INVISION POWER BOARD 1.3 -> 2.0.0 MANUAL UPGRADE ------------------------------------------------ This file is intended to allow you to upgrade your Invision Power Board manually via shell which is ideal for those with large boards which may require several slow queries. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: It is assumed that you are comfortable with SQL and shell and understand the basic concepts of paths, files and source SQL files. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is assumed that you have read the upgrade text and you have backed up your database and files before proceeding. If you haven't backed up - read the file "Documents/upgradefromipb_1x.html" from the download zip. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: PERFORM A BACKUP OF YOUR DATABASE BEFORE USING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To perform the update, we'll need to use a mixture of command line, PHP scripting and SQL source files. Firstly, upload sql_1.sql and sql_2.sql into the root IPB folder (the one with index.php in it) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: sql_1.sql and sql_2.sql have queries with the default 'ibf_' table prefix. If your table prefix is different, do a search and replace on those files to change 'ibf_' to your database prefix ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first step is to log onto mysql from shell. ------------------------------------------------ When you have a new terminal window open, type: mysql -u{username} -p{password} (Substituting {username} for your SQL username and {password} for you SQL password) ------------------------------------------------ Then type: use {database} (Substituting {database} for your SQL database) ------------------------------------------------ You should see a message like so: > Reading table information for completion of table and column names > You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A > > Database changed ------------------------------------------------ Now we'll run the first source file. Type: source /home/website/public_html/forums/sql_1.sql (Substituting /home/website/public_html/forums/ with your real path to this file) ------------------------------------------------ Now we'll need to run the installer - but we only want a few steps to run, so copy the URL below carefully substituting {} with your real URL to your board: Go to: {}/upgrade/upgrade.php?act=work&version=103&step=7&dieafterstep=13 This may take a while for some large boards. ------------------------------------------------ Now we'll run the second source file. Type: source /home/website/public_html/forums/sql_2.sql (Substituting /home/website/public_html/forums/ with your real path to this file) ------------------------------------------------ Now we'll need to run the installer again - but we only want a few steps to run, so copy the URL below carefully substituting {} with your real URL to your board: Go to: {}/upgrade/upgrade.php?act=work&version=103&step=22 This may take a while for some large boards. This will insert your templates and settings and completes the upgrade ------------------------------------------------ That's it, you should now be running IPB 2!