shipping_name = "United Parcel Service (XML)"; $this->shipping_site = ""; $this->author_name = "Michael K. Squires"; $this->author_site = ""; $this->checkout_options = 1; $this->ups_access_license = $this->shipping_config('license_number'); $this->ups_user_id = $this->shipping_config('user_id'); $this->ups_user_password = $this->shipping_config('user_password'); $this->ups_server = ""; $this->_CURL = true; } function shipping_config($config_name){ global $prefix, $db; $shipping_sql = $db->sql_query("SELECT config_value FROM ".$prefix."_cart_shipping_options_ups WHERE config_name = '".$config_name."'"); list($value) = $db->sql_fetchrow($shipping_sql); return $value; } function shipping_update($config_name, $config_value){ global $prefix, $db; $db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_cart_shipping_options_ups SET config_value = '".$config_value."' WHERE config_name = '".$config_name."'"); } function admin($function){ global $prefix, $db, $cartconfig; switch($function){ case "install": $this->admin_install(); break; case "options": $this->admin_options(); break; case "update": $this->admin_update(); break; case "order_info": $this->admin_orderinfo(); break; case "uninstall": $this->admin_uninstall(); break; } } function admin_install() { global $prefix, $db; $db->sql_query("CREATE TABLE ".$prefix."_cart_shipping_options_ups (config_name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', config_value text NOT NULL)"); $db->sql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."_cart_shipping_options_ups VALUES ('origin_country_code', 'US')"); $db->sql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."_cart_shipping_options_ups VALUES ('origin_postal_code', '21784')"); $db->sql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."_cart_shipping_options_ups VALUES ('service_types', '1DM,1DA,1DAPI,1DP,2DM,2DA,3DS,GND,GNDRES,GNDCOM,STD,XPR,XDM,XPD')"); $db->sql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."_cart_shipping_options_ups VALUES ('user_id', 'emporiumdev')"); $db->sql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."_cart_shipping_options_ups VALUES ('user_password', 'empdev')"); $db->sql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."_cart_shipping_options_ups VALUES ('license_number', '7BB0DE52C40237F0')"); $db->sql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."_cart_shipping_options_ups VALUES ('service_default', 'GNDRES')"); } function admin_options() { global $prefix, $db, $cartconfig, $admin_file; echo "
"; OpenTable(); echo "
" ."" ."shipping_id."\">" ."" ."

" ."
" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" .""; echo "" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."
"._EMPORIUM_ADMIN_SHIPPING_UPS_USERID.":shipping_config('user_id')."\" size=20>
"._EMPORIUM_ADMIN_SHIPPING_UPS_USERPASSWORD.":shipping_config('user_password')."\" size=20>
"._EMPORIUM_ADMIN_SHIPPING_UPS_LICENSENUMBER.":shipping_config('license_number')."\" size=20>
"._EMPORIUM_ADMIN_SHIPPING_UPS_COUNTRYCODE.":shipping_config('origin_country_code')."\" size=4>
"._EMPORIUM_ADMIN_SHIPPING_UPS_POSTALCODE.":shipping_config('origin_postal_code')."\" size=7>
"; $counter = 0; $service_types = $this->get_service_types(); $selected_service_types = explode(",", $this->shipping_config('service_types')); while(list($type) = each($service_types)){ if(in_array($service_types[$type], $selected_service_types)){ $sel = "checked"; } else { $sel = ""; } echo "".$this->get_service_string($service_types[$type])."
"; } echo "

"; CloseTable(); } function admin_update() { global $prefix, $db, $user_id, $user_password, $license_number, $country_code, $postal_code, $service_types, $default_service, $admin_file; $this->shipping_update('user_id', $user_id); $this->shipping_update('user_password', $user_password); $this->shipping_update('license_number', $license_number); $this->shipping_update('origin_country_code', $country_code); $this->shipping_update('origin_postal_code', $postal_code); $this->shipping_update('service_default', $default_service); $service_types_list = array(); for($i = 0; $i < count($service_types); $i++){ array_push($service_types_list, $service_types[$i]); } $service_types = implode(",", $service_types_list); $this->shipping_update('service_types', $service_types); header("Location: ".$admin_file.".php?op=CartShippingEdit&shipping_id=".$this->shipping_id.""); } function admin_orderinfo(){ global $prefix, $db; $userinfo = cartuserinfo(); $orderInfo = cartorderinfo($this->order_id); echo "
"; OpenTable(); echo "

"._EMPORIUM_MODULE_PAYMENT_UPS_UPSSERVICE.": ".$this->get_service_string($orderInfo['shipMethodData']).""; CloseTable(); } function admin_uninstall() { global $prefix, $db; $db->sql_query("DROP TABLE ".$prefix."_cart_shipping_options_ups"); } ################### ## UPS FUNCTIONS ## ################### function ups_get_quote($upsProductCode,$packageWeight, $originPostalCode, $originCountryCode, $destPostalCode, $destCountryCode, $destPostalCity = '', $UPSPickupTypeCode='03',$PackageType = '02', $packageValue = '',$packageLength = '',$packageWidth = '', $packageHeight = '', $ResidentialAddressIndicator = '0'){ global $iso_countries,$UPS_Server,$return_code; if(empty($upsProductCode)){ return ("Missing UPS service with the UPS product code."); } if(empty($packageWeight)){ return ("Missing package weight."); } if(empty($originPostalCode)){ return ("Missing the five digit postal ZIP code of the shipment origin."); } if(empty($originCountryCode)){ return ("Missing the country of the shipment origin."); } if(strlen($originCountryCode) > 3){ $originCountryCode = preg_replace("'&'si","and",$originCountryCode); $originCountryCode = preg_replace("'St. 'si","Saint ",$originCountryCode); reset($iso_countries); while (list($key, $value) = each($iso_countries)) { if(strcasecmp($originCountryCode,$value)==0){ $originCountryCode = strtoupper($key); break; } } } $code = strtolower($originCountryCode); $country = $iso_countries["$code"]; /* if(empty($country)){ return ("Missing the ISO country code of the shipment origin country $originCountryCode ."); } */ if(empty($destPostalCode)){ return ("Missing the one to six alphanumeric-character postal code of the destination country, if the destination country uses postal codes."); } if(empty($destCountryCode)){ return ("Missing the country of the destination country."); } if(strlen($destCountryCode) > 3){ reset($iso_countries); $destCountryCode = preg_replace("'&'si","and",$destCountryCode); $destCountryCode = preg_replace("'ST. 'si","Saint ",$destCountryCode); while (list($key, $value) = each($iso_countries)) { if(strcasecmp($destCountryCode,$value)==0){ $destCountryCode = strtoupper($key); break; } } } $code = strtolower($destCountryCode); $country = $iso_countries["$code"]; /* if(empty($country)){ return ("Missing the ISO country code of the destination country $destCountryCode ."); } */ if(is_numeric($ups_quote)){ $UPSServiceCode = $upsProductCode; } else { $UPSServiceCode = $this->get_service_code($upsProductCode); } $Dimensions=''; $InSure=''; if(!empty($packageLength) && !empty($packageWidth) && !empty($packageHeight)){ $Dimensions = "" . " " . " IN" . " " . " ".$packageLength."" . " ".$packageWidth."" . " ".$packageHeight."" . ""; } if(!empty($packageValue)){ $InSure = "" . " " . " USD" . " ".$packageValue."" . " " . ""; } // create UPS XML request work string $work_string = "" . "" . " ".$this->ups_access_license."" . " ".$this->ups_user_id."" . " ".$this->ups_user_password."" . "" . "" . "" . " " . " " . " " . " 1.0001" . " " . " Rate" . " rate" . " " . " " . " ".$UPSPickupTypeCode."" . " " . " " . " " . "

" . " " . " " . " ".$originPostalCode."" . " ".$originCountryCode."" . "
" . " " . " " . "
" . " ".$destPostalCity."" . " " . " ".$destPostalCode."" . " ".$destCountryCode."" . " $ResidentialAddressIndicator" . "
" . "
" . " " . " ".$UPSServiceCode."" . " " . " " . " " . " ".$PackageType."" . " Package" . " " . " UPS Package" . "".$Dimensions."" . " " . " $packageWeight" . " " . " LBS" . " " . " " . "".$InSure."" . " " . " " . ""; //echo "

$work_string"; if($this->_CURL == true){ $result = $this->ups_post_curl($this->ups_server, $work_string); } else { $result = $this->ups_post_php($this->ups_server, $work_string); } //echo "

$result"; if(! $result) { return "Error connecting to UPS shipping rates calculator server."; } if($return_code > 200) { return "Error connecting to UPS shipping rates calculator server."; } $attributes = array(); $attributes = $this->xml_parser($result); $rate = 0; reset($attributes); while (list ($key, $val) = each ($attributes)){ switch($val['tag']){ case 'ResponseStatusCode': $ResponseStatusCode =$val['value']; break; case 'Error': while((list($key,$val)=each($attributes)) && ($val['tag']!='Error')){ if($val['tag']=='ErrorDescription'){ $error_description=$val['value']; } } if($error_description){ return $error_description; } break; case 'RatedShipment': while((list($key,$val)=each($attributes)) && ($val['tag']!='RatedShipment')){ switch($val['tag']){ case 'TotalCharges': while((list($key,$val)=each($attributes)) && ($val['tag']!='TotalCharges')){ if($val['tag']=='MonetaryValue'){ if($rate == 0){$rate=$val['value'];} } } break; } } break; } } return $rate; } function ups_post_php($url,$post_string){ $header = "POST / HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Length: " . strlen ($post_string) . "\r\n\r\n"; $fp = fsockopen ("ssl://", 443, $errno, $errstr, 15); if (!$fp) { // https error return "$errstr ($errno)"; } else { fputs ($fp, $header . $post_string); $results = fread($fp,4096); $bytes_left = socket_get_status($fp); if ($bytes_left > 0) { $results .= fread($fp, $bytes_left); } fclose ($fp); } if(!eregi(' 200 ', $results)) { echo "HTTPS error connecting to UPS Online Tools"; return; } if(!eregi('close', $results)) { echo "HTTP HEAD error connecting to UPS Online Tools"; return; } list($junk,$xml) = split("close",$results); $xml = trim($xml); return "$xml"; } function ups_post_curl($url,$post_string) { global $return_code; $return_code = 200; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_string); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, 0); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 3); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $result = curl_exec ($ch); $array1 = array(); $array1 = curl_getinfo($ch); $code = $array1['http_code']; $codestring = "http_code " .$code ." " .curl_error ($ch); curl_close ($ch); if (strstr($code,"200")){ $return_code = 200; return $result; } if (strstr($code,"404")){ $return_code = 404; return ("404 Error. The $url server responded with a File Not Found message."); } if (strstr($code,"40")){ $return_code = 404; return ("$code Error. The $url server responded with an Unauthorized Access Forbidden Error."); } if (strstr($code,"30")){ $return_code = 300; return("$code Error. The $url server responded with redirects."); } if (strstr($code,"50")){ $return_code = 500; return("$code Error. The $url server responded with a Server Error."); } return ("Error. $url cannot be accessed at this time.
$codestring"); } function get_service_types(){ $services = array('1DM', '1DA', '1DAPI', '1DP', '2DM', '2DA', '3DS', 'GND', 'GNDRES', 'GNDCOM', 'STD', 'XPR', 'XDM', 'XPD'); return $services; } function get_service_string($service){ if(empty($service)){ return; } switch($service){ case "1DM": $shipping_method = "UPS Next Day Early AM"; break; case "1DA": $shipping_method = "UPS Next Day Air"; break; case "1DAPI": $shipping_method = "UPS Next Day Air Intra (Puerto Rico)"; break; case "1DP": $shipping_method = "UPS Next Day Air Saver"; break; case "2DM": $shipping_method = "UPS 2nd Day Air AM"; break; case "2DA": $shipping_method = "UPS 2nd Day Air"; break; case "3DS": $shipping_method = "UPS 3 Day Select"; break; case "GND": $shipping_method = "UPS Ground"; break; case "GNDRES": $shipping_method = "UPS Ground Residential"; break; case "GNDCOM": $shipping_method = "UPS Ground Commercial"; break; case "STD": $shipping_method = "Canada Standard"; break; case "XPR": $shipping_method = "UPS Worldwide Express"; break; case "XDM": $shipping_method = "UPS Worldwide Express Plus";break; case "XPD": $shipping_method = "UPS Worldwide Expedited"; break; } return $shipping_method; } function get_service_code($service){ if(empty($service)){ return; } switch($service){ case "1DM": $shipping_method = "14"; break; case "1DA": $shipping_method = "01"; break; case "1DAPI": $shipping_method = "01"; break; case "1DP": $shipping_method = "13"; break; case "2DM": $shipping_method = "59"; break; case "2DA": $shipping_method = "02"; break; case "3DS": $shipping_method = "12"; break; case "GND": $shipping_method = "03"; break; case "GNDRES": $shipping_method = "03"; break; case "GNDCOM": $shipping_method = "03"; break; case "STD": $shipping_method = "11"; break; case "XPR": $shipping_method = "07"; break; case "XDM": $shipping_method = "54"; break; case "XPD": $shipping_method = "08"; break; default: $shipping_method = "03"; break; } return $shipping_method; } function xml_parser($post_results){ if ( !($xml_parser = xml_parser_create()) ){ die("Couldn't create XML Parser!"); } xml_parser_set_option($xml_parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); xml_parser_set_option($xml_parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1); xml_parse_into_struct($xml_parser, $post_results, $vals, $index); xml_parser_free($xml_parser); return $vals; } ##################### # End UPS FUNCTIONS # ##################### function shipping($function){ switch($function){ case "default_options": $this->default_options(); break; case "shipping_options": $this->shipping_options(); break; case "update_shipping_options": $this->update_shipping_options(); break; case "confirmation_display": $this->confirmation_display(); break; case "receipt_display": $this->receipt_display(); break; } } function default_options(){ global $prefix, $db; $userinfo = cartuserinfo(); $checkout = init_class_checkout(); if($checkout->shipMethodData == ''){ $checkout->update('shipMethodData', $this->shipping_config('service_default')); } } function shipping_options(){ global $prefix, $db; $userinfo = cartuserinfo(); $checkout = init_class_checkout(); OpenTable(); $origin_country_code = $this->shipping_config('origin_country_code'); $origin_postal_code = $this->shipping_config('origin_postal_code'); $country = cartcountryinfo($checkout->shipCountry); $selectable_services = explode(",", $this->shipping_config('service_types')); while(list($service_type) = each($selectable_services)){ $service_cost = $this->ups_get_quote($selectable_services[$service_type],$checkout->order_weight(), $origin_postal_code, $origin_country_code, $checkout->shipZip, $country['countryCode'], $checkout->shipCity,'03','02','','','','', 1); if(is_numeric($service_cost)){ if($checkout->shipMethodData == $selectable_services[$service_type]){ $CHECKED = "checked"; } else { $CHECKED = ''; } if($checkout->shipMethodData == $selectable_services[$service_type]){ echo ""; } echo " ".$this->get_service_string($selectable_services[$service_type])." - ".price_format($service_cost)."
"; if($checkout->shipMethodData == $selectable_services[$service_type]){ echo "
"; } } } CloseTable(); echo "
"; } function update_shipping_options(){ global $prefix, $db, $ups_service_code; $userinfo = cartuserinfo(); $checkout = init_class_checkout(); $selected_service_types = explode(",", $this->shipping_config('service_types')); if(in_array($ups_service_code, $selected_service_types)){ $checkout->update('shipMethodData', $ups_service_code); } else { die(header("Location: modules.php?name=Shopping_Cart&file=checkout&c_op=Checkout_PaymentMethod")); } } function confirmation_display(){ global $prefix, $db; $userinfo = cartuserinfo(); $checkout = init_class_checkout(); OpenTable(); echo "

"._EMPORIUM_MODULE_PAYMENT_UPS_UPSSERVICE.": ".$this->get_service_string($checkout->shipMethodData).""; CloseTable(); echo "
"; } function receipt_display(){ global $prefix, $db; $userinfo = cartuserinfo(); $checkout = init_class_checkout(); $orderInfo = cartorderinfo($this->order_id); OpenTable(); echo "

"._EMPORIUM_MODULE_PAYMENT_UPS_UPSSERVICE.": ".$this->get_service_string($orderInfo['shipMethodData']).""; CloseTable(); echo "
"; } function quote(){ global $prefix, $db; $userinfo = cartuserinfo(); $checkout = init_class_checkout(); $shipping_cost = 0; $origin_country_code = $this->shipping_config('origin_country_code'); $origin_postal_code = $this->shipping_config('origin_postal_code'); $country = cartcountryinfo($checkout->shipCountry); $shipping_cost = $this->ups_get_quote($checkout->shipMethodData, $checkout->order_weight(), $origin_postal_code, $origin_country_code, $checkout->shipZip, $country['countryCode'], $checkout->shipCity,'03','02','','','','', 1); return $shipping_cost; } } ?>