Multi Theft Auto mIRC Admin
MTA:mA allows to script your own scripts. But you must be already an expert in mIRC scripting.
These Identifiers, Commands and Events are for MTA:mA v3.24 and higher.
Text colored in gold are required server options.


Returns the server that you are watching.

Returns $true or $false if the server is connected with the "Admin+"-connection.

$mta.area(Server,PlayerID) (Admin+)
Returns the name of the area where the player currently is.

For a full list of area's open '' and look in:
[AREA1] For GTA:3

Returns the Nth ban and details of the server.

Returns the deaths of the player.

Note: This is based when you joined the server with MTA:mA.

Returns the directory of the script "mta.mrc".

Checks and displays if there are double event names and returns $true or $false

Returns the game of the server. ("GTA:3" or "GTA:VC")

Note: The old $ in the 2.x versions is renamed in version 3.00 to $mta.status().

$,PlayerID) (Admin+)
Returns the health of the player.

Properties: vehicle

$,PlayerID).vehicle returns the health of the vehicle of the player.

In version 3.08 vehicle health is rescaled to 0-100 and give vehicle health seperated .
$,PlayerID).vehicle doesn't work for passengers without a driver.

$mta.getcar(Server,PlayerID) (Admin+)
Returns the CarID of the player.

Properties: name, carid

$mta.getcar(Server,PlayerID).name returns the car name.
$mta.getcar(Server,CarID).carid returns the car name of the corresponding CarID.

Note: This indentifer is renamed in version 3.04 to $mta.vehicle().

Returns the PlayerID of the matching name with the Wildcard.

$mta.getid(1,e) returns the 1st PlayerID of a name that contains a "e".
$mta.getid(1,ero) returns the PlayerID of "Aeron" (If no other names before "Aeron" contains "ero").

If no PlayerID is found, it returns -1 as PlayerID.

$mta.job(Server,PlayerID) (Admin+)
Returns the job of the player. ("Pedestrian", "Driver" or "Passenger")

Note: This identifer is removed in version 3.04.

Returns time that the player idles in seconds.

Properties: time

$mta.idle(Server,PlayerID).time returns the time that the player idles split in weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds. (Example "8mins 33secs")

Note: This is based when you joined the server with MTA:mA.

Returns the IP of the player.

Returns the kills of the player.

Note: This is based when you joined the server with MTA:mA.

$mta.location(Server,PlayerID,[x/y/z]) (Admin+)
Returns the x, y or z coördinate of the player. If no coördinate is given, it returns x, y and z coördinates.

In version 3.00 till 3.04 this was the $ identifier.
$mta.location(Server,PlayerID,[x/y/z]) doesn't work for passengers without a driver.

Returns the maximum allowed players of the server.

Returns the game mode of server. ("Deathmatch" or "Stunt" or "Portland" or "Staunton" or "Shoreside Vale")

Note: In the 2.x versions this was the $mta.type() identifier.

Returns the money of the player.

Returns the URL of the MOTD file of the server.

Note: This indentifer is changed in version 3.21.

Returns the name of the player.

Returns time that the player is online in seconds.

Properties: time

$,PlayerID).time returns the time that the player in online split in weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds. (Example "34mins 59secs")

Note: This is based when you joined the server with MTA:mA.

$mta.passenger(Server,PlayerID) (Admin+)
Returns $true or $false if the player is a passenger.

Returns the ping of the player.

$,PlayerID) (Admin+)
Returns the x, y, z coördinates of the player.

Note: This indentifer is renamed in version 3.04 to $mta.location().

Returns the current number of players on the server.

Returns the score of the player.

Returns $true or $false if the server has scripts enabled.

Returns the IP and port of the server.

Properties: ip, port, cport, send, recieved, time

$mta.server(Server) returns ip and port in format "ip:port"
$mta.server(Server).ip returns the ip
$mta.server(Server).port returns the admin port
$mta.server(Server).cport returns the client port
$mta.server(Server).send returns number of bytes send
$mta.server(Server).rcvd returns number of bytes recieved
$mta.server(Server).time returns the connection time in seconds

$,PlayerID) (Admin+)
Returns the SkinID of the player.

For a full list of skins's open '' and look in:
[SKIN1] For GTA:3
[SKIN2] For GTA:VC Deathmatch
[SKIN3] For GTA:VC Stunt

Properties: name

$,PlayerID).name returns directly the skin name.

Returns the name of server.

Returns the StatusID of the player.
0 = Unknown
1 = Out game
2 = In game
3 = Unknown
4 = Spectator

Properties: text

$mta.status(Server,PlayerID).text returns directly "Unknown", "Out Game", "In game" or "Spectator".

This is based on actions of the player. If the player doesn't do anything, it can give a invalid result.
In the 2.x versions this was the $ identifier.

Returns the sub game mode of server. ("Normal" or "Unknown" or "Van Heist" or "GTA" or "Speed" or "Ransack" or "Scramble start" or "Scramble")

Returns the game time of the server. (Example: "18:53")

Returns the mode of the server. ("Deathmatch" or "Stunt")

Note: This indentifer is renamed in the version 3.00 to $mta.mode().

Returns the VehicleID of the player.

Properties: name, id, list

$mta.vehicle(Server,PlayerID).name returns the vehicle name.
$mta.vehicle(Server,VehicleID).id returns the vehicle name of the corresponding VehicleID.
$mta.vehicle(Server,VehicleID).list returns a list of PlayerID's that are in the vehicle of the corresponding VehicleID.

1st PlayerID is the driver of that vehicle, if there is no driver in that vehicle it returns -1 as PlayerID.
For a full list of VehicleID's open '' and look in:
[VEHICLE1] For GTA:3 Portland
[VEHICLE2] For GTA:3 Staunton
[VEHICLE3] For GTA:3 Shoreside Vale
[VEHICLE4] For GTA:VC Deathmatch

Returns the weapon name of the corresponding WeaponID.

For a full list of WeaponID's open '' and look in:

Returns the weather of the server.


This start ups MTA:mA

/mta.addban <Server> <IP> [<Reason>]
This bans IP from the server.

/mta.ban <Server> <PlayerID> [<Reason>]
This bans the player from the server.

This checks for updates of the Blacklist.

This closes MTA:mA and disconnects you from all connected servers.

/mta.con <Server>
This connects you to the server.

/mta.dis <Server> [<Reason>]
This disconnects you from the server.

/mta.getbans <Server>
This updates/compares the server-banlist with the MTA:mA-banlist.

/mta.kick <Server> <PlayerID>
This kicks the player from the server.

/mta.log <Server> <Text>
This echo's and (if enabled) logs the text into MTA:mA.

/ <Server> <Text>
This sends the text in action on the server.

/mta.motd <Server>
This refreshes the 'Message Of The Day' on the server.

/mta.msg <Server> <PlayerID> <Text>
This send the text to the player with the corresponding PlayerID on the server.

/mta.resetmoney <Server>
This resets the money of players on the server.

/mta.resetscores <Server>
This resets the scores of players on the server.

/mta.say <Server> <Text>
This sends the text to the server.

/mta.setmotd <Server> <Text> (Manual command only)
This sets the ingame MOTD on the server.

Warning: Improper use of this command can result in a server crash.

/mta.setpassword <Server> [<Password>] (Server password)
This removes or sets the server password for clients on the server.

Note: Maximum password length is 32 characters. If it's more it uses the first 32 characters.

/mta.settime <Server> <Time>
This sets the game time on the server.
Use it in format "hh:mm".
Example: "/mta.settime 4 05:60"

/mta.setweather <Server> <WeatherID> (GTA:VC)
This sets the weather on the server.
WeatherID can be:
0 = Sun
1 = Cloud
2 = Rain
3 = Fog

/mta.shutdown <Server> (Server shutdown)
This shutdowns the server.

/mta.slap <Server> [<PlayerID>] <Text>
This slaps the player on the server.

Note: This will damage the player's health with -20%.

/mta.tmsg <Server> <PlayerID> <Text>
This send the text to the player with the corresponding PlayerID on the server delay/stacked-wise.

/mta.tsay <Server> <Text>
This sends the text to the server delay/stacked-wise.

/mta.unban <Server> <IP>
This unbans IP from the server.

This checks for updatess of MTA:mA.


on *:SIGNAL:mta.action:command
This event is triggerd when a players says something in action.
Parameters: $1 = Server, $2 = PlayerID, $3- = Text

on *:SIGNAL:mta.admin:command
This event is triggerd when a admin says something.
Parameters: $1 = Server, $2- = Text

on *:SIGNAL:mta.admin.action:command
This event is triggerd when a admin says something in action.
Parameters: $1 = Server, $2- = Text

on *
This event is triggerd when you send a pm.
Parameters: $1 = Server, $2- = Text

on * (Admin+)
This event is triggerd when a player gets in/out a car.
Parameters: $1 = Server, $2 = PlayerID, $3 = New CarID, $4 = Old CarID

Note: This event is removed in version 3.04.

on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:command
This event is triggerd when a player does a !-command.
Parameters: $1 = Server, $2 = PlayerID, $3 = !-command, $4- = !-command parameters

on *:SIGNAL:mta.connect:command
This event is triggerd after you connect with a server.
Parameters: $1 = Server

on *:SIGNAL:mta.disconnect:command
This event is triggerd after you disconnect with a server.
Parameters: $1 = Server, $2- = Reason

on *:SIGNAL:mta.enter:command (Admin+)
This event is triggerd when a player gets in a vehicle.
Parameters: $1 = Server, $2 = PlayerID, $3 = VehicleID

Note: $mta.passenger() isn't updated after entering a vehicle.

on *:SIGNAL:mta.event:command
This event is triggerd after a mta event.
Parameters: $1 = Server, $2- = Money reset / Score reset / Time change / Weather change

Note: Use $mta.time() and $ to get the change.

on *:SIGNAL:mta.exit:command (Admin+)
This event is triggerd when a player gets out a vehicle.
Parameters: $1 = Server, $2 = PlayerID, $3 = VehicleID

on * (Admin+)
This event is triggerd when vehicle of a player gets in flames.
Parameters: $1 = Server, $2 = PlayerID, $3 = VehicleID

Note: Removed because of much crashes.

on *:SIGNAL:mta.ingame:command (Admin+)
This event is triggerd when player gets ingame.
Parameters: $1 = Server, $2 = PlayerID

Note: Removed because of error's.

on *:SIGNAL:mta.join:command
This event is triggerd when a player joined.
Parameters: $1 = Server, $2 = PlayerID, ($3 = Recoverd)

Note: The ping of the player isn't set at join.

on *:SIGNAL:mta.kill:command
This event is triggerd when a player is killed or died.
Parameters: $1 = Server, $2 = PlayerID, $3 = KillerID, [$4 = WeaponID]

KillerID: 100 = Admin, 254 = Water, 255 = Unknown.
Use $mta.weapon() to get the name of the weapon.
The score is updated in on *:SIGNAL:mta.score:command

on *
This event is triggerd when a player's money changed.
Parameters: $1 = Server, $2 = PlayerID

on *:SIGNAL:mta.part:command
This event is triggerd when a player leaves.
Parameters: $1 = Server, $2 = PlayerID, $3- = Reason (parts, kicked, timeout, flooding, trainer, CRC mismatch, CRC timeout)

on *
This event is triggerd when a player PM's another player.
Parameters: $1 = Server, $2 = PlayerID, $3 = Players nick, $4- = Text

on *:SIGNAL:mta.score:command
This event is triggerd when a player's score changed.
Parameters: $1 = Server, $2 = PlayerID

on *:SIGNAL:mta.spawn:command (Admin+)
This event is triggerd when a player spawns.
Parameters: $1 = Server, $2 = PlayerID, $3 = SkinID

on *:SIGNAL:mta.start:command
Parameters: None
This event is triggerd when you opened MTA:mA.

on *:SIGNAL:mta.submode:command
This event is triggerd when a player activates a submode.
Parameters: $1 = Server, $2 = PlayerID

on *:SIGNAL:mta.text:command
This event is triggerd when a player says something.
Parameters: $1 = Server, $2 = PlayerID, $3- = Text

Note: !-commands are triggerd in on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:command.

on *:SIGNAL:mta.quit:command
Parameters: None
This event is triggerd when you quit MTA:mA.