query_fetchDB(" SELECT p.id, p.post_title, u.user_realname FROM ot_posts AS p INNER JOIN ot_users AS u WHERE p.post_author = u.id AND p.post_type = 'post' AND p.post_status = 'goedkeuring' ORDER BY p.post_date DESC "); // Load posts $Pages = $DB->query_fetchDB(" SELECT p.id, p.post_title, u.user_realname FROM ot_posts AS p INNER JOIN ot_users AS u WHERE p.post_author = u.id AND p.post_type = 'page' AND p.post_status = 'goedkeuring' ORDER BY p.post_date DESC "); // Load pages $Comments = $DB->query_fetchDB(" SELECT id, comment_author_name, comment_author_url, comment_date FROM ot_comments WHERE comment_status = 'spam' "); // Create statistics $UniqueVisitors = $DB->query_num_rowsDB(" SELECT id FROM ot_users_info "); // Count unique visitors $ActiveVisitors = $DB->query_fetchDB(" SELECT u.id, u.user_realname FROM ot_users AS u INNER JOIN ot_users_info AS i WHERE u.id = i.user_id AND NOW() - i.user_date < 900 "); // Load active visitors $Pageviews = $DB->query_fetchDB(" SELECT SUM(user_views) FROM ot_users_info "); // Load pageviews $Users = $DB->query_num_rowsDB(" SELECT id FROM ot_users WHERE user_status != 'deleted' "); // Activated users $AcceptedPosts = $DB->query_num_rowsDB(" SELECT id FROM ot_posts WHERE post_type = 'post' AND post_status = 'gepubliceerd' "); // Load accepted posts $CountComments = $DB->query_num_rowsDB(" SELECT id FROM ot_comments WHERE comment_status = 'yes' "); // Load accepted comments $PageTitle = " » Beheerpaneel"; // Set page title include("admin-header.php"); // Load header ?>


Berichten in wachtrij

Deze berichten wachten op goedkeuring van een beheerder of redacteur.

Publiceren  ' . stripslashes($Posts[$i]['post_title']) . ' — ' . stripslashes($Posts[$i]['user_realname']) . '
'; } else { echo 'Goedkeuring  ' . stripslashes($Posts[$i]['post_title']) . ' — ' . stripslashes($Posts[$i]['user_realname']) . '
'; } } } else { echo "Geen berichten gevonden."; } ?>

Pagina's in wachtrij

De pagina's in onderstaande lijst wachten op goedkeuring.

Publiceren  ' . stripslashes($Pages[$i]['post_title']) . ' — ' . stripslashes($Pages[$i]['user_realname']) . '
'; } else { echo 'Goedkeuring  ' . stripslashes($Pages[$i]['post_title']) . ' — ' . stripslashes($Pages[$i]['user_realname']) . '
'; } } } else { echo "Geen pagina's gevonden."; } ?>


Er bevinden zich reactie(s) in de wachtrij.
"; for($i = 0; $i < count($Comments); $i++) { if(defined("USER_LEVEL_ADMINISTRATOR") OR defined("USER_LEVEL_EDITOR")) { echo '
Goedkeuren  Verwijderen  ' . stripslashes($Comments[$i]['comment_author_name']) . ' — ' . datetime("d-m-Y, H:i", $Comments[$i]['comment_date']) . '
'; } else { echo 'Reactie  ' . stripslashes($Comments[$i]['comment_author_name']) . ' — ' . datetime("d-m-Y, H:i", $Comments[$i]['comment_date']) . '
'; } } } ?>

Welkom bij OpenTrivia

Gebruik onderstaande links om te beginnen:


Aantal actieve bezoeker(s):
' . stripslashes($ActiveVisitors[$i]['user_realname']) . ', '; } else { $Echo .= stripslashes($ActiveVisitors[$i]['user_realname']) . ", "; } } echo substr($Echo, 0, -2) . "
"; } ?>