query_fetchDB(" SELECT link_name, link_url, link_status FROM ot_links WHERE id = '" . $_GET['link'] . "' LIMIT 1 "); if($Link) { // Is the link active? if($Link['0']['link_status'] == "yes") { $Link['0']['link_status'] = "Ja"; } elseif($Link['0']['link_status'] == "no") { $Link['0']['link_status'] = "Nee"; } if(defined("USER_LEVEL_ADMINISTRATOR") OR defined("USER_LEVEL_EDITOR")) { // We want to edit the link? if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { if( ! empty($_POST['link_name']) && ! empty($_POST['link_url']) && ! empty($_POST['link_active'])) { // Check if link is active if($_POST['link_active'] == "Ja") { $_POST['link_active'] = "yes"; } elseif($_POST['link_active'] == "Nee") { $_POST['link_active'] = "no"; } // Update link in DB $DB->query_execDB(" UPDATE ot_links SET link_name = '" . addslashes($_POST['link_name']) . "', link_url = '" . addslashes($_POST['link_url']) . "', link_status = '" . $_POST['link_active'] . "' WHERE id = '" . $_GET['link'] . "' LIMIT 1 "); header("Location: link-edit.php?link=" . $_GET['link'] . "&update=true"); } else { header("Location: err-403.php"); // Error } } // Create dropdown-menu 'yes-no' $Active = array(array('link' => 'Ja'), array('link' => 'Nee')); $PageTitle = " » Links » Bewerken"; // Set page title include("admin-header.php"); // Load header ?>
BeheerBeheer ToevoegenToevoegen
De link werd succesvol opgeslaan.



Aan de hand van onderstaand formulier kan u de link bewerken. Denk eraan dat alle velden moeten worden ingevuld.

Link naam:
Gelieve een gepaste, unieke naam te kiezen voor de link.
Link URL:
De website-URL naar de link. Het voorvoegsel 'http://' is niet verplicht.