deedee und minika in nemo


minika en deedee tijdens een dagje nemo


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec ultricies fringilla nibh. Sed at mauris. Vivamus id enim. Nam et sapien. Suspendisse lacinia, orci id dignissim hendrerit, sapien nisl volutpat sapien, a egestas lacus quam nec arcu. Nunc molestie. Vivamus ut purus ut diam ultrices posuere. Nullam sem pede, faucibus sit amet, pulvinar non, rhoncus sed, tellus. Donec quis velit. Phasellus et lorem. Sed vitae lorem id massa eleifend placerat. Sed quis dui.

Etiam rutrum sapien elementum risus. Sed a dolor. Ut nec ante. Fusce egestas tellus non purus. Donec congue sagittis leo. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam mollis fermentum est. Maecenas pellentesque enim eget ligula. Nulla ut est non justo auctor dictum. Nunc justo ligula, scelerisque nec, luctus ac, pretium eu, ante. Vivamus semper. Aenean imperdiet, arcu sit amet mattis pellentesque, nisl odio pretium felis, sollicitudin vestibulum metus eros eu augue.

Etiam rutrum sapien elementum risus. Sed a dolor. Ut nec ante. Fusce egestas tellus non purus. Donec congue sagittis leo. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam mollis fermentum est. Maecenas pellentesque enim eget ligula. Nulla ut est non justo auctor dictum. Nunc justo ligula, scelerisque nec, luctus ac, pretium eu, ante. Vivamus semper. Aenean imperdiet, arcu sit amet mattis pellentesque, nisl odio pretium felis, sollicitudin vestibulum metus eros eu augue. Etiam fermentum. Mauris molestie urna iaculis nisi malesuada pharetra. Etiam vehicula mauris a pede. Suspendisse viverra aliquet ante. Quisque at augue. In pede tellus, feugiat vitae, semper ut, dignissim tristique, mi. Duis ultrices accumsan arcu. Praesent a justo. Proin id ante. Maecenas ultricies ligula pretium lectus. Sed magna purus, interdum a, molestie sed, sodales ut, leo.




Sonic Syndicate

sonic syndicate



Sonic Syndicate are back after a monster year with their debut album “Only Inhuman”

Can there a better start for a newcomer?

Now, SONIC SYNDICATE have stepped it up to another level. They started to write on the road followed up by 4 weeks of intense practice sessions before entering the studio once again with acclaimed producer Jonas Kjellgren with one thing in mind, “to make a kick ass album ”

Roberto Laghi jumps into the mixing seat this time (IN FLAMES) and Achim Koehler grabs hold of the mastering table and together they have worked up a sound that has turned into a masterpiece and brings in the true sound of SONIC SYNDICATE in every way.


Jack of Diamonds has created the blueprint for this diverse, high energetic album.

While some say everything has been done before some say others do it much better and more original and Jack Of Diamonds is just that. Add a twist of this and a twist of that, top with tons of Sonic Syndicate and away we go. It’s hard to imagine the entire album is amazing and will send you on one hell of an emotional nightmare but it does just that."Encaged" – pure Modern Metal with balls “My Escape” – Full of true heart warmed feelings and Power Shift – punishing in your face melody.

The band has once again put together some tremendous hard rocking melodies that will be sure to conquer your heart. Young, ambitious, their extreme love for music and with their legion full of amazing fans the sky is the limit