err-403"); } global $DB; if(defined("USER_ID") && (CONF_MODERATION == 0)) { $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT INTO ot_comments SET id = 'NULL', comment_author_name = '" . addslashes(USER_LOGIN) . "', comment_author_email = '" . addslashes(USER_EMAIL) . "', comment_author_url = '" . addslashes(USER_URL) . "', comment_author_ip = '" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "', comment_content = '" . addslashes($_POST['comment_content']) . "', comment_date = NOW(), comment_post = '" . $Id . "', comment_status = 'yes' "); $DB->query_execDB(" UPDATE ot_posts SET post_comments = post_comments + 1 WHERE id = '" . $Id . "' "); if(CONF_COMMENT_EMAIL == 1) { $Message = " Gegroet " . CONF_ADMINISTRATOR . " !

U hebt deze e-mail ontvangen omdat " . stripslashes($_POST['comment_author_name']) . " een reactie achterliet op uw website,
" . CONF_URL . ".

Verder valt er niets te melden.

Tot de volgende,
Uw website "; send_mail(CONF_EMAIL, CONF_EMAIL, CONF_NAME . ": nieuwe reactie", $Message); } } else { $PostedBefore = $DB->query_fetchDB(" SELECT id FROM ot_comments WHERE comment_author_name = '" . addslashes($_POST['comment_author_name']) . "' AND comment_author_email = '" . addslashes($_POST['comment_author_email']) . "' AND comment_author_url = '" . addslashes($_POST['comment_author_url']) . "' AND comment_author_ip = '" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "' AND comment_status = 'yes' LIMIT 1 "); if($PostedBefore && (CONF_MODERATION_PREVIOUS == 1) && (preg_match_all("|(href\t*?=\t*?['\"]?)?(https?:)?//|i", $_POST['comment_content'], $Out) < 10)) { $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT INTO ot_comments SET id = 'NULL', comment_author_name = '" . addslashes($_POST['comment_author_name']) . "', comment_author_email = '" . addslashes($_POST['comment_author_email']) . "', comment_author_url = '" . addslashes($_POST['comment_author_url']) . "', comment_author_ip = '" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "', comment_content = '" . addslashes($_POST['comment_content']) . "', comment_date = NOW(), comment_post = '" . $Id . "', comment_status = 'yes' "); $DB->query_execDB(" UPDATE ot_posts SET post_comments = post_comments + 1 WHERE id = '" . $Id . "' "); if(CONF_COMMENT_EMAIL == 1) { $Message = " Gegroet " . CONF_ADMINISTRATOR . " !

U hebt deze e-mail ontvangen omdat " . stripslashes($_POST['comment_author_name']) . " een reactie achterliet op uw website, " . CONF_URL . ".

Verder valt er niets te melden.

Tot de volgende,
Uw website "; send_mail(CONF_EMAIL, CONF_EMAIL, CONF_NAME . ": nieuwe reactie", $Message); } } else { $DB->query_execDB(" INSERT INTO ot_comments SET id = 'NULL', comment_author_name = '" . addslashes($_POST['comment_author_name']) . "', comment_author_email = '" . addslashes($_POST['comment_author_email']) . "', comment_author_url = '" . addslashes($_POST['comment_author_url']) . "', comment_author_ip = '" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "', comment_content = '" . addslashes($_POST['comment_content']) . "', comment_date = NOW(), comment_post = '" . $Id . "', comment_status = 'spam' "); if((CONF_COMMENT_EMAIL == 1) OR (CONF_COMMENT_EMAIL_MODERATION == 1)) { $Message = " Gegroet " . CONF_ADMINISTRATOR . " !

U hebt deze e-mail ontvangen omdat " . stripslashes($_POST['comment_author_name']) . " een reactie achterliet op uw website, " . CONF_URL . ".
Blijkbaar is deze reactie ook in de wachtrij geplaatst.

Verder valt er niets te melden.

Tot de volgende,
Uw website "; send_mail(CONF_EMAIL, CONF_EMAIL, CONF_NAME . ": nieuwe reactie", $Message); } } } } else { header("Location: http://" . CONF_URL . "/?err-403"); } } else { header("Location: http://" . CONF_URL . "/?err-403"); } } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Category //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Load category: // Load category if ID is set function load_category() { global $CT; return $CT->category(); } // Load category ID: // Load ID from current category function load_category_id() { global $CT; return $CT->Category['0']['id']; } // Load category name: // Load name from current category function load_category_name() { global $CT; return stripslashes($CT->Category['0']['category_name']); } // Load category url: // Load url from current category function load_category_url() { global $CT; if(CONF_PERMALINKS == "default") { return "http://" . CONF_URL . "/?category=" . load_category_id(); } elseif(CONF_PERMALINKS == "name") { return "http://" . CONF_URL . "/categorie/" . stripslashes($CT->Category['0']['category_url']); } elseif(CONF_PERMALINKS == "numeric") { return "http://" . CONF_URL . "/categorie/" . load_category_id(); } } // Load category page: // Load page from category function load_category_page() { if(isset($_GET['page'])) { if(is_numeric($_GET['page'])) { return $_GET['page']; } else { return 1; } } else { return 1; } } // Load category previous: // Check if there is a previous page with posts function load_category_previous($Text) { if(isset($_GET['page'])) { if(is_numeric($_GET['page']) && ($_GET['page'] != 0) && ($_GET['page'] != 1)) { if(CONF_PERMALINKS == "default") { return '' . $Text . ''; } elseif(CONF_PERMALINKS == "name") { return '' . $Text . ''; } elseif(CONF_PERMALINKS == "numeric") { return '' . $Text . ''; } } else { return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; } } // Load category next: // Check if there is a next page with posts function load_category_next($Text) { global $CT; if(isset($CT->Posts[$CT->PostsCount])) { if(CONF_PERMALINKS == "default") { return '' . $Text . ''; } elseif(CONF_PERMALINKS == "name") { return '' . $Text . ''; } elseif(CONF_PERMALINKS == "numeric") { return '' . $Text . ''; } } else { return FALSE; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Replace smilies //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function smilies($String) { $String = preg_replace("#\:\)#si", "\":)\"", $String); $String = preg_replace("#\:-\)#si", "\":-)\"", $String); $String = preg_replace("#\:\(#si", "\":(\"", $String); $String = preg_replace("#\:-\(#si", "\":-(\"", $String); $String = preg_replace("#\;\)#si", "\";)\"", $String); $String = preg_replace("#\;-\)#si", "\";-)\"", $String); $String = preg_replace("#\:d#si", "\":d\"", $String); $String = preg_replace("#\:-d#si", "\":-d\"", $String); $String = preg_replace("#\:o#si", "\":o\"", $String); $String = preg_replace("#\:-o#si", "\":-o\"", $String); $String = preg_replace("#\:p#si", "\":p\"", $String); $String = preg_replace("#\:-p#si", "\":-p\"", $String); return $String; } ?>