ALTER TABLE ibf_posts DROP attach_id, DROP attach_hits, DROP attach_type, DROP attach_file; alter table ibf_posts change queued queued tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0'; alter table ibf_posts drop forum_id; ALTER TABLE ibf_topics add topic_firstpost int(10) NOT NULL default '0'; alter table ibf_topics add topic_queuedposts int(10) NOT NULL default '0'; ALTER TABLE ibf_members DROP msg_from_id, DROP msg_msg_id; ALTER TABLE ibf_members DROP org_supmod, DROP integ_msg; alter table ibf_members DROP aim_name, DROP icq_number, DROP website, DROP yahoo, DROP interests, DROP msnname, DROP vdirs, DROP signature, DROP location, DROP avatar, DROP avatar_size; alter table ibf_members change auto_track auto_track varchar(50) default '0'; alter table ibf_members add subs_pkg_chosen smallint(3) NOT NULL default '0'; ALTER TABLE ibf_members change temp_ban temp_ban varchar(100) default '0'; ALTER TABLE ibf_members change msg_total msg_total smallint(5) default '0'; alter table ibf_topic_mmod add topic_approve tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0'; alter table ibf_groups add g_can_msg_attach tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0'; alter table ibf_pfields_data change fid pf_id smallint(5) NOT NULL auto_increment, change ftitle pf_title varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', change fdesc pf_desc varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', change fcontent pf_content text NOT NULL default '', change ftype pf_type varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', change freq pf_not_null tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', change fhide pf_member_hide tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', change fmaxinput pf_max_input smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0', change fedit pf_member_edit tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', change forder pf_position smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0', change fshowreg pf_show_on_reg tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', add pf_input_format text NOT NULL default '', add pf_admin_only tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', add pf_topic_format text NOT NULL default ''; INSERT INTO ibf_task_manager VALUES (1, 'Hourly Clean Out', 'cleanout.php', 1076074920, -1, -1, -1, 59, '2a7d083832daa123b73a68f9c51fdb29', 1, 'Kill old sessions, reg images, searches',1,'',0); INSERT INTO ibf_task_manager VALUES (2, 'Daily Stats Rebuild', 'rebuildstats.php', 1076112000, -1, -1, 0, 0, '640b9a6c373ff207bc1b1100a98121af', 1, 'Rebuilds board statistics',1,'',0); INSERT INTO ibf_task_manager VALUES (3, 'Daily Clean Out', 'dailycleanout.php', 1076122800, -1, -1, 3, 0, 'e71b52f3ff9419abecedd14b54e692c4', 1, 'Prunes topic subscriptions',1,'',0); INSERT INTO ibf_task_manager VALUES (4, 'Birthday and Events Cache', 'calendarevents.php', 1076100960, -1, -1, 12, -1, '2c148c9bd754d023a7a19dd9b1535796', 1, 'Caches calendar events & birthdays',1,'',0); INSERT INTO ibf_task_manager (task_id, task_title, task_file, task_next_run, task_week_day, task_month_day, task_hour, task_minute, task_cronkey, task_log, task_description, task_enabled) VALUES (9, 'Announcements Update', 'announcements.php', 1080747660, -1, -1, 4, -1, 'e82f2c19ab1ed57c140fccf8aea8b9fe', 1, 'Rebuilds cache and expires out of date announcements', 1); INSERT INTO ibf_task_manager (task_title, task_file, task_next_run, task_week_day, task_month_day, task_hour, task_minute, task_cronkey, task_log, task_description, task_enabled, task_key, task_safemode) VALUES ('Send Bulk Mail', 'bulkmail.php', 1086706080, -1, -1, -1, -1, '61359ac93eb93ebbd935a4e275ade2db', 0, 'Dynamically assigned, no need to edit or change', 0, 'bulkmail', 1); INSERT INTO ibf_task_manager (task_title, task_file, task_next_run, task_week_day, task_month_day, task_hour, task_minute, task_cronkey, task_log, task_description, task_enabled, task_key, task_safemode) VALUES ('Daily Topic & Forum Digest', 'dailydigest.php', 1086912600, -1, -1, 0, 10, '723cab2aae32dd5d04898b1151038846', 1, 'Emails out daily topic & forum digest emails', 1, 'dailydigest', 0); INSERT INTO ibf_task_manager (task_title, task_file, task_next_run, task_week_day, task_month_day, task_hour, task_minute, task_cronkey, task_log, task_description, task_enabled, task_key, task_safemode) VALUES ('Weekly Topic & Forum Digest', 'weeklydigest.php', 1087096200, 0, -1, 3, 10, '7e7fccd07f781bdb24ac108d26612931', 1, 'Emails weekly topic & forum digest emails', 1, 'weeklydigest', 0); INSERT INTO ibf_custom_bbcode (bbcode_title, bbcode_desc, bbcode_tag, bbcode_replace, bbcode_useoption, bbcode_example) VALUES ('Post Snap Back', 'This tag displays a little linked image which links back to a post - used when quoting posts from the board. Opens in same window by default.', 'snapback', '<{POST_SNAPBACK}>', 0, '[snapback]100[/snapback]'); INSERT INTO ibf_custom_bbcode (bbcode_title, bbcode_desc, bbcode_tag, bbcode_replace, bbcode_useoption, bbcode_example) VALUES ('Right', 'Aligns content to the right of the posting area', 'right', '
', 0, '[right]Some text here[/right]'); INSERT INTO ibf_custom_bbcode (bbcode_title, bbcode_desc, bbcode_tag, bbcode_replace, bbcode_useoption, bbcode_example) VALUES ('Left', 'Aligns content to the left of the post', 'left', '
', 0, '[left]Left aligned text[/left]'); INSERT INTO ibf_custom_bbcode (bbcode_title, bbcode_desc, bbcode_tag, bbcode_replace, bbcode_useoption, bbcode_example) VALUES ('Center', 'Aligns content to the center of the posting area.', 'center', '
', 0, '[center]Centered Text[/center]'); INSERT INTO ibf_custom_bbcode (bbcode_title, bbcode_desc, bbcode_tag, bbcode_replace, bbcode_useoption, bbcode_example) VALUES ('Topic Link', 'This tag provides an easy way to link to a topic', 'topic', '{content}', 1, '[topic=100]Click me![/topic]'); INSERT INTO ibf_custom_bbcode (bbcode_title, bbcode_desc, bbcode_tag, bbcode_replace, bbcode_useoption, bbcode_example) VALUES ('Post Link', 'This tag provides an easy way to link to a post.', 'post', '{content}', 1, '[post=100]Click me![/post]'); INSERT INTO ibf_subscription_methods (submethod_title, submethod_name, submethod_email, submethod_sid, submethod_custom_1, submethod_custom_2, submethod_custom_3, submethod_custom_4, submethod_custom_5, submethod_is_cc, submethod_is_auto, submethod_desc, submethod_logo, submethod_active, submethod_use_currency) VALUES ('', 'authorizenet', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, '1', 'USD'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (1, 'pdf', 'application/pdf', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/pdf.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (2, 'png', 'image/png', 1, 1, 'folder_mime_types/quicktime.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (3, 'viv', 'video/vivo', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/win_player.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (4, 'wmv', 'video/x-msvideo', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/win_player.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (5, 'html', 'application/octet-stream', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/html.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (6, 'ram', 'audio/x-pn-realaudio', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/real_audio.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (7, 'gif', 'image/gif', 1, 1, 'folder_mime_types/gif.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (8, 'mpg', 'video/mpeg', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/quicktime.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (9, 'ico', 'image/ico', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/gif.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (10, 'tar', 'application/x-tar', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/zip.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (11, 'bmp', 'image/x-MS-bmp', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/gif.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (12, 'tiff', 'image/tiff', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/quicktime.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (13, 'rtf', 'text/richtext', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/rtf.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (14, 'hqx', 'application/mac-binhex40', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/stuffit.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (15, 'aiff', 'audio/x-aiff', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/quicktime.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (31, 'zip', 'application/zip', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/zip.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (17, 'ps', 'application/postscript', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/eps.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (18, 'doc', 'application/msword', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/doc.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (19, 'mov', 'video/quicktime', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/quicktime.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (20, 'ppt', 'application/powerpoint', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/ppt.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (21, 'wav', 'audio/x-wav', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/music.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (22, 'mp3', 'audio/x-mpeg', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/music.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (23, 'jpg', 'image/jpeg', 1, 1, 'folder_mime_types/gif.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (24, 'txt', 'text/plain', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/txt.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (25, 'xml', 'text/xml', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/script.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (26, 'css', 'text/css', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/script.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (27, 'swf', 'application/x-shockwave-flash', 0, 0, 'folder_mime_types/quicktime.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (32, 'php', 'application/octet-stream', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/php.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (28, 'htm', 'application/octet-stream', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/html.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (29, 'jpeg', 'image/jpeg', 1, 1, 'folder_mime_types/gif.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_attachments_type (atype_id, atype_extension, atype_mimetype, atype_post, atype_photo, atype_img) VALUES (33, 'gz', 'application/x-gzip', 1, 0, 'folder_mime_types/zip.gif'); INSERT INTO ibf_cache_store (cs_key, cs_value, cs_extra, cs_array) VALUES ('skin_id_cache', '', '', 1); INSERT INTO ibf_cache_store (cs_key, cs_value, cs_extra, cs_array) VALUES ('bbcode', '', '', 1); INSERT INTO ibf_cache_store (cs_key, cs_value, cs_extra, cs_array) VALUES ('moderators', '', '', 1); INSERT INTO ibf_cache_store (cs_key, cs_value, cs_extra, cs_array) VALUES ('multimod', '', '', 1); INSERT INTO ibf_cache_store (cs_key, cs_value, cs_extra, cs_array) VALUES ('banfilters', '', '', 1); INSERT INTO ibf_cache_store (cs_key, cs_value, cs_extra, cs_array) VALUES ('attachtypes', '', '', 1); INSERT INTO ibf_cache_store (cs_key, cs_value, cs_extra, cs_array) VALUES ('emoticons', '', '', 1); INSERT INTO ibf_cache_store (cs_key, cs_value, cs_extra, cs_array) VALUES ('forum_cache', '', '', 1); INSERT INTO ibf_cache_store (cs_key, cs_value, cs_extra, cs_array) VALUES ('badwords', '', '', 1); INSERT INTO ibf_cache_store (cs_key, cs_value, cs_extra, cs_array) VALUES ('systemvars', '', '', 1); INSERT INTO ibf_cache_store (cs_key, cs_value, cs_extra, cs_array) VALUES ('ranks', '', '', 1); INSERT INTO ibf_cache_store (cs_key, cs_value, cs_extra, cs_array) VALUES ('group_cache', '', '', 1); INSERT INTO ibf_cache_store (cs_key, cs_value, cs_extra, cs_array) VALUES ('stats', '', '', 1); INSERT INTO ibf_cache_store (cs_key, cs_value, cs_extra, cs_array) VALUES ('profilefields', 'a:0:{}', '', 1); INSERT INTO ibf_cache_store (cs_key, cs_value, cs_extra, cs_array) VALUES ('settings','', '', 1); INSERT INTO ibf_cache_store (cs_key, cs_value, cs_extra, cs_array) VALUES ('languages', '', '', 1); INSERT INTO ibf_cache_store (cs_key, cs_value, cs_extra, cs_array) VALUES ('birthdays', 'a:0:{}', '', 1); INSERT INTO ibf_cache_store (cs_key, cs_value, cs_extra, cs_array) VALUES ('calendar', 'a:0:{}', '', 1); INSERT INTO ibf_skin_sets (set_skin_set_id, set_name, set_image_dir, set_hidden, set_default, set_css_method, set_skin_set_parent, set_author_email, set_author_name, set_author_url, set_css, set_cache_macro, set_wrapper, set_css_updated, set_cache_css, set_cache_wrapper, set_emoticon_folder) VALUES (1, 'IPB Master Skin Set', '1', 0, 0, '0', -1, '', '', '', '', '', '', 1079109298, '', '', 'default'); INSERT INTO ibf_skin_sets (set_skin_set_id, set_name, set_image_dir, set_hidden, set_default, set_css_method, set_skin_set_parent, set_author_email, set_author_name, set_author_url, set_css, set_cache_macro, set_wrapper, set_css_updated, set_cache_css, set_cache_wrapper, set_emoticon_folder) VALUES (2, 'IPB Default Skin', '1', 0, 1, '0', -1, '', 'Invision Power Services', '', '', '', '', 1074679074, '', '', 'default'); INSERT INTO ibf_skin_sets (set_skin_set_id, set_name, set_image_dir, set_hidden, set_default, set_css_method, set_skin_set_parent, set_author_email, set_author_name, set_author_url, set_css, set_cache_macro, set_wrapper, set_css_updated, set_cache_css, set_cache_wrapper, set_emoticon_folder) VALUES (3, 'IPB Pre-2.0 Skins', '1', 0, 0, '0', -1, '', 'Invision Power Services', '', '', '', '', 1074679074, '', '', 'default'); INSERT INTO ibf_conf_settings_titles (conf_title_id, conf_title_title, conf_title_desc, conf_title_count) VALUES (1, 'General Configuration', 'These settings control the basics of the board such as URLs and paths.', 17); INSERT INTO ibf_conf_settings_titles (conf_title_id, conf_title_title, conf_title_desc, conf_title_count) VALUES (2, 'CPU Saving & Optimization', 'This section allows certain features to be limited or removed to get more performance out of your board.', 16); INSERT INTO ibf_conf_settings_titles (conf_title_id, conf_title_title, conf_title_desc, conf_title_count) VALUES (3, 'Date & Time Formats', 'This section contains the date and time formats used throughout the board.', 7); INSERT INTO ibf_conf_settings_titles (conf_title_id, conf_title_title, conf_title_desc, conf_title_count) VALUES (4, 'User Profiles', 'This section allows you to adjust your member\'s global permissions and other options.', 22); INSERT INTO ibf_conf_settings_titles (conf_title_id, conf_title_title, conf_title_desc, conf_title_count) VALUES (5, 'Topics, Posts and Polls', 'These options control various elements when posting, reading topics and reading polls.', 32); INSERT INTO ibf_conf_settings_titles (conf_title_id, conf_title_title, conf_title_desc, conf_title_count) VALUES (6, 'Security and Privacy', 'These options allow you to adjust the security and privacy options for your board.', 18); INSERT INTO ibf_conf_settings_titles (conf_title_id, conf_title_title, conf_title_desc, conf_title_count) VALUES (7, 'Cookies', 'This section allows you to set the default cookie options.', 3); INSERT INTO ibf_conf_settings_titles (conf_title_id, conf_title_title, conf_title_desc, conf_title_count) VALUES (8, 'COPPA Set-up', 'This section allows you to comply with COPPA.', 3); INSERT INTO ibf_conf_settings_titles (conf_title_id, conf_title_title, conf_title_desc, conf_title_count) VALUES (9, 'Calendar & Birthdays', 'This section will allow you to set up the board calendar and its related options.', 8); INSERT INTO ibf_conf_settings_titles (conf_title_id, conf_title_title, conf_title_desc, conf_title_count) VALUES (10, 'News Set-up', 'This section will allow you to specify the forum you wish to export news topics from to be used with ssi.php and IPDynamic Lite.', 2); INSERT INTO ibf_conf_settings_titles (conf_title_id, conf_title_title, conf_title_desc, conf_title_count) VALUES (11, 'Personal Message Set-up', 'This section allows you to control the global PM options.', 3); INSERT INTO ibf_conf_settings_titles (conf_title_id, conf_title_title, conf_title_desc, conf_title_count) VALUES (12, 'Email Set-up', 'This section will allow you to change the incoming and outgoing email addresses as well as the email method.', 7); INSERT INTO ibf_conf_settings_titles (conf_title_id, conf_title_title, conf_title_desc, conf_title_count) VALUES (13, 'Warn Set-up', 'This section will allow you to set up the warning system.', 15); INSERT INTO ibf_conf_settings_titles (conf_title_id, conf_title_title, conf_title_desc, conf_title_count) VALUES (14, 'Trash Can Set-up', 'The trashcan is a special forum in which topics are moved into instead of being deleted.', 6); INSERT INTO ibf_conf_settings_titles (conf_title_id, conf_title_title, conf_title_desc, conf_title_count) VALUES (15, 'Board Offline / Online', 'Use this setting to turn switch your board online or offline and leave a message for your visitors.', 2); INSERT INTO ibf_conf_settings_titles (conf_title_id, conf_title_title, conf_title_desc, conf_title_count) VALUES (16, 'Search Engine Spiders', 'This section will allow you to set up and maintain your search engine bot spider recognition settings.', 7); INSERT INTO ibf_conf_settings_titles (conf_title_id, conf_title_title, conf_title_desc, conf_title_count) VALUES (17, 'Board Guidelines', 'This section allows you to maintain your board guidelines. If enabled, a link will be added to the board header linking to the board guidelines.', 4); INSERT INTO ibf_conf_settings_titles (conf_title_id, conf_title_title, conf_title_desc, conf_title_count) VALUES (18, 'Converge Set Up', 'Converge is Invision Power Services central authentication method for all IPS applications. This allows you to have a single log-in for all your IPS products.', 1); INSERT INTO ibf_conf_settings_titles (conf_title_id, conf_title_title, conf_title_desc, conf_title_count) VALUES (19, 'Full Text Search Set-Up', 'Full text searching is a very fast and very efficient way of searching large amounts of posts without maintaining a manual index. This may not be available for your system.', 2); INSERT INTO ibf_conf_settings_titles (conf_title_id, conf_title_title, conf_title_desc, conf_title_count, conf_title_noshow, conf_title_keyword) VALUES (20,'Invision Chat Settings (Legacy Version)', 'This will allow you to customize your Invision Chat integration settings for the legacy edition.', 14, 1, 'chat'); INSERT INTO ibf_conf_settings_titles (conf_title_id, conf_title_title, conf_title_desc, conf_title_count, conf_title_noshow, conf_title_keyword) VALUES (21,'Invision Chat Settings', 'This will allow you to customize your Invision Chat integration settings for the new 2004 edition', 10, 1, 'chat04'); INSERT INTO ibf_conf_settings_titles (conf_title_id, conf_title_title, conf_title_desc, conf_title_count, conf_title_noshow, conf_title_keyword) VALUES (22,'IPB Portal', 'These settings enable you to enable or disable IPB Portal and control the options IPB Portal offers.', 20, 0, 'ipbportal'); INSERT INTO ibf_conf_settings_titles (conf_title_id, conf_title_title, conf_title_desc, conf_title_count, conf_title_noshow, conf_title_keyword) VALUES (23,'Subscriptions Manager', 'These settings control various subscription manager features.', 3, 0, 'subsmanager'); INSERT INTO ibf_conf_settings_titles (conf_title_id, conf_title_title, conf_title_desc, conf_title_count, conf_title_noshow, conf_title_keyword) VALUES (24,'IPB Registration', 'This section will allow you to edit your IPB registered licence settings.', 3, 1, 'ipbreg'); INSERT INTO ibf_conf_settings_titles (conf_title_id, conf_title_title, conf_title_desc, conf_title_count, conf_title_noshow, conf_title_keyword) VALUES (25,'IPB Copyright Removal', 'This section allows you to manage your copyright removal key.', 2, 1, 'ipbcopyright'); INSERT INTO ibf_upgrade_history (upgrade_id, upgrade_version_id, upgrade_version_human, upgrade_date, upgrade_mid, upgrade_notes) VALUES ('', '20012', '2.0.2', '0', '0', ''); DROP TABLE ibf_tmpl_names; DROP TABLE ibf_forums_bak; DROP TABLE ibf_categories; DROP TABLE ibf_messages; alter table ibf_tracker change topic_id topic_id int(10) NOT NULL default '0'; ALTER TABLE ibf_tracker ADD INDEX(topic_id); ALTER TABLE ibf_topics CHANGE pinned pinned TINYINT( 1 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE ibf_topics CHANGE approved approved TINYINT( 1 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE ibf_topics ADD INDEX(topic_firstpost); alter table ibf_posts drop index topic_id; alter table ibf_posts drop index author_id; alter table ibf_posts add index topic_id (topic_id, queued, pid); alter table ibf_posts add index author_id( author_id, topic_id); ALTER TABLE ibf_posts DROP INDEX forum_id, ADD INDEX(post_date); UPDATE ibf_members SET language=''; ALTER TABLE ibf_members add has_blog TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default '0';