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mijn gastenboek bij write2me

I have been living in Holland more or less "permanently" since 1983.

"Settled down", raised 13 foster children while living in the country

Had a large vegetable garden.

I had been interested in computers since university in the 70's and in 1983 I followed my first course in Microcomputers, soon followed by several other computer courses. And I have never stopped studies since.

Since the beginning of 1989 I have a job in a large non-profit organization. The first couple of years I worked "alone", then I had some nice colleagues for a while.

Photo on the right made with Ralph Schumacher on the "computer internetworking event" in Amsterdam. For some years I worked as a network administrator, system engineer, programmer and Oracle database-administrator

Sadly after some reorganization in January 2004 we were left with only 2 part timer system engineers and a part time manager for an organization of 400 people. We had more than 200 PC's, 9 Servers, some of them Novell, some Oracle-database servers, webservers, a Novell Groupwise server and a Citrixserver.

The company changed the name to the rather ridiculous name of "Base Groep"

2006 the board of directors decided to outsource the IT. I stayed with the company and was given the job of webdesigner and left with all the IT-titbits not sourced out.

It was quite a change ........

I got fed up and unhappy and decided I wanted to work only for myself and quit in summer 2008.





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