IPB UPGRADE MODULE:: IPB 2.0.2 -> IPB 2.0.3 | > Script written by Matt Mecham | > Date started: 23rd April 2004 | > "So what, pop is dead - it's no great loss. So many facelifts, it's face flew off" +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( ! defined( 'IN_IPB' ) ) { print "

Incorrect access

You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded all the relevant files."; exit(); } class version_upgrade { var $this_version = '21007'; var $upgrade_from = '21006'; var $first_step = 'update your database to include the new schematic'; var $md5_check = ''; var $base_url = ''; var $mod_to_run = ''; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // CONSTRUCTOR /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function version_upgrade() { } function version_process() { $this->md5_check = $this->ipsclass->return_md5_check(); $this->base_url = "index.php?act=work&loginkey={$this->ipsclass->input['loginkey']}&securekey={$this->ipsclass->input['securekey']}&mid={$this->ipsclass->input['mid']}"; if ( is_array( $this->ipsclass->modules_to_run ) and count( $this->ipsclass->modules_to_run ) ) { $tmp = array_shift( $this->ipsclass->modules_to_run ); $this->mod_to_run = implode( ', ', $this->ipsclass->modules_to_run ); } if ( ! $this->mod_to_run ) { $this->mod_to_run = 'None'; } } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Auto run.. /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function auto_run() { //-------------------------------- // What are we doing? // sql => DONE //-------------------------------- switch( $this->ipsclass->input['workact'] ) { case 'sql': $this->upgrade_sql(); break; default: $this->upgrade_intro(); break; } } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // SQL: 0 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function upgrade_sql() { $man = intval( $this->ipsclass->input['man'] ); $SQL = array(); $file = '_updates.php'; $cnt = 0; if ( file_exists( THIS_PATH . 'upg_' . $this->ipsclass->current_upgrade . '/' . strtolower($this->ipsclass->vars['sql_driver']) . $file ) ) { require_once( THIS_PATH . 'upg_' . $this->ipsclass->current_upgrade . '/' . strtolower($this->ipsclass->vars['sql_driver']) . $file ); foreach( $SQL as $q ) { $q = str_replace( "<%time%>", time(), $q ); $this->ipsclass->DB->query( $q ); $cnt++; } } //----------------------------------------- // Remove dupe categories //----------------------------------------- $title_id_to_keep = array(); $title_id_to_delete = array(); $title_deleted_count = 0; $msg = ''; $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'conf_settings_titles', 'order' => 'conf_title_id DESC' ) ); $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec(); while ( $r = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() ) { if ( $title_id_to_keep[ $r['conf_title_title'] ] ) { $title_id_to_delete[ $r['conf_title_id'] ] = $r['conf_title_id']; } else { $title_id_to_keep[ $r['conf_title_title'] ] = $r['conf_title_id']; } } if ( count( $title_id_to_delete ) ) { $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec_query( array( 'delete' => 'conf_settings_titles', 'where' => 'conf_title_id IN ('.implode( ',', $title_id_to_delete ).')' ) ); } $title_deleted_count = intval( count($title_id_to_delete) ); //----------------------------------------- // Update this parachat component //----------------------------------------- if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['chat04_account_no'] ) { require_once( ROOT_PATH . 'sources/api/api_core.php' ); require_once( ROOT_PATH . 'sources/api/api_components.php' ); $api = new api_components(); $api->ipsclass =& $this->ipsclass; $fields = array( 'com_enabled' => 1, 'com_menu_data' => array( 0 => array( 'menu_text' => 'Chat Settings', 'menu_url' => 'code=chatsettings', 'menu_permbit' => 'edit' ) ) ); $api->acp_component_update( 'chatpara', $fields ); } $this->ipsclass->core->redirect( "index.php?act=done&loginkey={$this->ipsclass->input['loginkey']}&securekey={$this->ipsclass->input['securekey']}&mid={$this->ipsclass->input['mid']}", "$title_deleted_count duplicate setting groups removed and $cnt queries run...." ); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // INTRO /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function upgrade_intro() { $this->ipsclass->template->content .= "
Welcome to the IPB Upgrade System
This upgrade module will upgrade you from {$this->ipsclass->versions[$this->upgrade_from]} to {$this->ipsclass->versions[$this->this_version]}

This first step will {$this->first_step}
» Proceed ...

Modules to run after this module: {$this->mod_to_run}
"; if ( ! is_writeable( CACHE_PATH . 'cache/skin_cache' ) ) { $this->ipsclass->template->content .= "
WARNING: cache/skin_cache is not writeable
Please check the CHMOD value on this folder before continuing. Failure to do so could mean that your skin files will not be installed correctly.
"; } $this->ipsclass->template->output(); } } ?>