
The Union of Concerned Nerdy Friends (founded in march 2008) is a nonprofit organisation for a healthy environment and a safer world. UCNF combines an independent look on society with stimulation of nerdy friend action in order to establish a better world for us all; every member of the nerdy friend family is available to evoke innovative, practical solutions and to secure responsible changes in government policy, corporate practices, and consumer choices.

What began as a collaboration between Bob and Kobie is now a growing alliance of dolls and scientists from all over the globe. UCNF members are dolls from all walks of life: business nerdies, biologist nerdies and physicist nerdies, teacher nerdies and student nerdies.

NerdyThe worlwide achievements over the decades show that the world needs thoughtful action based on the best available knowledge now can help safeguard our future and the future of our planet.

Lorem Ipsum: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam condimentum purus non augue. Ut quis orci. Curabitur et nisl. Quisque ante massa, rhoncus vitae, eleifend ac, facilisis id, lorem. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque lobortis leo et eros. Morbi eros nunc, vehicula a, placerat eu, adipiscing facilisis, elit. Nam tincidunt. Praesent nisi quam, porttitor ac, vehicula id, sagittis at, nibh. Maecenas eleifend ultricies ligula. Nullam sit amet massa. Duis at elit nec tortor mattis pellentesque. Nulla bibendum mattis metus. Morbi turpis arcu, volutpat nec, lobortis non, fringilla eget, risus.


Suspendisse potenti. Sed vel tellus. Nunc cursus consequat ante. Proin odio. Curabitur neque quam, ornare eu, pretium non, congue vitae, urna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent iaculis nisl id dolor. Mauris tristique euismod magna. Nulla diam eros, dictum vel, egestas a, pulvinar sed, elit. Suspendisse potenti.

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