query_fetchDB(" SELECT post_title, post_content, post_parent, post_status, post_comment_status FROM ot_posts WHERE id = '" . $_GET['page'] . "' && post_type = 'page' && (post_status != 'privé' OR post_author = " . USER_ID . ") ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 "); } elseif(defined("USER_LEVEL_AUTHOR")) // Or the writer himself? { $Page = $DB->query_fetchDB(" SELECT post_title, post_content, post_parent, post_status, post_comment_status FROM ot_posts WHERE id = '" . $_GET['page'] . "' && post_author = '" . USER_ID . "' && post_type = 'page' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 "); } if($Page) // Page exists? { if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") // New post? { if( ! empty($_POST['post_status']) && ! empty($_POST['post_comment_status']) && isset($_POST['post_parent']) && isset($_POST['post_title']) && isset($_POST['post_content'])) // Required fields are set? { // Generating a user-friendly URL $_POST['post_url'] = strip_tags($_POST['post_title']); $_POST['post_url'] = preg_replace('|%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])|', '---$1---', $_POST['post_url']); $_POST['post_url'] = str_replace('%', '', $_POST['post_url']); $_POST['post_url'] = preg_replace('|---([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])---|', '%$1', $_POST['post_url']); $_POST['post_url'] = strtolower($_POST['post_url']); $_POST['post_url'] = preg_replace('/&.+?;/', '', $_POST['post_url']); // kill entities $_POST['post_url'] = preg_replace('/[^%a-z0-9 _-]/', '', $_POST['post_url']); $_POST['post_url'] = preg_replace('/\s+/', '-', $_POST['post_url']); $_POST['post_url'] = preg_replace('|-+|', '-', $_POST['post_url']); $_POST['post_url'] = trim($_POST['post_url'], '-'); // Same post title twice? $Double = $DB->query_num_rowsDB(" SELECT id FROM ot_posts WHERE post_url = '" . addslashes($_POST['post_url']) . "' "); // Check in DB if($Double > 0) // Double? { $_POST['post_url'] = $_POST['post_url'] . "-" . ($Double + 1); // Add number at the end } // Check if user is allow to publish if( ! (defined("USER_LEVEL_ADMINISTRATOR") OR defined("USER_LEVEL_EDITOR")) && ($_POST['post_status'] == "gepubliceerd")) { $_POST['post_status'] = "klad"; } // We'll update the post in DB $DB->query_execDB(" UPDATE ot_posts SET post_title = '" . addslashes($_POST['post_title']) . "', post_content = '" . addslashes($_POST['post_content']) . "', post_modified = NOW(), post_url = '" . $_POST['post_url'] . "', post_parent = '" . addslashes($_POST['post_parent']) . "', post_status = '" . addslashes($_POST['post_status']) . "', post_comment_status = '" . addslashes($_POST['post_comment_status']) . "' WHERE id = '" . $_GET['page'] . "' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 "); // Everything updated, let's edit ! header("Location: page-edit.php?page=" . $_GET['page']); } else { header("Location: err-403.php"); // Error } } $PageTitle = " » Schrijven » Pagina bewerken"; // Set page title include("admin-header.php"); // Load header ?>
Nieuw berichtNieuw bericht Nieuwe paginaNieuwe pagina ArchiefArchief CategorieënCategorieën'; } ?>
De pagina werd succesvol opgeslaan.

Pagina bewerken


  • Geen hoofdpagina
  • query_fetchDB(" SELECT id, post_title FROM ot_posts WHERE post_parent = '" . $TopPage['id'] . "' && post_type = 'page' ORDER BY post_title ASC "); // Get subpage if($SubPages) { for($i = 0; $i < count($SubPages); $i++) { echo "
      "; echo "
    • "; if($SubPages[$i]['id'] == $Page['0']['post_parent']) { get_form_radio("post_parent", $SubPages[$i]['id'], "checked"); } else { get_form_radio("post_parent", $SubPages[$i]['id'], "unchecked"); } echo " " .stripslashes($SubPages[$i]['post_title']) . "
    • "; get_subpage($SubPages[$i]); echo "
    "; } return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } // Fetch pages which have no parent ! $Pages = $DB->query_fetchDB(" SELECT id, post_title FROM ot_posts WHERE post_parent = 0 && post_type = 'page' ORDER BY post_title ASC "); // Fetch pages from DB if($Pages) // Are there pages? { for($i = 0; $i < count($Pages); $i++) { echo "
  • "; if($Page['0']['post_parent'] == $Pages[$i]['id']) { get_form_radio("post_parent", $Pages[$i]['id'], "checked"); echo " " . $Pages[$i]['post_title'] . "
  • "; } else { get_form_radio("post_parent", $Pages[$i]['id'], "unchecked"); echo " " . $Pages[$i]['post_title'] . ""; } get_subpage($Pages[$i]); } } ?>

Pagina status:

"; } else { if($Page['0']['post_status'] == "goedkeuring") { get_form_radio("post_status", "goedkeuring", "checked"); } else { get_form_radio("post_status", "goedkeuring", "unchecked"); } echo " Goedkeuring
"; } if($Page['0']['post_status'] == "klad") { get_form_radio("post_status", "klad", "checked"); } else { get_form_radio("post_status", "klad", "unchecked"); } echo " Klad
"; if($Page['0']['post_status'] == "privé") { get_form_radio("post_status", "privé", "checked"); } else { get_form_radio("post_status", "privé", "unchecked"); } echo " Privé
"; if($Page['0']['post_status'] == "toekomst") { get_form_radio("post_status", "toekomst", "checked"); } else { get_form_radio("post_status", "toekomst", "unchecked"); } echo " Toekomst"; ?>


"; if($Page['0']['post_comment_status'] == "gesloten") { get_form_radio("post_comment_status", "gesloten", "checked"); } else { get_form_radio("post_comment_status", "gesloten", "unchecked"); } echo " Gesloten
"; if($Page['0']['post_comment_status'] == "leden") { get_form_radio("post_comment_status", "leden", "checked"); } else { get_form_radio("post_comment_status", "leden", "unchecked"); } echo " Geregistreerde leden"; } elseif(CONF_COMMENT == 0) { get_form_radio("post_comment_status", "open", "unchecked"); echo " Open
"; get_form_radio("post_comment_status", "gesloten", "checked"); echo " Gesloten
"; get_form_radio("post_comment_status", "leden", "unchecked"); echo " Geregistreerde leden"; } ?>


Bestand toevoegen

Met onderstaande knop "Bestanden toevoegen" kan u bestanden toevoegen aan uw weblog. De duur van het uploaden is afhankelijk van de grootte van het bestand (max. 2MB) en uw verbindingssnelheid.
Na het uploadproces zal u automatisch de URL naar het bestand krijgen.