
Information skills by Maretta Ebert

Where do we get most of our informtaion from? For me it's the internet and usually the most famous search engine of all time :Google. Because the internet is so famous now people forget about the sources that used to matter like magazines, articles, books and from the news. Nowadays everything digitalized. You are able to read newspapers, articles and books from back in the day.

During this course we had to make mind maps about the Ocean Cleanup. It was usefull because we had to include a mind map in our International World of Business poster.

We had to do this with different steps. First the clarification of the problem, what sources you will use and for who the mind map was meant. The second step was to execute the mind map.

What is probably the most important of information skills is the referencing. If you don't know where something originates from how will you check the credibility and the reliability of the content?

This course made me appreciate information and how we access, imply and execute it. It helped me with desk research as well as field research for my other projects.

Mind map
