$confV = $db->sql_fetchrow($resultV);
if ($confV['Version_Num'] >= '7.6') {
$preURL = 'index.php?url=';
} else {
$preURL = '';
if ($currentlang) {
} else {
$PreviousShoutComment = $ShoutComment;
$username = $cookie[1];
if ($username == "") { $username = "Anonymous"; }
$sql = "select * from ".$prefix."_shoutbox_conf";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$conf = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
// Check if block is in center position
$sql = "select bposition from ".$prefix."_blocks where blockfile='block-Shout_Box.php'";
$SBpos = $db->sql_query($sql);
$SBpos = $db->sql_fetchrow($SBpos);
if ($SBpos['bposition'] == 'c' || $SBpos['bposition'] == 'd') {
$SBpos = 'center';
$SBborder = 1;
} else {
$SBpos = 'side';
$SBborder = 0;
// Find user's IP
if (getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP") && strcasecmp(getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP"), "unknown")) {
$uip = getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP");
} else if (getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR") && strcasecmp(getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"), "unknown")) {
$uip = getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR");
} else if (getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") && strcasecmp(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"), "unknown")) {
$uip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
} else if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] && strcasecmp($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], "unknown")) {
} else {
$uip = "";
if ($uip == 'unknown') { $uip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; }
if ($uip == "") { $uip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; }
if ($uip == "") { $uip = "noip"; }
if ($uip == 'unknown') { $uip = "noip"; }
//do IP test then ban if on list
if($conf['ipblock'] == "yes") {
$sql = "select * from ".$prefix."_shoutbox_ipblock";
$ipresult = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($badips = $db->sql_fetchrow($ipresult)) {
if (eregi("\*", $badips['name'])) { // Allow for Subnet bans like 123.456.*
$badipsArray = explode(".",$badips['name']);
$uipArray = explode(".",$uip);
$i = 0;
foreach($badipsArray as $badipsPart) {
if ($badipsPart == "*") { $BannedShouter = "yes"; break; }
if ($badipsPart != $uipArray[$i] AND $badipsPart != "*") { break; }
} else {
if($uip == $badips['name']) { $BannedShouter = "yes"; break; }
//do name test then ban if on list (only applies to registered users)
if ($conf['nameblock'] == "yes" AND $BannedShouter != "yes") {
$sql = "select * from ".$prefix."_shoutbox_nameblock";
$nameresult = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($badname = $db->sql_fetchrow($nameresult)){
if ($username == $badname['name']) { $BannedShouter = "yes"; break; }
if ($BannedShouter != "yes") {
if ($ShoutSubmit == "ShoutPost") {
// start processing shout
if ($shoutuid) { $username = "$shoutuid"; }
//shoutuid tests
$username = trim($username); // remove whitespace off ends of nickname
if($conf['anonymouspost'] == "yes") {
$unum = strlen($username);
if ($unum < 2) { $ShoutError = ""._NICKTOOSHORT.""; }
if (!$username OR $username == ""._NAME."") { $ShoutError = ""._NONICK.""; }
if (eregi(".xxx", $username) AND $conf['blockxxx'] == "yes") { $username = "Anonymous"; }
if (eregi("javascript:(.*)", $username)) { $username = "Anonymous"; }
$username = htmlspecialchars($username, ENT_QUOTES);
$username = ereg_replace("&", "&",$username);
if (!is_user($user) && ($username) && $username != "Anonymous") {
$username = ereg_replace(" ", "_",$username);
$ShoutComment = trim($ShoutComment); // remove whitespace off ends of shout
$ShoutComment = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $ShoutComment); // convert double spaces in middle of shout to single space
$num = strlen($ShoutComment);
if ($num < 1) { $ShoutError = ""._SHOUTTOOSHORT.""; }
if ($num > 2500) { $ShoutError = ""._SHOUTTOOLONG.""; }
if (!$ShoutComment) { $ShoutError = ""._NOSHOUT.""; }
if ($ShoutComment == ""._SB_MESSAGE."") { $ShoutError = ""._NOSHOUT.""; }
$ShoutComment = ereg_replace(" [.] ", ".",$ShoutComment);
if (eregi(".xxx", $ShoutComment) AND $conf['blockxxx'] == "yes") {
$ShoutError = ""._XXXBLOCKED."";
$PreviousShoutComment = "";
if (eregi("javascript:(.*)", $ShoutComment)) {
$ShoutError = ""._JSINSHOUT."";
$PreviousShoutComment = "";
$ShoutComment = htmlspecialchars($ShoutComment, ENT_QUOTES);
$ShoutComment = ereg_replace("&", "&",$ShoutComment);
// Scan for links in the shout. If there is, replace it with [URL] or block it if disallowed
$i = 0;
$ShoutNew = '';
$ShoutArray = explode(" ",$ShoutComment);
foreach($ShoutArray as $ShoutPart) {
if (is_array($ShoutPart) == TRUE) { $ShoutPart = $ShoutPart[0]; }
if (eregi("http:\/\/", $ShoutPart)) {
if (((!is_user($user)) AND ($conf['urlanononoff'] == "no")) OR ((is_user($user)) AND ($conf['urlonoff'] == "no"))) { $ShoutError = ""._URLNOTALLOWED.""; break; }
// fix for users adding text to the beginning of links: HACKhttp://www.website.com
$ShoutPartL = strtolower($ShoutPart);
$spot = strpos($ShoutPartL,"http://");
if ($spot > 0) { $ShoutPart = substr($ShoutPart, $spot); }
$ShoutNew[$i] = "[URL]";
} elseif (eregi("ftp:\/\/", $ShoutPart)) {
if (((!is_user($user)) AND ($conf['urlanononoff'] == "no")) OR ((is_user($user)) AND ($conf['urlonoff'] == "no"))) { $ShoutError = ""._URLNOTALLOWED.""; break; }
$ShoutPartL = strtolower($ShoutPart);
$spot = strpos($ShoutPartL,"ftp://");
if ($spot > 0) { $ShoutPart = substr($ShoutPart, $spot); }
$ShoutNew[$i] = "[FTP]";
} elseif (eregi("irc:\/\/", $ShoutPart)) {
if (((!is_user($user)) AND ($conf['urlanononoff'] == "no")) OR ((is_user($user)) AND ($conf['urlonoff'] == "no"))) { $ShoutError = ""._URLNOTALLOWED.""; break; }
$ShoutPartL = strtolower($ShoutPart);
$spot = strpos($ShoutPartL,"irc://");
if ($spot > 0) { $ShoutPart = substr($ShoutPart, $spot); }
$ShoutNew[$i] = "[IRC]";
} elseif (eregi("teamspeak:\/\/", $ShoutPart)) {
if (((!is_user($user)) AND ($conf['urlanononoff'] == "no")) OR ((is_user($user)) AND ($conf['urlonoff'] == "no"))) { $ShoutError = ""._URLNOTALLOWED.""; break; }
$ShoutPartL = strtolower($ShoutPart);
$spot = strpos($ShoutPartL,"teamspeak://");
if ($spot > 0) { $ShoutPart = substr($ShoutPart, $spot); }
$ShoutNew[$i] = "[TeamSpeak]";
} elseif (eregi("aim:goim", $ShoutPart)) {
if (((!is_user($user)) AND ($conf['urlanononoff'] == "no")) OR ((is_user($user)) AND ($conf['urlonoff'] == "no"))) { $ShoutError = ""._URLNOTALLOWED.""; break; }
$ShoutPartL = strtolower($ShoutPart);
$spot = strpos($ShoutPartL,"aim:goim");
if ($spot > 0) { $ShoutPart = substr($ShoutPart, $spot); }
$ShoutNew[$i] = "[AIM]";
} elseif (eregi("gopher:\/\/", $ShoutPart)) {
if (((!is_user($user)) AND ($conf['urlanononoff'] == "no")) OR ((is_user($user)) AND ($conf['urlonoff'] == "no"))) { $ShoutError = ""._URLNOTALLOWED.""; break; }
$ShoutPartL = strtolower($ShoutPart);
$spot = strpos($ShoutPartL,"gopher://");
if ($spot > 0) { $ShoutPart = substr($ShoutPart, $spot); }
$ShoutNew[$i] = "[Gopher]";
} elseif (eregi("mailto:", $ShoutPart)) {
$ShoutPartL = strtolower($ShoutPart);
$spot = strpos($ShoutPartL,"mailto:");
if ($spot > 0) { $ShoutPart = substr($ShoutPart, $spot); }
// email encoding to stop harvesters
$ShoutPart = bin2hex($ShoutPart);
$ShoutPart = chunk_split($ShoutPart, 2, '%');
$ShoutPart = '%' . substr($ShoutPart, 0, strlen($ShoutPart) - 1);
$ShoutNew[$i] = "[E-Mail]";
} elseif (eregi("www\.", $ShoutPart)) {
if (((!is_user($user)) AND ($conf['urlanononoff'] == "no")) OR ((is_user($user)) AND ($conf['urlonoff'] == "no"))) { $ShoutError = ""._URLNOTALLOWED.""; break; }
$ShoutPartL = strtolower($ShoutPart);
$spot = strpos($ShoutPartL,"www.");
if ($spot > 0) { $ShoutPart = substr($ShoutPart, $spot); }
$ShoutPart = "http://" . $ShoutPart;
$ShoutNew[$i] = "[URL]";
} elseif (eregi('@', $ShoutPart) AND eregi('\.', $ShoutPart)) {
// email encoding to stop harvesters
$ShoutPart = bin2hex($ShoutPart);
$ShoutPart = chunk_split($ShoutPart, 2, '%');
$ShoutPart = '%' . substr($ShoutPart, 0, strlen($ShoutPart) - 1);
$ShoutNew[$i] = "[E-Mail]";
} elseif ((eregi("\.(us|tv|cc|ws|ca|de|jp|ro|be|fm|ms|tc|ph|dk|st|ac|gs|vg|sh|kz|as|lt|to)", substr("$ShoutPart", -3,3))) OR (eregi("\.(com|net|org|mil|gov|biz|pro|xxx)", substr("$ShoutPart", -4,4))) OR (eregi("\.(info|name|mobi)", substr("$ShoutPart", -5,5))) OR (eregi("\.(co\.uk|co\.za|co\.nz|co\.il)", substr("$ShoutPart", -6,6)))) {
if (((!is_user($user)) AND ($conf['urlanononoff'] == "no")) OR ((is_user($user)) AND ($conf['urlonoff'] == "no"))) { $ShoutError = ""._URLNOTALLOWED.""; break; }
$ShoutPart = "http://" . $ShoutPart;
$ShoutNew[$i] = "[URL]";
} elseif (strlen(html_entity_decode($ShoutPart, ENT_QUOTES)) > 21) {
$ShoutNew[$i] = htmlspecialchars(wordwrap(html_entity_decode($ShoutPart, ENT_QUOTES), 21, " ", 1), ENT_QUOTES);
$ShoutNew[$i] = str_replace("[ b]", " [b]",$ShoutNew[$i]);
$ShoutNew[$i] = str_replace("[b ]", " [b]",$ShoutNew[$i]);
$ShoutNew[$i] = str_replace("[ /b]", "[/b] ",$ShoutNew[$i]);
$ShoutNew[$i] = str_replace("[/ b]", "[/b] ",$ShoutNew[$i]);
$ShoutNew[$i] = str_replace("[/b ]", "[/b] ",$ShoutNew[$i]);
$ShoutNew[$i] = str_replace("[ i]", " [i]",$ShoutNew[$i]);
$ShoutNew[$i] = str_replace("[i ]", " [i]",$ShoutNew[$i]);
$ShoutNew[$i] = str_replace("[ /i]", "[/i] ",$ShoutNew[$i]);
$ShoutNew[$i] = str_replace("[/ i]", "[/i] ",$ShoutNew[$i]);
$ShoutNew[$i] = str_replace("[/i ]", "[/i] ",$ShoutNew[$i]);
$ShoutNew[$i] = str_replace("[ u]", " [u]",$ShoutNew[$i]);
$ShoutNew[$i] = str_replace("[u ]", " [u]",$ShoutNew[$i]);
$ShoutNew[$i] = str_replace("[ /u]", "[/u] ",$ShoutNew[$i]);
$ShoutNew[$i] = str_replace("[/ u]", "[/u] ",$ShoutNew[$i]);
$ShoutNew[$i] = str_replace("[/u ]", "[/u] ",$ShoutNew[$i]);
} else { $ShoutNew[$i] = $ShoutPart; }
if ($ShoutError == "") { $ShoutComment = implode(" ",$ShoutNew); }
//Smilies from database
$ShoutArrayReplace = explode(" ",$ShoutComment);
$ShoutArrayScan = $ShoutArrayReplace;
$sql = "select * from ".$prefix."_shoutbox_emoticons";
$eresult = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($emoticons = $db->sql_fetchrow($eresult)) {
$i = 0;
foreach($ShoutArrayScan as $ShoutPart) {
if ($ShoutPart == $emoticons['text']) { $ShoutArrayReplace[$i] = $emoticons['image']; }
$ShoutComment = implode(" ",$ShoutArrayReplace);
//do name test then error if on list
if($conf['nameblock'] == "yes"){
$sql = "select * from ".$prefix."_shoutbox_nameblock";
$nameresult = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($badname = $db->sql_fetchrow($nameresult)){
if($username == $badname['name']) {
$ShoutError = ""._BANNEDNICK."";
// check for anonymous users cloning/ghosting registered users' nicknames
if (!is_user($user) && ($username) && $username != "Anonymous") {
$sql = "select * from ".$prefix."_users where username='$username'";
$nameresult = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($nameresult);
if ($row) {
$ShoutError = ""._NOCLONINGNICKS."";
//look for bad words, then censor them.
if($conf['censor'] == "yes") {
// start Anonymous nickname censor check here. If bad, replace bad nick with 'Anonymous'
if (!is_user($user) && ($username) && $username != "Anonymous") {
$sql = "select * from ".$prefix."_shoutbox_censor";
$cresult = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($censor = $db->sql_fetchrow($cresult)) {
if ($username != 'Anonymous') {
$one = strtolower($censor['text']);
$usernameL = strtolower($username);
if (stristr($usernameL, $one) !== false) {
$username = "Anonymous";
// Censor of posting text
$ShoutArrayReplace = explode(" ",$ShoutComment);
$ShoutArrayScan = $ShoutArrayReplace;
$sql = "select * from ".$prefix."_shoutbox_censor";
$cresult = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($censor = $db->sql_fetchrow($cresult)) {
$i = 0;
foreach($ShoutArrayScan as $ShoutPart) {
$ShoutPart = strtolower($ShoutPart);
$censor['text'] = strtolower($censor['text']);
if ($ShoutPart == $censor['text']) { $ShoutArrayReplace[$i] = $censor['replacement']; }
$ShoutComment = implode(" ",$ShoutArrayReplace);
// Phrase censor - Needs work before implementing
$sql = "select * from ".$prefix."_shoutbox_emoticons";
$eresult = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($emoticons = $db->sql_fetchrow($eresult)) {
$ShoutComment = str_replace($emoticons['text'],$emoticons['image'],$ShoutComment);
// duplicate posting checker. stops repeated spam attacks
$sql = "select * from ".$prefix."_shoutbox_shouts order by id DESC LIMIT 5";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
if ($row['comment'] == $ShoutComment) {
$ShoutError = ""._DUPLICATESHOUT."";
if ($conf['anonymouspost'] == "no" && $username == "Anonymous") {
$ShoutError = ""._ONLYREGISTERED2."";
if (!$ShoutError) {
$sql = "select * from ".$prefix."_shoutbox_date";
$resultD = $db->sql_query($sql);
$rowD = $db->sql_fetchrow($resultD);
// Special thanks to JRSweets for tipping me off to the timestamp option in date()
if ($conf['timeOffset'] == 0) {
$day = date("$rowD[date]");
$time = date("$rowD[time]");
} elseif (strstr($conf['timeOffset'], '+')) {
$sbTimeMultiplier = str_replace('+', '', $conf['timeOffset']);
$sbTimeOffset = $sbTimeMultiplier * 3600;
$sbTimeTemp = time();
$time = date("$rowD[time]", ($sbTimeTemp + $sbTimeOffset));
$day = date("$rowD[date]", ($sbTimeTemp + $sbTimeOffset));
} else {
$sbTimeMultiplier = str_replace('-', '', $conf['timeOffset']);
$sbTimeOffset = $sbTimeMultiplier * 3600;
$sbTimeTemp = time();
$time = date("$rowD[time]", ($sbTimeTemp - $sbTimeOffset));
$day = date("$rowD[date]", ($sbTimeTemp - $sbTimeOffset));
$currentTime = time();
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".$prefix."_shoutbox_shouts (id,name,comment,date,time,ip,timestamp) VALUES ('0','$username','$ShoutComment','$day','$time','$uip','$currentTime')";
// if v7.0 of nuke or higher, add points earned per shout
$sqlVer = "select * from ".$prefix."_config";
$resultVer = $db->sql_query($sqlVer);
$confVer = $db->sql_fetchrow($resultVer);
if (is_user($user) AND $confVer['Version_Num'] >= '7.0' AND $conf['pointspershout'] > 0) {
$sqlP = "select user_id,points from ".$prefix."_users WHERE username='$username'";
$resultP = $db->sql_query($sqlP);
$userP = $db->sql_fetchrow($resultP);
$userPoints = $userP['points'] + $conf['pointspershout'];
$sqlP = "UPDATE ".$prefix."_users set points='$userPoints' where user_id='$userP[user_id]'";
$PreviousShoutComment = "";
$PreviousComment = "";
} else {
if ($username != ""._NAME."") {
$PreviousUsername = $username;
if ($PreviousShoutComment != ""._SB_MESSAGE."") {
$PreviousComment = $PreviousShoutComment;
//Display Content From here on down
if (!is_user($user) && ($username) && $username != "Anonymous") { $username = "Anonymous"; }
$ThemeSel = get_theme();
$sql = "select * from ".$prefix."_shoutbox_theme_images WHERE themeName='$ThemeSel'";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$themeRow = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
if ($themeRow['blockBackgroundImage'] != '' AND file_exists("modules/Shout_Box/images/background/$themeRow[blockBackgroundImage]")) {
$showBackground = 'yes';
} else {
$showBackground = 'no';
if (file_exists("modules/Shout_Box/images/up/$themeRow[blockArrowColor]") AND $themeRow['blockArrowColor'] != '') {
$up_img = "modules/Shout_Box/images/up/$themeRow[blockArrowColor]";
} else {
$up_img = "modules/Shout_Box/images/up/Black.gif";
if (file_exists("modules/Shout_Box/images/down/$themeRow[blockArrowColor]") AND $themeRow['blockArrowColor'] != '') {
$down_img = "modules/Shout_Box/images/down/$themeRow[blockArrowColor]";
} else {
$down_img = "modules/Shout_Box/images/down/Black.gif";
if (file_exists("modules/Shout_Box/images/pause/$themeRow[blockArrowColor]") AND $themeRow['blockArrowColor'] != '') {
$pause_img = "modules/Shout_Box/images/pause/$themeRow[blockArrowColor]";
} else {
$pause_img = "modules/Shout_Box/images/pause/Black.gif";
$sql = "select * from ".$prefix."_shoutbox_shouts order by id DESC LIMIT $conf[number]";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
// Top half
// shout error reporting
$top_content = "";
if ($ShoutError) {
$top_content .= "
"._SB_NOTE.": $ShoutError |
// table that holds the scrolling area
if ($showBackground == 'yes') {
$top_content .= "\n";
} else {
$top_content .= "\n";
// end top content
// table of the actual scrolling content
if ($showBackground == 'yes') {
$mid_content = "";
} else {
$mid_content = "";
$flag = 1;
$ThemeSel = get_theme();
$sql = "select * from ".$prefix."_shoutbox_themes WHERE themeName='$ThemeSel'";
$resultT = $db->sql_query($sql);
$rowColor = $db->sql_fetchrow($resultT);
if (is_user($user)) {
$username = $cookie[1];
if ($username != '') {
$sqlF = "SELECT user_timezone, user_dateformat from ".$prefix."_users WHERE username='$username'";
$resultF = $db->sql_query($sqlF);
$userSetup = $db->sql_fetchrow($resultF);
$sql = "select * from ".$prefix."_shoutbox_date";
$resultD = $db->sql_query($sql);
$rowD = $db->sql_fetchrow($resultD);
// Sticky shouts
$sql = "select * from ".$prefix."_shoutbox_sticky where stickySlot=0";
$stickyResult = $db->sql_query($sql);
$stickyRow0 = $db->sql_fetchrow($stickyResult);
$sql = "select * from ".$prefix."_shoutbox_sticky where stickySlot=1";
$stickyResult = $db->sql_query($sql);
$stickyRow1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($stickyResult);
if ($stickyRow0) {
if ($showBackground == 'yes') {
$mid_content .= "";
} else {
if ($flag == 1) { $flag = 2; }
elseif ($flag == 2) { $flag = 1; }
$mid_content .= " | ";
$mid_content .= ""._SB_ADMIN.": $stickyRow0[comment]";
if ($conf['date'] == "yes") {
if (is_user($user)) {
// add time adjustment for following user's timezone
$displayTime = $userSetup['user_timezone'] - $conf['serverTimezone'];
$displayTime = $displayTime * 3600;
$newTimestamp = $stickyRow0['timestamp'] + $displayTime;
$unixTime = date("$userSetup[user_dateformat]", $newTimestamp);
$mid_content .= " $unixTime";
} else {
$unixDay = date("$rowD[date]", $stickyRow0['timestamp']);
$unixTime = date("$rowD[time]", $stickyRow0['timestamp']);
$mid_content .= " $unixDay $unixTime";
$mid_content .= " | ";
if ($stickyRow1) {
if ($showBackground == 'yes') {
$mid_content .= "";
} else {
if ($flag == 1) { $flag = 2; }
elseif ($flag == 2) { $flag = 1; }
$mid_content .= " | ";
$mid_content .= ""._SB_ADMIN.": $stickyRow1[comment]";
if ($conf['date'] == "yes") {
if (is_user($user)) {
// add time adjustment for following user's timezone
$displayTime = $userSetup['user_timezone'] - $conf['serverTimezone'];
$displayTime = $displayTime * 3600;
$newTimestamp = $stickyRow1['timestamp'] + $displayTime;
$unixTime = date("$userSetup[user_dateformat]", $newTimestamp);
$mid_content .= " $unixTime";
} else {
$unixDay = date("$rowD[date]", $stickyRow1['timestamp']);
$unixTime = date("$rowD[time]", $stickyRow1['timestamp']);
$mid_content .= " $unixDay $unixTime";
$mid_content .= " | ";
// end sticky shouts
$i = 0;
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
if ($flag == 1) { $bgcolor = $rowColor['blockColor1']; }
if ($flag == 2) { $bgcolor = $rowColor['blockColor2']; }
if ($showBackground == 'yes') {
$tempContent[$i] = "";
} else {
$tempContent[$i] = " | ";
$ShoutComment = str_replace('src=', 'src="', $row['comment']);
$ShoutComment = str_replace('.gif>', '.gif" alt="" />', $ShoutComment);
$ShoutComment = str_replace('.jpg>', '.jpg" alt="" />', $ShoutComment);
$ShoutComment = str_replace('.png>', '.png" alt="" />', $ShoutComment);
$ShoutComment = str_replace('.bmp>', '.bmp" alt="" />', $ShoutComment);
$ShoutComment = str_replace("http:", "".$preURL."http:", $ShoutComment);
$ShoutComment = str_replace("ftp:", "".$preURL."ftp:", $ShoutComment);
// BB code [b]word[/b] [i]word[/i] [u]word[/u]
if ((eregi("[b]", $ShoutComment)) AND (eregi("[/b]", $ShoutComment)) AND (substr_count("$ShoutComment","[b]") == substr_count("$ShoutComment","[/b]"))) {
$ShoutComment = eregi_replace("\[b\]","","$ShoutComment");
$ShoutComment = eregi_replace("\[\/b\]","","$ShoutComment");
if ((eregi("[i]", $ShoutComment)) AND (eregi("[/i]", $ShoutComment)) AND (substr_count("$ShoutComment","[i]") == substr_count("$ShoutComment","[/i]"))) {
$ShoutComment = eregi_replace("\[i\]","","$ShoutComment");
$ShoutComment = eregi_replace("\[\/i\]","","$ShoutComment");
if ((eregi("[u]", $ShoutComment)) AND (eregi("[/u]", $ShoutComment)) AND (substr_count("$ShoutComment","[u]") == substr_count("$ShoutComment","[/u]"))) {
$ShoutComment = eregi_replace("\[u\]","","$ShoutComment");
$ShoutComment = eregi_replace("\[\/u\]","","$ShoutComment");
if ($username == "Anonymous") {
$tempContent[$i] .= "$row[name]: $ShoutComment";
else {
// check to see if nickname is a user in the DB
$sqlN = "select * from ".$prefix."_users where username='$row[name]'";
$nameresultN = $db->sql_query($sqlN);
$rowN = $db->sql_fetchrow($nameresultN);
if (($rowN) AND ($row['name'] != "Anonymous")) {
$tempContent[$i] .= "$row[name]: $ShoutComment";
} else {
$tempContent[$i] .= "$row[name]: $ShoutComment";
if ($conf['date'] == "yes") {
if ($row['timestamp'] != '') {
// reads unix timestamp and formats it to the viewer's timezone
if (is_user($user)) {
// time adjustment for following user's timezone
$displayTime = $userSetup['user_timezone'] - $conf['serverTimezone'];
$displayTime = $displayTime * 3600;
$newTimestamp = $row['timestamp'] + $displayTime;
$unixTime = date("$userSetup[user_dateformat]", $newTimestamp);
$tempContent[$i] .= " $unixTime";
} else {
// adjustmet for timezone offset
$displayTime = $conf['timeOffset'] * 3600;
$newTimestamp = $row['timestamp'] + $displayTime;
$unixDay = date("$rowD[date]", $newTimestamp);
$unixTime = date("$rowD[time]", $newTimestamp);
$tempContent[$i] .= " $unixDay $unixTime";
} else {
$tempContent[$i] .= " $row[date] $row[time]";
$tempContent[$i] .= " | ";
if ($flag == 1) { $flag = 2; }
elseif ($flag == 2) { $flag = 1; }
// Reversing the posts
if ($conf['reversePosts'] == "no") {
for ($j = 0; $j < $conf['number']; $j++) {
$mid_content .= $tempContent[$j];
} else {
for ($j = $conf['number']; $j >= 0; $j = $j - 1) {
$mid_content .= $tempContent[$j];
// You may not remove or edit this copyright!!! Doing so violates the GPL license.
$mid_content .= "Shout Box © | ";
// end copyright.
// end mid content
// start bottom content $bottom_content
$bottom_content = " \n";
// bottom half
if ($conf['anonymouspost'] == "no" && $username == "Anonymous") {
$bottom_content .= ""._SHOUTHISTORY."";
$bottom_content .= " ";
$bottom_content .= " ";
$bottom_content .= " ";
$bottom_content .= " ";
} else {
$bottom_content .= "\n";
} else {
$top_content = "";
$mid_content = ""._YOUAREBANNED."";
$bottom_content = " ";
$sql = "select * from ".$prefix."_shoutbox_conf";
$resultsize = $db->sql_query($sql);
$rowsize = $db->sql_fetchrow($resultsize);
$ShoutMarqueeheight = $rowsize['height'];
switch($ShoutSubmit) {
ShoutBox($ShoutSubmit, $prefix, $ShoutComment, $db, $user, $cookie, $shoutuid);
$content .= "$bottom_content\n";