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"; $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `playermess` WHERE `forum`='{$_GET['m']}' AND `type`='3' ORDER BY `last` DESC"); while ($info = mysql_fetch_object($query)) { $query2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `forummess` WHERE `titel`='{$info->id}' AND `forum`='{$_GET['m']}'"); $replies = mysql_num_rows($query2); $info->titel = str_replace("\'", "'", $info->titel); $info->titel = str_replace("\'", "'", $info->titel); $info->titel = str_replace("\'", "'", $info->titel); $info->titel = str_replace("\'", "'", $info->titel); $info->titel = str_replace("\'", "'", $info->titel); $info->titel = str_replace("\'", "'", $info->titel); $info->titel = str_replace("\'", "'", $info->titel); $info->titel = eregi_replace("\\[color=([^\\[]*)\\]([^\\[]*)\\[/color\\]","\\2",$info->titel); $info->titel = preg_replace("/\[B\]/", "", $info->titel); $info->titel = preg_replace("/\[\/B\]/", "", $info->titel); $info->titel = preg_replace("/\[b\]/", "", $info->titel); $info->titel = preg_replace("/\[\/b\]/", "", $info->titel); if($info->locked == 0) { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } } echo ""; $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `playermess` WHERE `forum`='{$_GET['m']}' AND `type`='2' ORDER BY `last` DESC"); while ($info = mysql_fetch_object($query)) { $query2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `forummess` WHERE `titel`='{$info->id}' AND `forum`='{$_GET['m']}'"); $replies = mysql_num_rows($query2); $info->titel = str_replace("\'", "'", $info->titel); $info->titel = str_replace("\'", "'", $info->titel); $info->titel = str_replace("\'", "'", $info->titel); $info->titel = str_replace("\'", "'", $info->titel); $info->titel = str_replace("\'", "'", $info->titel); $info->titel = str_replace("\'", "'", $info->titel); $info->titel = eregi_replace("\\[color=([^\\[]*)\\]([^\\[]*)\\[/color\\]","\\2",$info->titel); $info->titel = preg_replace("/\[B\]/", "", $info->titel); $info->titel = preg_replace("/\[\/B\]/", "", $info->titel); $info->titel = preg_replace("/\[b\]/", "", $info->titel); $info->titel = preg_replace("/\[\/b\]/", "", $info->titel); $info->titel = preg_replace("/\[u\]/", "", $info->titel); $info->titel = preg_replace("/\[\/u\]/", "", $info->titel); $info->titel = preg_replace("/\[u\]/", "", $info->titel); $info->titel = preg_replace("/\[\/u\]/", "", $info->titel); $info->titel = preg_replace("/\[i\]/", "", $info->titel); $info->titel = preg_replace("/\[\/i\]/", "", $info->titel); $info->titel = preg_replace("/\[i\]/", "", $info->titel); $info->titel = preg_replace("/\[\/i\]/", "", $info->titel); if($info->locked == 0) { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } } echo ""; $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `playermess` WHERE `forum`='{$_GET['m']}' AND `type`='1' ORDER BY `last` DESC"); while ($info = mysql_fetch_object($query)) { $query2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `forummess` WHERE `titel`='{$info->id}' AND `forum`='{$_GET['m']}'"); $replies = mysql_num_rows($query2); $info->titel = str_replace("\'", "'", $info->titel); $info->titel = str_replace("\'", "'", $info->titel); $info->titel = str_replace("\'", "'", $info->titel); $info->titel = str_replace("\'", "'", $info->titel); $info->titel = str_replace("\'", "'", $info->titel); $info->titel = str_replace("\'", "'", $info->titel); if($info->locked == 0) { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } } echo "
Nieuw onderwerp
id}&m={$_GET['m']}\">Belangrijk: ".$info->titel." ".$replies."
id}&m={$_GET['m']}\">Belangrijk: ".$info->titel." (Gesloten) ".$replies."
id}&m={$_GET['m']}\">: ".$info->titel." ".$replies."
id}&m={$_GET['m']}\">Belangrijk: ".$info->titel." (Gesloten) ".$replies."
id}&m={$_GET['m']}\">".$info->titel." ".$replies."
id}&m={$_GET['m']}\">".$info->titel." (locked) ".$replies."
"; ?>