This seems obvious to most, but to get back to the main page you press the close button in the corner (X). You could put navigation on this page i suppose, if you wanted... UPDATE: don't worry, I've done it for you anyway.
- The design is now fully vaild XHTML 1.0 Strict, unlike the original version which was HTML only. (Don't worry if you haven't heard of XHTML - its practically the same as HTML.)
- Close and back to top buttons now have tooltips to more effectively explain what they are.
- Font acessibility improved - for those of you that don't have Verdana (like some old Macs, I believe).
- The back to top button works properly, with no editing needed. It uses "anchors" this time.
- Improved navigation - directory chain at the top of the pages.
- Everything in the XHTML is indented! This makes it a LOT easier to understand and edit. Don't know why I didn't do it before, really.
- The spelling mistake on the source code notice has been corrected! Okay, I guess that doesn't count, but at least now I can prove that I know "thanks" has an n.
- A few other small details, which I won't bore you with here. In conclusion: this design is much improved!.
No tables were used in this design, and it's pretty much as CSS-ed up as you can get. Feel free to use, hack or mod this design, but mention who you got it from somewhere on the site (Chris, and leave the appropriate link in the source code. Email me if you use it! I'll help you too. Thanks! You can pretty much do what you like otherwise...(apart from sell it, obviously)
On a separate note, due to the general rubbishness of some monitors, the colours are screwed up. There's nothing I can do about that, so get over it!
This design works on all of the browsers ive tried it on - IE5, IE6, Mozilla, Opera and Netscape.