Installed PHP-Version (>= 4.1.x):
Server API:
Server Version:
php.ini Variables:
  • enable_dl="" (Recommended: 1)
  • file_uploads="" (Recommended: 1)
  • max_execution_time="" (Recommended: 30)
  • post_max_size="" (Recommended: 8M)
  • register_globals="" (Recommended: Off)
  • safe_mode="" (Mandatory: Off)
  • short_open_tag="" (Recommended: Off)
  • session.gc_maxlifetime="" (Default: 1800)
  • session.use_cookies="" (Recommended: 1)
  • session.use_trans_sid="" (Recommended: 1)
  • upload_max_filesize="" (Recommended: 2M)
  • variables_order="" (Recommended: GPCS)
Loaded PHP-Extensions: $v) { echo $v . (($k != count($extArr) - 1) ? ', ' : ''); } ?>
(PHP-exttensions that have to be available at least: GD and XML.)
GD-Extension details: '; echo '
  • Version ' . (($gdInfo['version'] != 0) ? $gdInfo['version'] : 'Not installed') . ' (Recommended: Version 2)
  • '; foreach ($gdInfo['formats'] as $k => $v) { echo '
  • ' . strtoupper($k) . ' Support: ' . (($v == 1) ? 'Enabled' : 'Not available') . ' (Recommended: Enabled)
  • '; } echo ''; ?>
    SimpleViewerAdmin-Functions: '; foreach ($funcArr['user'] as $k => $v) { echo '
  • ' . $v . '()
  • '; } echo ''; ?>
    Emergency album deletion

    In case you borked an album, here's the opportunity to delete it and its contents by hand.

    The dropdown contains the directory names of the albums created. Choose the one, you wish to get rid of, and hit the button (only once please).

    ' . $_GET['albumDropdown'] . '" was deleted.'; $statusColor = 'green'; } else { $statusStr = 'The directory "' . $_GET['albumDropdown'] . '" cannot be deleted.'; $statusColor = 'red'; } } ?>


    <?php echo $simpleViewer['adminTitle']; ?>
    '; // Reset the container for the next round. if (!isset($_GET['redirect'])) { $_SESSION['statusMsg'] = array(); } } // Start processing of page content. if (!empty($_GET['file'])) { // Handle albums. if ($_GET['file'] == 'album') { // Set the current working directory. setCurrentDir(!empty($_GET['name']) ? $_GET['name'] : ''); // Switch the requested action. if (!empty($_GET['action'])) { switch ($_GET['action']) { // Add an album. case 'add': addItem('album', $name = (!empty($_GET['name']) ? $_GET['name'] : '')); if (!empty($_POST['name'])) { echo ' '; } break; // Edit an album. case 'edit': if (!empty($_GET['name'])) { $name = $_GET['name']; $renameSuccess = true; if (isset($_POST['saveConfiguration'])) { // Rename the album in the filesystem after // the form was submitted. $renameSuccess = renameItem('album', $_POST['configData']['title']); if ($renameSuccess) { $name = convertStr($_POST['configData']['title'], false, true); } echo ' '; } // Get the config data for the current album. $albumConfig = getConfig($_SESSION['currentDir'] . 'imageData.xml'); echo '

    Album ' . ((isPhpOfVersion(5) == -1) ? utf8_encode($albumConfig['title']) : $albumConfig['title']) . '

    '; // Move an image as requested. moveImage(); // Print the summary of all images within the // current album. printSummary($name); addItem('image', $name); // Display the options. echo '


    '; configure('album', $renameSuccess); deleteItem('album', $name); } else { $simpleViewer['error'] = true; $simpleViewer['errorMsg'] .= "No album name specified.\n"; } break; // Delete an album. case 'delete': if (!empty($_GET['name'])) { deleteItem('album', $_GET['name']); if (isset($_POST['delete'])) { echo ' '; } } else { $simpleViewer['error'] = true; $simpleViewer['errorMsg'] .= "No album name specified.\n"; } break; } // No action action argument provided. } else { $simpleViewer['error'] = true; } } // Handle images if ($_GET['file'] == 'image') { // Switch the requested action. if (!empty($_GET['action'])) { switch ($_GET['action']) { // Add an image. case 'add': addItem('image', $name = (!empty($_GET['name']) ? $_GET['name'] : '')); echo ' '; break; // Edit an image. case 'edit': if (isset($_POST['saveImageData'])) { $captionText = stripslashes($_POST['imageCaption']); if (!empty($_POST['autoCaption'])) { $tmpArr = explode('.', $_POST['imageName']); $imageName = $tmpArr[0] . '.jpg'; $captionText = 'Open image in new window'; } saveImageToXML($_POST['imageName'], $captionText); } echo ' '; break; // Delete an image. case 'delete': if (!empty($_GET['name'])) { deleteItem('image', $_GET['name']); echo ' '; } else { $simpleViewer['error'] = true; $simpleViewer['errorMsg'] .= "No image name specified.\n"; } break; } // No action action argument provided. } else { $simpleViewer['error'] = true; } } } // Handle the gallery configuration. if (!empty($_GET['configureGallery'])) { echo '

    Edit gallery configuration

    '; configure('gallery'); if (isset($_POST['saveConfiguration'])) { echo ' '; } } // An error occured somewhere above. Print a notice and show an error description if ($simpleViewer['error']) { echo 'Something bad happened!
    One or more errors occured.

    ' . nl2br($simpleViewer['errorMsg']); // This is the default case. // After the user is logged in, I show him the main page containing some introductory text. } else { if (empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { echo '

    ' . $simpleViewer['adminTitle'] . '

    Documentation Credits Legal Version '; } } ?>
    Display the login form. } else { ?>
