
Thinking & Reasoning by Melissa Duchak

Thinking and reasoning was the first subject of this term 1. In general it is all about thinking and reasoning consciously and these two might be very unique set of skills to have.

Humans have two sets of thinking: a fast one and a slow one or your system 1 and system 2. This subject gave me a new perspective on how I perceive things. It made me think twice about everything happening around me. It gave me a chance to get in touch with my emotions and how to feel about certain events.

During this period we classified 4 ways of knowing:

We used 4 metaskills during this term which were:

The focus in this class was on reasoning such as deductive reasoning, informal reasoning and inductive reasoning. deductive reasoning is a form of reasoning in which an argument will always be consistent to a logical conclusion. Inductive reasoning is a form of reasoning where the conclusion drawn from a series of cases. And lastly:Informal reasoning which uses fallacies. We also focused on the relevance of fallacies which are arguments that are irrelevant to the claims that they are supposed to support or prove. And of course the use of rethoric like dysphemisms, euphemisms, weaslers, downplayers, stereotypes and many more.

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