incubate gel
(not necessary if gels are run in TBE or TPE without ethidium bromide or other intercalating agents)
- 3x 20' 1xTBE (or TPE)
- (optional) 10' ethidium bromide, shoot a pic
- (3x 10' water)
- 20' denaturation solution
- 25' neutralization solution
- 10' 20x SSC
- sandwich (from BOTTOM to TOP):
- 3 whatmann papers
(soaked in 20x SSC)
- gel
- nylon, hybond, whatever
(soak membrane in water, then add 4 volumes of 20x SSC)
- 3 whatmann papers
(soaked in 20x SSC)
- pile of paper
- 1 kg weight
NO BUBBLES !!! (remove by rolling a pipet over the gel/membrane/paper)
- pull DNA up for 5 hours or more (like o/n, weekend) with 20x SSC
- 90'' X-link on transilluminator (or normal stratalinker X-link)
block, probe, detect
- prehybridize 4 hours or more at 65 C
- (DIGed plasmid) probe 5 hours to o/n
washing away unbound label: optimal times and temps vary with different probes
- 10' 65 C 1x SSC, 0.1% SDS
- 10' 65 C 0.5x SSC, 0.1% SDS
- 10' 65 C 0.1x SSC, 0.1% SDS
- 0.1x SSC, cool from 65 C to rt
- 5' 0.3% tween20/TBS
- 30' 1% BBR/TBS (BBR = boehringer blocking reagent)
- add antiDIG-AP, 1:10k, 30'
- wash 3x 10' in 0.3% tween20/TBS
- 5' AP buffer
- 5' CSPD
- film or scanner
10x TPE
151.5 g Tris
71.25 g H2PO4 (=43.75 ml
from an 85% solution)
9.3 g EDTA
water to 2.5 l
20x SSC
3M NaCl, 0.3 M Na-citrate (pH=about 7)
880 g NaCl and 440 g sodium citrate in 2.5 l water
10x TBS
200 mM Tris pH 7.5
1.5 M NaCl
AP buffer (DIG3 from Boehringer DIG kit)
100 mM Tris pH 9.5
100 mM NaCl
(optional: 5 mM MgCl2)
prepare as 10x stock solution - do not add MgCl2 to 10x stock solution, it will precipitate
50 g NaOH
219 g NaCl
water to 2.5 l
302.7 g Tris
219 g NaCl
water to about 2 l
HCl to pH 7
(takes >100 ml 37% HCl)
water to 2.5 l
5x SSC
1% BBR
0.2% SDS,
0.1% lauroylsarcosine