$subchanimg = ""; //URL to Sub-Channel Image.
$subchanchar = "·"; //Character to use instead if Image for Sub-Channels (eg; * or ->).
$plrimg = "images/blocks/teamspeakblock/ball_g.gif"; //URL to Player Image.
$plrchar = "->"; //Text Character to use instead of image (eg; * or ->).
$subplrimg = "images/blocks/teamspeakblock/ball_r.gif"; //URL to Player Image in sub channel.
$subplrchar = "--->"; //Text Character to use instead of image (eg; * or ->).
$siteguest = "Site Guest"; // Define Desired name for users Loggin in from website.
$srvpass = ""; // TS Server Connect Password
$licenseURL1 = 'www.udesign.me.uk'; // URLs Allowed to use this code. Please do not
$licenseURL2 = 'udesign.me.uk'; // distribute, copy or resell my code. Thanks.
########## RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE - DO NOT EDIT ###########
$usemarquee = 0; //reserved for future use
$scrolldirection = "Up"; //reserved for future use
$userstatus = ""; //reserved for future use
$isadmin = ""; //reserved for future use
// **** end of settings ****
########################### END CUSTOM SETTINGS #################################
// opens a connection to the teamspeak server
function getSocket($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout) {
global $errno, $errstr;
@$socket = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
if($socket and fread($socket, 4) == "[TS]") {
fgets($socket, 128);
return $socket;
}// end if
return false;
}// end function getSocket(...)
// sends a query to the teamspeak server
function sendQuery($socket, $query) {
fputs($socket, $query."\n");
// answer OK?
function getOK($socket) {
$result = fread($socket, 2);
fgets($socket, 128);
return($result == "OK");
// closes the connection to the teamspeak server
function closeSocket($socket) {
fputs($socket, "quit");
// checks to make sure the server supports queries
function checkportal(){
// retrieves the next argument in a tabulator-separated string (PHP scanf function bug workaround)
function getNext($evalString) {
$pos = strpos($evalString, "\t");
if(is_integer($pos)) {
return substr($evalString, 0, $pos);
else {
return $evalString;
// removes the first argument in a tabulator-separated string (PHP scanf function bug workaround)
function chopNext($evalString) {
$pos = strpos($evalString, "\t");
if(is_integer($pos)) {
return substr($evalString, $pos + 1);
else {
return "";
// establish connection to teamspeak server
$socket = getSocket($serverAddress, $serverQueryPort, $errno, $errstr, 3);
if($socket == false) {
$content .= "Sorry. I didn't quite get that right. Can you refresh the page?
$content .= "Error number: ".$errno."
$content .= "Error description: ".$errstr."
// select the one and only running server on port 8767
sendQuery($socket, "sel ".$serverUDPPort);
// retrieve answer "OK"
if(!getOK($socket)) {
// die("Server didn't answer "OK" after last command. Aborting.");
$content .= "Server Is Down!\n";
}// end if
// retrieve player list
// read player info
$playerList = array();
do {
$playerinfo = "";
do {
$plinput = fread($socket, 1);
if($plinput != "\n" && $plinput != "\r") $playerinfo .= $plinput;
} while($plinput != "\n");
$playerid = getNext($playerinfo);
$playerinfo = chopNext($playerinfo);
$channelid = getNext($playerinfo);
$playerinfo = chopNext($playerinfo);
$receivedpackets = getNext($playerinfo);
$playerinfo = chopNext($playerinfo);
$receivedbytes = getNext($playerinfo);
$playerinfo = chopNext($playerinfo);
$sentpackets = getNext($playerinfo);
$playerinfo = chopNext($playerinfo);
$sentbytes = getNext($playerinfo);
$playerinfo = chopNext($playerinfo);
$d = getNext($playerinfo);
$playerinfo = chopNext($playerinfo);
$d = getNext($playerinfo);
$playerinfo = chopNext($playerinfo);
$totaltime = getNext($playerinfo);
$playerinfo = chopNext($playerinfo);
$idletime = getNext($playerinfo);
$playerinfo = chopNext($playerinfo);
$d = getNext($playerinfo);
$playerinfo = chopNext($playerinfo);
$d = getNext($playerinfo);
$playerinfo = chopNext($playerinfo);
$d = getNext($playerinfo);
$playerinfo = chopNext($playerinfo);
$d = getNext($playerinfo);
$playerinfo = chopNext($playerinfo);
$playername = getNext($playerinfo);
if($playerid != "OK") {
$playerList[$playerid] = array("playerid" => $playerid,
"channelid" => $channelid,
"receivedpackets" => $receivedpackets,
"receivedbytes" => $receivedbytes,
"sentpackets" => $sentpackets,
"sentbytes" => $sentbytes,
"totaltime" => $totaltime,
"idletime" => $idletime,
"playername" => $playername);
} while($playerid != "OK");
// retrieve channel list
// read channel info
$channelList = array();
do {
$channelinfo = "";
do {
$input = fread($socket, 1);
if($input != "\n" && $input != "\r") $channelinfo .= $input;
} while($input != "\n");
$channelid = getNext($channelinfo);
$channelinfo = chopNext($channelinfo);
$codec = getNext($channelinfo);
$channelinfo = chopNext($channelinfo);
$parent = getNext($channelinfo);
$channelinfo = chopNext($channelinfo);
$d = getNext($channelinfo);
$channelinfo = chopNext($channelinfo);
$maxplayers = getNext($channelinfo);
$channelinfo = chopNext($channelinfo);
$channelname = getNext($channelinfo);
$channelinfo = chopNext($channelinfo);
$d = getNext($channelinfo);
$channelinfo = chopNext($channelinfo);
$password = getNext($channelinfo);
$channelinfo = chopNext($channelinfo);
$topic = getNext($channelinfo);
if($parent == "-1") $isparent = 1; else $isparent = 0;
if($channelid != "OK" && $isparent == 1) {
if($isdefault == "Default") $isdefault = 1; else $isdefault = 0;
if($password == "1") $password = 1; else $password = 0;
// determine number of players in channel
$playercount = 0;
foreach($playerList as $playerInfo) {
if($playerInfo[channelid] == $channelid) $playercount++;
$channelList[$channelid] = array("channelid" => $channelid,
"codec" => $codec,
"parent" => $parent,
"maxplayers" => $maxplayers,
"channelname" => $channelname,
"isdefault" => $isdefault,
"password" => $password,
"topic" => $topic,
"currentplayers" => $playercount);
} while($channelid != "OK");
// retrieve subchannel list
// read subchannel info
$subchannelList = array();
do {
$subchannelinfo = "";
do {
$subinput = fread($socket, 1);
if($subinput != "\n" && $subinput != "\r") $subchannelinfo .= $subinput;
} while($subinput != "\n");
$subchannelid = getNext($subchannelinfo);
$subchannelinfo = chopNext($subchannelinfo);
$codec = getNext($subchannelinfo);
$subchannelinfo = chopNext($subchannelinfo);
$subparent = getNext($subchannelinfo);
$subchannelinfo = chopNext($subchannelinfo);
$d = getNext($subchannelinfo);
$subchannelinfo = chopNext($subchannelinfo);
$maxplayers = getNext($subchannelinfo);
$subchannelinfo = chopNext($subchannelinfo);
$subchannelname = getNext($subchannelinfo);
$subchannelinfo = chopNext($subchannelinfo);
$d = getNext($subchannelinfo);
$subchannelinfo = chopNext($subchannelinfo);
$password = getNext($subchannelinfo);
$subchannelinfo = chopNext($subchannelinfo);
$topic = getNext($subchannelinfo);
if($subparent == "-1") $isparent = 1; else $isparent = 0;
if($subchannelid != "OK" && $isparent == 0) {
if($isdefault == "Default") $isdefault = 1; else $isdefault = 0;
if($password == "1") $password = 1; else $password = 0;
// determine number of players in subchannel
$subplayercount = 0;
foreach($playerList as $playerInfo) {
if($playerInfo[channelid] == $subchannelid) $subplayercount++;
$subchannelList[$subchannelid] = array("channelid" => $subchannelid,
"codec" => $codec,
"parent" => $subparent,
"maxplayers" => $maxplayers,
"channelname" => $subchannelname,
"isdefault" => $isdefault,
"password" => $password,
"topic" => $topic,
"currentplayers" => $subplayercount);
} while($subchannelid != "OK");
$content .= "