Today, in the class, we watched a video from Ted Talks. It was from Simon Sinek, who was talking about the marketing strategy from Apple. I knew the video, but it still amazes me how Apple pulled this kind of Marketing off. So, basically it is about:
After the video, we used this marketing strategy as a self-reflection and making a pitch to present yourself in. So what it came down to was the following:
After I finished a good pitch for a general cause, we took a deep-dive into pitching. We learned stuff that, for me, is very useful and I had a couple of insights of it. By insights I mean: How to correctly pitch yourself. I could see the mistakes on which Mrs. Jolly gave me feedback and know how to improve them. A good proposition pitch looks like:
So we went deeper into these points, and I learned that coming up with a good pitch is as important as going well dressed to the appointment you will pitching. So, after the information that Mrs. Jolly gave us, I had improved a lot if it comes up to pitching (never knew it would be this tough/difficult though), and come up with the following pitch:
My name is Emre Ture, I believe that with the right tools, success is very easy accessible. I am aiming at achieving the goal no matter what happens. I am very social and very driven, in this way I can bring a new flow in the team and make sure that everybody is in the right place to function. So far, I have been one of the few who got an undetermined time contract of my workplace, where they announced 8 years ago they would not be giving them to anyone anymore.
This was my final pitch, and looking back to the first pitch I created it is like a whole different world (lol). But I think honestly that it is the whole point of the lecture, making improvements.